Just... Take a minute for you — Help You Dwell

Just... Take a minute for you

Do you have to remind yourself to relax your shoulders or jaw when you lay down in bed after a long day? I know I have to.

Our lives are so very full of stressors, and the constant pressure to go, Go, GO onto the next thing that by the time the day is over, we are completely spent and left feeling empty and exhausted.

I know there is a throng of choirs singing about the importance of self-care, and not to sound repetitive but.. it is SOOOoooooo important.

The problem isn’t that we don’t know to take care of ourselves: mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. We know we should be doing that. The problem is that we don’t do it with intention. It can become just another thing we feel like we have to do. It becomes a chore.

But we want to help re-frame that thinking. Self-care should be something we look forward to and prioritize because we want to.

One way to help encourage ourselves to more actively take care of ourselves, is to create a place in our home that enables us to quickly and easily do just that.

So— take a look around your home. Do you have a place you’ve been looking to revamp, or freshen up? Why not make a space dedicated to finding and practicing peace? Making a meditation space in your home can be a visual reminder to take time for yourself.

Find a space

Finding a space might be the biggest challenge in some cases. You might think “I use every inch of my house! I don’t have a spare room!" But, it doesn’t have to be a big space. It could be in the floor of a closet, or the end of a hallway, even just a corner can work.

It just needs to be somewhere away from your distractions. Somewhere in your home that you can take a minute to breathe. If that’s in the bathtub, hey, that’s just as good a place as any!

If you’re like me, and don’t have a corner to spare, thats OK! Your space can move with you as you need it to. It doesn’t have to be a permanent to function. If you need a mobile meditation station, I recommend getting a tote to put all your meditation items in for easy set up and take down.

The main thing here is to be intentional about YOU. The only requirement for your space is that it’s somewhere you feel safe and can limit your distractions. How do you do that? I’m so glad you asked.

Give the space intention.

It’s hard to pull our attention away from life, so I recommend keeping your senses occupied with your current goal— whatever that may be,— mediation, yoga, prayer, or just a moment of peace for you to breathe.


To me, the most important part of making this space is what you can hear, or rather, NOT hear. We get distracted by commercials, phone notifications, the general noise of life. To disconnect we need to remove ourselves from those distractions. Even if your house is, like mine, almost always filled with some kind of noise, find a time when it’s more quiet, or pop some headphones in to create some auditory reprieve from life for just a few minutes. A cordless noise maker is great for this too!


I don’t know about you, but when I light a candle I instantly feel more relaxed. I think that same thought applies to our meditation corner. Light a candle incense or a wax warmer, use some essential oils—whatever it is that will fill the air with aromas that relax you. Not only that, but these things also help visually too!


Making this space is visually peaceful is imperative. This is why a corner is nice, because facing the corner, you limit your vision to focus on what’s in front of you rather than what’s around you. (The laundry that needs folding, the dishes, or the yard work.) Instead of seeing those things, put some artwork in the corner, plants, candles or a Namaste banner to keep your eyes on the prize.


Another big part of what makes a space relaxing is what you can feel, and how you feel. If I can’t get comfortable, I’ll never be able to focus on what I’m trying to do. The problem is sitting on the floor can get uncomfortable quickly, but a chair might not be the best option to feel grounded either. Thankfully, our friends at Inner Space Yoga have a nifty cushion for just such an occasion. Their mediation or bolster cushions are made to support you while also providing comfort as you mediate. Add a yoga mat or blanket, and it can’t get much better than that.


To round out your senses— what tastes make you relax? A cup of tea, a bite of chocolate, or perhaps a refreshing spearmint candy? Whatever that is, bring that into your corner as well to keep your focus on your intention for a full mind and body experience.


Now that your space has intention, and is clear of distractions, it’s just a matter of making the time to do it, and making a habit of it! Remember, practice makes progress. This isn’t about being perfect, it’s about making progress toward peace in our lives.

If you’re like me and find that getting stared is the biggest challenge check out our friends’ at Inner Space Yoga for tips and tricks along your journey to reach your self-care goals. Bolsters are available this holiday season to give as gifts! For more information, you can also sign up for their newsletter here. “Everyone needs a little grounding for the soul” says Rebecca at Inner Space Yoga, and I couldn’t agree more.

Everyone needs a little grounding for the soul
— Rebecca Inner Space Yoga

Be sure to connect with Inner Space Yoga on Facebook and Instagram.

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