if these walls could talk...

Gallery walls are a wonderful way to display photos of your family and friends, your favorite artwork, and even objects, in a creative and personal way. With the endless lay out options and unique design patterns, it is no wonder they are gaining popularity along the walls of our homes. 

At HYD, it is our job to stay on top of hot trends that will come and go as well as highlight some tips, tricks, and designs we would designate as tried and true "classics." The gallery wall is a perfect combination of personal touch as well as moldable design and we are here to give our stamp of approval to this timeless trend. Now, we know the word "gallery" may carry some weight and cause some anxiety for some, but have no fear...HYD is here! We want to empower you with a few How To Tips to get your gallery wall started. We believe your walls can talk in beautiful, artistic and unique ways and we cannot wait to hear what they have to say! 

Tips & Tricks:

Attempting to display several photos in a cohesive and aesthetically interesting way may feel daunting. Trial and error with hammer and nails can get really ugly really fast. Before you even think about putting a hammer in your hand, here are a few ways to help save your sanity and your sheet rock...

  • Layout: When it comes to laying out your desired gallery wall design, a floor rehearsal is a must. Whether your are going for a streamlined, mix/match, or random look, it is always a great idea to lay out each individual frame, object, and item on the floor to mimic how it will look on the wall. Play around with design, layout, balance, etc.. You will want the design to be centered and balanced on the desired wall. If you don't know where to start, placing frames at-least 2-3 inches apart is a good standard measurement to follow. Nothing has to be nailed into the wall until you are happy with the layout. Play. Lay it out. Think about it. Come back to it.  
  • Command Strips: I can personally endorse this practice as I have used these to hang my own art and photos. These strips will not only save your walls from nail holes, but will also allow you to change the design as you feel lead to incorporate more or would just like to tweak the layout. 
  • Butcher Paper: This is a very low cost way to make doubly sure you are in love with your design and that your design translates beautifully from your "floor rehearsal" to the wall. You will want to measure the butcher paper to cover the desired space of your wall then lay your frames on top of the paper and trace the frames (be sure to note exactly where the hanging bracket is located as that is a main point of the exercise). Then you can transfer the paper to the desired wall and poke through very lightly with a pencil to mark where your brackets will go. Once you remove the butcher paper, you will have a little map of where to place your command hangers or nails. Just remember the rule of thumb...measure twice and nail once.
  • Tip: Playful and grounded are two words to keep in mind when thinking about your wall. Play with different sizes, shapes, textures, etc. You will want there to be at least one aspect or feeling that all of your pieces share that keep the wall grounded...i.e. color palate, frame size, subject matter etc. Again, don't be too restricted by this...have fun.
  • Trick: This is YOUR WALL. As long as it brings you joy, you can not go wrong.

Alternatives to a Gallery Wall:

Perhaps you not ready to commit to a gallery wall or maybe they are not your style, or maybe you don't currently have the wall space but you still would like to showcase the things, people and art that you love. Well, we have some options for you.

Photo ledges are a wonderful way to try out the "creative cluster" effect on a smaller scale. This small gallery shelf can allow you to create depth, play with layout, color palate and texture all without a single nail!


Some great locations for your gallery wall or shelf are: along hallways, above a sofa, centered on a focal wall or even above a bed.

HYD loves to help you tell your story through a gallery wall. If you need a little help along the way, don't hesitate to reach out to us!        // info@helpyoudwell.com or 865.245.9080 //
