Help You Dwell

Are you overwhelmed?
do you crave order & Simplicity in your home or upcoming move?

We’ve been helping clients reclaim their homes through organization + move management since 2014.


We understand the longing for your home to be the place you always dreamed it could be. Since 2014, we’ve been honored to guide and empower thousands of clients in East Tennessee and beyond to find freedom and peace of mind in their spaces through organization and relocation services.

It’s our greatest joy to help you reclaim your home.



We bring order to chaos.
Packages to suit every need


Let us simplify the process.
Providing assistance each step of the way


How can we free you up to do more of what you love?
Let us guide you to reclaim your home.


Our promise to you: we are always



Celebrating 10 years of service at the Tennessee Theatre in February 2024!

Photo by: Silver Highway



What I needed in my home was peace and structure. HYD was able to take a living space that caused me great angst, and create a space that allowed me to breathe, exist, and just “dwell”.
— Daphne
Money well spent! So great to have these ladies help organize my space and take control of my domain again!
— Katy
Help you Dwell doesn’t try to tell you what to do...they ask what you want for your space, how you will use it, etc and then work to create an environment that meets your needs within your budget.
— Erin