
5 Ways to Make Moving Less Stressful

Most people prefer comfort and routine. We build our lives around convenience and always strive to find the easy way out of demanding situations. Nonetheless, life often has a way of challenging us with overwhelming tasks, and moving is among the most common ones. While, in most cases, there is no avoiding it, there are ways to make moving less nerve-wracking. Packing your entire life and relocating to an environment where everything is unfamiliar can take a tremendous toll on your emotional well-being. Because of that, it is not something you should take lightly. These 5 ways to make moving less stressful can help you keep your sanity through the process and maybe even find some joy in it.


Make moving less stressful by planning

The key to tackling any major task is thorough planning. Although this step is often unjustly neglected, its benefits are undeniable. Even if planning is not your forte, know that winging a complex project is seldom a good idea. Putting everything on paper can help you visualize and conquer the most dreadful and headache-inducing issues. Whether you decide to write down some basic steps on a post-it note or do an entire inventory of your home, remember the more organized you are, the smoother the transition will be.

Dedicating each day to packing a different room or doing a few smaller tasks is a smart way to start. Putting together a to-do list will ensure you don't forget anything along the way. Additionally, checking off the tasks you've finished will give you a sense of achievement and a burst of encouragement that will help you power through. Oh, and make sure to gather all the moving supplies before you start doing anything - this alone should dial down the stress significantly.

Get some help

When trying to make moving less stressful, one thing many people decide to do is hire professional help. These days you can find anything from packing assistants to professional organizers and movers. Whether you're too busy to deal with the moving process on your own or preoccupied with kids and pets, hiring professional assistance will surely take an enormous load off your back.

However, since moving is by itself already a bank-breaking experience, it's understandable if you can't or don't want to splurge on added luxuries such as professional movers. Still, don't despair. The next best option is your friends and family! You might have to bribe them with cookies or dinner, but your move is guaranteed to be less stressful and more entertaining. Just make sure not to get distracted by reminiscing about the happy memories you've collected in your old place.

Pack mindfully

One of the biggest reasons why people consider moving stressful is the fact that they have to deal with a lot of things. Just think about it - you have to pack, protect, transport, unpack, sort, clean, it's no wonder you're overwhelmed! There is, however, a simple solution to this predicament. Downsizing your possessions while packing will immensely alleviate your headaches. Going through the trouble of packing things you don't use or need is pointless and potentially expensive.

If you're struggling to find the courage to get rid of some of your belongings, remember that doing so will save you time, energy, and resources. And if that isn't enough, know that your donations will help those in need, and you'll use fewer supplies which will make your move greener, so you can relocate and be kind to the environment at the same time. You'd be surprised how much single-use trash one move can create, so working toward a green relocation is something to be proud of. You might even earn a few bucks if you decide to sell some of your belongings. It's a win-win situation either way!

Keep it clean 

Another way to make moving less stressful is to stay on top of cleaning. Not many things are as frustrating as thinking you've finished all the work, only to realize you have yet to clean the entire house. If you leave cleaning for the last minute, you risk doing more work as days of accumulated dust, dirt, and trash are much harder to deal with, especially when you're already exhausted. Instead, try to clean as you go. If needed, wash things before packing and clean any mess you make right away. Once you're finished with a room, make sure to vacuum, mop, and do anything else necessary. Not only will this speed up the packing process, but your move-in will flow much smoother as well. Remember that a few smaller tasks are always less of a burden than one huge task. Your future self will be thankful!

Be kind to yourself 

Moving is a process you probably want to be over with as soon as possible. It's understandable considering lots of nuisances and hard work you have to deal with while knowing there's a new house waiting to become a home on the other side. However, this is not the time to neglect your health, as this can only make the process longer and more strenuous. No matter how much work there is still to be done, always make time for good sleep, healthy food, and plenty of self-care.
Since cooking is likely not something you will want to do every day, consider meal planning. This will ensure you have access to balanced meals without going through the hassle of thinking about what to eat and how to make it. Reward yourself when you finish stressful tasks by recharging your batteries. Whether it's a walk in the park, a movie with your loved ones, or a delectable dessert you've been craving, these small pleasures will keep the stress at bay and help you keep going.

While there is no guarantee that you will be able to avoid stress entirely, applying these ways to make moving less stressful can't hurt. Pressure and anxiety are a big part of our life, and it's crucial to try to minimize them when possible. Just remember no situation is permanent and that good things are waiting for you once the stress passes.


Interested in some hands on help purging, packing, and prepping for your move?
We always begin with an extended move management consult.

Packing up the Memories


There often comes a time in all our lives or our loved one's lives when we have to say goodbye to the place we've called home.

This is never an easy transition for multiple reasons. In this particular case, the homeowner needed assistance with everyday life and wasn't able to live on her own any longer. Not being able to take much with her, her daughter and son-in-law have been left with the task of clearing out the remaining items from her former home. However, they have busy lives of their own both working and raising two active school age children. After almost 6 months of the condo sitting untouched, waiting to be gone through, HYD got the call to help.

This situation is all too familiar to so many folks. A parent's home filled with memories, trinkets, collections, photographs, furniture (both valuable and not), attics, that are so overwhelming to go through. In this case, we've been able to go through every cabinet, dresser drawer, bookshelf, box, closet, trunk, and room to categorize, label, box up, and create order so that when the daughter and son-in-law come, they can easily decide what to keep, what to sell, and what to donate. 

HYD feels honored to be trusted with such an important job which is why we take such care with each object we touch, paper we read, photo we categorize, and memory we help to preserve. It all stays confidential and our clients can feel safe knowing that we will find the right home(s) for any items they choose not to hold on to.

This particular homeowner is a very talented artist. We thought you'd enjoy just a few treasures we found as we organized her belongings. The first is her "Ideal Wardrobe" handmade book from the late 1940s. The latter photos are just a couple of the many wonderful sketches and prints we found. Enjoy...

Thanks so much for coming along with HYD as we journey through our clients' stories and memories. It is a job we cherish and look forward to each day. If you have any questions or interest in learning how we might help you or a loved one with transitioning into a new home, please don't ever hesitate to call or email us at 865.245.9080 or

We've also updated our website in a few places to describe in more detail how and what HYD can assist with especially related to estate transitions and organized moving and unpacking.

And as always, feel free to drop by The Hive to visit us anytime we're in!