Good intentions and Mothers Day thoughts

Well folks.... I had good intentions. I was going to blog about local mothers day specials and give-aways but then I gave my 7 month old a bath, put him to bed, made dinner, and had a 2 hour conversation with my husband about differences of opinions in parenting styles and here we are. It's 9:22pm on Wednesday night and the amount of time it would take me to research local specials feels exhausting. So instead, enjoy some pretty pictures of flowers and a few thoughts--because, why not?

Sunday will be my first mother's day as a mama and that feels strange and good. Most days I wake up still a little bit in shock that I'm responsible for a little human. It's rewarding and hard, a blessing and a challenge, humbling and inconvenient, tiring and invigorating. I'm so thankful for little Hank (hankypants, beetle, hankasaurus rex--take your pick) and so thankful for Andrew and the fact that he is such a hands on, involved, great dad and life partner! 

SO to all of you mama's out there, give yourself a break this week--- and when you are feeling like you are dropping the ball (like I do with this blog entry) just remember that a few months from now, honestly probably a few days from now, no one will remember that you didn't get dinner made and opted for taco bell, let the laundry build up to an obscene amount, didn't vacuum your living room for a month, or wrote a blog that wasn't informative or helpful in terms of organizing.  You are doing a great job and beating yourself up about the little things is just straight up not helpful. Go get yourself a glass of rose', drink it in bed, and remind yourself that the laundry and everything else can wait until tomorrow.

Cheers! and Grace and Peace to you all!


