Learning at Home

As this season of constant unknown continues, we’re faced with the challenge to adapt rather frequently. We’ve spoken to many parents, teachers & students who are asking questions about how to adjust to the new learning environments we find ourselves in. Here are a few suggestions to help you create healthy learning environments in your home.

Photo by Magnolia.

Photo by Magnolia.


We truly believe that the most important part of adjusting to “learning at home” is posture and attitude. There is no perfect way to do this. We all find ourselves in a situation we’ve never been in. There is much to learn. So, give yourself, your kiddos, and those hard working teachers some grace (and them some more grace). By creating an atmosphere of “we” instead of” parents vs. kids”, you can invite your children into making the most of this school year. Including your kids in the set up and planning for their learning at home, may take more time but will make it more meaningful for them.

Interruptions and distractions are inevitable. All of the sudden our homes are now the places we eat, sleep, play, work, learn, and everything else. Expect disruptions and set backs. There’s a real need to acknowledge this new, different and challenging season for what it is.

Before placing unrealistic expectations on yourself or your children, we’d encourage you to ask questions & listen first. It could be very insightful to ask your school age kids some questions like:

  • What makes you nervous about learning at home?

  • What do you miss the most about your normal school years?

  • What aspects of this school year situation make you excited?

Our last suggestion in regards to the approach you take towards learning at home is to ask for help! Our communities, neighborhoods, schools and online groups are full of resources. Ask a few trusted friends what has worked for them and what they might suggest you try.

For those of you who were already doing homeschooling before COVID19, we have lots to learn from you! Here is a great Instagram account with resources and tips.

Set up 

As always, we would urge you to begin by decluttering and simplifying the space where learning at home will take place. Think it through. Before adding school supplies, books, or any other learning items to the space - purge and set up the furniture in a way that is conducive for your space and your kids learning styles .

Natural light is always desirable for a space you’ll be spending a considerable amount of time in. That vitamin D can do a lot for your mood and mental clarity.  When the weather cooperates, crack open a window for a fresh breeze (instant mood booster). If you and/or your children are visual people - try incorporating a visible schedule for the day or week. It will eliminate questions of what is next and can help to set the vision for the day. Build in lots of breaks- go on a walk, have quiet individual time, or eat some good snacks. Snacks always help, seriously.


Don’t be afraid to make adjustments & try different things.

This is a work in progress, a learning journey for everyone involved. No one is going to do it perfectly. Celebrate the small victories and made adjustments when things fall apart. Adapt your daily or weekly schedule based on when your kids learn best or when you have the most attention and focus to guide them. Lastly, remember that your kids learn so much from watching you. Learning to make mistakes & recover, try new things and adapt to changes are such valuable lessons you get to live out in front of your children.

We’re happy to help. Our 1-1 virtual session with Taryn will address your unique situation and needs. She can speak to the specific spatial and layout challenges in your home while providing simple solutions. She’ll ask questions, listen and make suggestions to help you explore the best way to set up your space. You will leave your session empowered and equipped to guide your children this unprecedented season with confidence. This season will not last forever, but together we can do it!