a tried and true tip


If you've browsed the magazine aisle at the grocery store in the past few years, you have probably noticed that organizing is trendy.  Magazines promising "35 tips to get your whole house organized", "how to organize your pantry in 30 minutes", or "best organizing products" are all vying for your time and money. While those articles are helpful and fun to read, there is one organizing tip or method that we always come back to. Organizing by category rather than by room or space is more a helpful and thorough way of turning chaos into order.

What we have found, is that often times people store the same kinds of things in multiple places around the house. You may have holiday decor stored in multiple closets and storage spaces. Organizing each space separately wouldn't be as productive as pulling out all of your holiday decor at once. We suggest taking inventory of all that you have so that you can do a more thorough purge, and then organizing and re-storing the items in a way that makes sense. If you can't store all like items together due to space issues, try grouping by specific categories within the broader category. If you are working with holiday decor, you could separate by seasons/holidays or by inside and outside decor.

Whether you are organizing clothing, cleaning supplies, or linens, make sure to think through every area in your house where you store similar items so that you have an accurate picture of all that you have. You may be surprised by the duplicates or excess that you find.

Do you have a tried and true organizing tip? We'd love to hear!
