Pause for a Moment

This week, we simply wanted to invite you to pause. Many Knoxvillian’s are enjoying Fall Break, which looks very different from years past. Whether or not you have a full week, a few days, or just an hour to make space for a break - we encourage you to do so. In so many ways, we’ve each developed deeper resilience and strength in response to the way the world has changed around us.

The past few months have been unexpected, chaotic at times, and full of confusion. We’ve waited, grieved, hoped, lost, and kept moving forward. As a whole, it seems our culture has somehow shifted into overdrive as we’ve moved out of “lockdown” and into our new normal. Our homes continue to function as our places of rest, work, play, and everything else. Many of us are still playing additional roles in our personal and professional lives. Your situation and schedule may require you to ask for help, in order to pause.

It’s time to pause.


Consider the word “recreation”, it’s latin origin means “renew”. Find out what makes you come alive. Make time to try new things. Remember what makes you laugh. Allow yourself to take off the “heroic” capes we wear marked by efficiency & productivity.

“If I don’t do this, you don’t get the work”.

Leonardi Da Vinci said that, referring to a bed in his studio he was frequently criticized for taking naps in. What a deep respect for his own rest. In Sweden, people have developed a cultural practice called “lagoom”, which means “Not too little. Not too much. Just right”. This mindset around moderation could contribute to why they are one of the happiest countries.

Notice the leaves changing color every day this Fall. You are certain to miss the moments of beauty that you don’t pause + set out to find.

Consider this post, your encouragement and permission slip to pause.