I was so excited when I heard that Knoxville has a new second hand outdoor gear shop! Outdoor Gear Revival is in an unassuming shopping center in Bearden. How had I passed this countless times without knowing it was there? This kind of shop was one of my favorite places to visit when I lived briefly in Asheville, and when I worked for two summers in Vermont leading crews of young people building hiking and mountain biking trails.
You see, in addition to being a hiker, camper, and outdoor enthusiast, I am a second-hand junkie. I love finding treasures that others no longer need, and giving them a second life. I love doing my shopping at thrift stores and antique stores, knowing that I’m helping stop the constant flow of things into landfills, and preventing the unnecessary energy usage of manufacturing more new things in a world that is already overflowing with enough. Above all, I love my home full of unique vintage treasures and decor, and my wardrobe full of stories and statements.
Photo by Outdoor Gear Revival.
But a second hand gear shop is an entirely other special category of second hand things.
Growing up, there was a picture of my dad on our wall from his trip to Alaska in his twenties. He was standing by a lake, with his buddy and the bush plane they had taken to this remote mountain location. This evidence of adventure made me admire him for being so brave and exciting. All of my childhood and through college, the sleeping bag I took to summer camp and sleepovers was an avocado green Snow-Lion mummy bag- the very same one he took on this Alaska trip. Something about that history and the places it had been made it my favorite possession.
There’s just something about this-- a sleeping bag, a tent, or a camp-stove with a story, that draws me to outdoor gear shops. (Oh yeah-- and the great prices for perfectly good goods!! That too!)
Last week I finally got to go check out Outdoor Gear Revival, and after getting my ready-for-new-owners Chacos and hiking shorts into the consignment system, I sat down with the owners to learn what they love about their business. Enjoy a little snippet of the conversation we had.
Alejandro & Michelle at OGR.
How long have you been here?
We moved here from Chattanooga to open the shop. We finally opened on February 15th, and you may have heard what happened shortly after that. So we had to shut down again… but now we’ve been up and running since May 1st, and business has been good!
If people are cleaning out their closets or attics, why should they think about bringing their things to OGR?
Your outdoor items are designed for adventure. If they’ve been sitting in your basement too long, remember that they could be out on the trails making new memories, and making people happy who might not otherwise be able to afford new stuff! PLUS, it puts money back in your pocket, so you can buy something that you’ll really love and use for this stage in your life. And don’t forget, we take the hassle out of the re-selling process. No more getting stood up by a Facebook Marketplace shopper, or the endless back and forth trying to find a genuine interested buyer on Craigslist.
What’s your favorite part of running this shop?
We love seeing people the next time they come in and tell them-- “Guess what! Your old tent is now on the Appalachian Trail with a college kid who was SO excited to get out on this adventure!” Or telling buyers-- “This pack you are buying belonged to a guy who climbed the Matterhorn!” We sell things ranging from vintage to this year's model, but those old things are so neat because they were made with high quality that lasts, and they come with great stories.
What makes a great day in the shop?
We really love the fellowship part of this. These great days happen all the time. Three or four people will come in separately, and then across a rack of climbing shoes, a conversation starts up. Next thing you know people are swapping stories from their favorite trips, and we’re all sitting around laughing like old friends until we notice it’s an hour after the shop was supposed to be closed. People really connect over their love for the outdoors. Plus it’s fun when people are setting up tents and shimmying into sleeping bags for a test fit-- it gets to be pretty lively in here.
Backpacks galore at OGR.
What should people know about your approach?
Our priority is helping people find the right thing for them. We’re not going to sell you something just to make a sale. If we think you’d actually be better off waiting for something to come in that’s a better fit, or finding it elsewhere, we’re going to tell you so and point you in the right direction.
Do you have any stories of favorite sales so far?
A young woman has been coming in regularly since we opened. She’s getting ready for a big trip, and has been building her collection one item at a time. She’ll come in one week, ready to purchase her backpack, then a few weeks go by as she keeps saving and researches what she’s looking for in a sleeping bag or boots. Little by little she’s put it altogether, and we’ve loved being part of the process.
Final Question. If you had to be reincarnated as an item of outdoor gear, what would it be?
Alejandro: Hmm. Maybe a sleeping bag. To keep someone warm and dry and cozy and cuddled up after long days on the trail.
Michelle: I think I’d be a hammock. I’d help people remember to relax and just enjoy the beauty of a day outdoors, without any of the hustle.
The good news is-- they don’t have to wait for any hypothetical reincarnation! They are helping people in exactly these ways, by sending them out on the trails-- (or to their backyard!) with exactly what they need.
Visit the shop:
5816 Kingston Pike Suite 5
Knoxville, Tennessee 37919
Don’t miss out: Follow their Instagram account & like their page on Facebook to stay up to date!