Your home and belongings are sacred.
Photo by Texture Photo.
When we walk into your front door and into your lives, we do not take it lightly. Bringing order, clarity, and organization to your spaces is what we love to do. Today, we just wanted to share a few benefits of living in an organized home.
Did you know?
Living in an organized home can help improve sleep, reduce stress, & increase productivity.
Science has shown that having an orderly space can even increase your likelihood of eating better. Clutter is stressful for the brain, so you're more likely to resort to coping mechanisms such as choosing comfort foods or overeating than if you spend time in neater surroundings," Dr. Selhub (from a study in the Psychological Science journal).
The accomplishment and satisfaction of tackling clutter in your space can propel you into a positive journey of making better choices with momentum.
A sense of order is not easily attained in our chaotic world, but we can experience little bits of “control” when we have a handle on our spaces. Creating a predictable environment can bring a sense of calm.
The average American spends an average of 2.5 days a year of time looking for lost items. Collectively as a country, we spend more than $2.7 billion replacing misplaced items (according to a Pixie survey). A system of organization in your home can save you time & money in the long run.
By purging excess, we are freed up to “travel lightly.” We are no longer weighed down by unnecessary and extraneous belongings.
Sorting through items from a past season of our lives, enables us to live more presently in our current season.
Reclaiming your home through organization is not quite as simple as a 30 minute TV episode may convey (even though that can be fun to watch), but it is possible. It’s a journey and a process that is worth your time, energy, & investment.
We spend our days empowering clients to become “free” from the overwhelm of stuff that weighs them down. Order and peace does not have to look like fancy containers and expensive labels, there is not a “one size fits all” method for everyone. The process of purging, deciding what is most important, and implementing lasting changes in your home is one that we love to walk alongside you in.
Take their word for it…
It’s not too late + we can always start somewhere.
Let’s start with a conversation…