A Love Letter...

A love letter…

to the creaky spots in our floor we aim to avoid in the early hours

to the familiar sound of the coffee brewing

to the spice rack that may or may not contain (slightly) expired seasonings

to the cracked window we haven’t gotten around to fixing

to the grass that isn’t as green as we’d like it to be

to the garden we have lofty ambitions for

to the smudges on the doors and windows, evidence of curious kiddos or pets

to the plants we neglect on accident

to the garage that’s full of kids toys (and other mysterious contents)

to the linen closet that holds sheets & towels to give us warmth and rest

to the dust that accumulates while we’re busy focusing on the more important things

to the jeans in our drawer that don’t quite fit, but one day might

to the fancy shoes in our closet that haven’t gotten worn recently

to the boxes of photos, yearbooks, and journals that hold our secrets

to the shelves of books that we are excited to read, one day

to the light + shadows that dance across the walls throughout the day

to the neighbors we love, and those we need more patience for

to the stack of mail that we will get to eventually

to the calendars and invitations that create a lovely collage on our refrigerators

we love you.

If any of these lines above resonate with you, you’re in good company. “Home” isn’t perfect and in all honesty, we don’t believe it should be. Don’t miss the messy & real moments of today. While we celebrate order and organization, we also know that these are the things that make up our stories and lives in our homes, so for that- we love them all the more.

with lots of love,
HYD Team

PS- What else do you love about “home” in your specific season that you don’t want to forget?
Write it down and hold it dear.