Gardening for Beginners | Tips for Potted Herbs, Window Boxes, & Raised Beds
Most of us are still staying home these days. With summer creeping in, it’s the perfect time to grow something. The benefits of gardening are vast, but we are certain that no matter what you “successfully” grow or harvest, the act of tending to plants, flowers or herbs will be life giving. You may never become a master gardener, but it might be worth the many lessons you’ll learn with your hands in the dirt. Disclaimer- we are not the experts but there are options for everyone, from herbs to flowers to vegetables. Don’t be intimidated - you can always start somewhere.
Ready to grow something yourself? We’ve put together a few ideas about where to start. Happy gardening!
Why plant in pots?
This allows you to control the soil. You can adjust how much light/shade they are getting my simply relocating the pot to a new spot when needed. Potted plants are much less likely to face the problem of weeds. Keeping your herbs in pots allows you to keep them alive inside during the winter.
Where to start?
Herbs: Think about the types of herbs you’d be likely to use in your kitchen for cooking or drink mixing. We recommend choosing 3-4 to begin with. Some popular choices are mint, basil and rosemary.
Pots: Pick a few or one larger one. Choose a look that fits your home & style. Choose your pot size based on how big you hope the herbs grow to be. Most herbs do well in typical garden soil and don’t require a very deep base of soil. Pay attention to the need for the soil to drain, making sure the pots you choose have holes in the bottom. We love this terra cotta planter + this set of iron galvanized planters.
How to take care of them?
Each herb may require slightly different levels of sun and moisture. However, there are certain herbs that do well together (see image). Our friends at Thress Nursery & Stanley’s Greenhouse are super helpful and can give you a more specific guide on how to care for your herbs.
Will this work for me?
If you are short on green space or just want to enjoy the beauty of your plants outside & inside - window boxes will do the trick. These are small and manageable. You can get creative in the look & design of your window box.
What to consider?
It may sound obvious, but always start by measuring the width & depth of your window sill to make sure the box you pick will fit and fill it well. Make sure the window boxes have drainage holes in the bottom. Be sure to attach or securely hook your box to your window sill or frame.
How to choose your plants?
Based on the direction your window box is facing, choose plants that require the right amount of sunlight. Better Homes & Gardens categorized the three types of plants to use in your window box as Thrillers, Spillers & Fillers.
Why plant in a raised bed?
As organizers, admittedly we love the orderly look of a contained garden. You can choose the optimal place in your yard. The raised bed can help keep pests, weeds and intruders out. Did you know that the soil in a raised bed warms up earlier, to allow you to plant earlier in the season.
What to consider?
It does take a considerable amount of planning and preparation. Due to the efficient draining in raised beds, they may require more frequent watering. Grow food that you & your family love to eat. Try this Kitchen Garden Planner to design your layout. By incorporating a few flowers in your vegetable garden you not only add a little beauty, but you’ll also attract pollinators that will pollinate your vegetables- it’s a win, win.
How to get started?
Pick a spot in your yard - think lots of sun and if possible, close to a water source. For inspiration, Pinterest is full of raised bed layout ideas. You can buy ready-made raised bed kits. You could also use concrete blocks or stones to create a raised bed container. Or you can embark upon the DIY route by planning, measuring, cutting and building your raised bed. HGTV created a step by step guide. You’ll obviously also need soil & compost. For your vegetables, you can either start with a seed or a small plant. Again, our trusted professional friends at Thress Nursery & Stanley’s Greenhouse will be your best guide in making these decisions. They can also show you any additional stakes or cages you might need for some vegetables.
A little encouragement before you go
Photo from Stanley’s Greenhouse by local photographer, Taryn Ferro, from the Knox News Sentinel
We’ll leave you with this beautiful image as encouragement. Explaining the photo that appeared in the ‘Life’ section of the Knoxville News Sentinel, local photographer Taryn Ferro was quoted as saying:
It was a beautiful moment through all the chaos, masks and all, and I just couldn’t pass up a shot like that. It’s got such a beautiful depth to what’s going on in the world. It’s as if they just exist in this frame with no outside world around them, engulfed in beauty.
Create a peaceful outdoor space you enjoy spending time in with these simple tips!