Before Help You Dwell existed, I worked at The Volunteer Ministry Center which is a non profit organization that operates a permanent supportive housing complex and works to prevent homelessness and assist those experiencing homelessness in obtaining housing. I loved my time at VMC so much that I honestly can't stop going back. The staff, mission, and work of the organization are unparalleled.
The clothing closet before
One of the programs that VMC runs is a homeless prevention center called The Refuge where individuals can apply for assistance with anything from utility bills, to clothing, to bus passes. A few months ago, my mother in law came up with the great idea of getting a crew of donors together to gift a clothing closet make over to the Refuge. Prior to the make over, all clothing and toiletry donations were put into this large closet filled with mis-matched clothing racks that were always overflowing and very hard to keep organized.
BRAND SPANKIN' new closet system!
Commercial Closet Maid system installed by Craig Warren of Home Works
After a few months of research and planning (kuddos to my pretty awesome mother in law for putting in a ton of time!), we came up with a plan to better utilize the space and streamline the organization of new donations. HYD was so glad to be able to help with part of the brainstorming, planning and organization!
We used dry erase clip on labels from Target for each basket so that labels could easily be changed depending on the fluctuation of sizes and items donated.
If you are looking for a place to donate unwanted items, the Refuge is currently in need of men's and women's blue jeans, underwear, backpacks or small duffel bags, deodorant, razors, and sunscreen. They also accept a variety of home goods to help individuals settle in when they are new to housing. You can find the wish list here. Additionally, the refuge is staffed primarily by volunteers and is always looking for people interested in giving back to the Knoxville community with their time.