The urge is constant.
We don’t even know it’s there really, it’s not even totally our fault but at every moment, someone is trying to sell us something. And now Siri is listening as well and is able to share our desires with the sellers. Yikes.
This is not new information to most of us, we feel like we’re winning a little bit because now we can pay for Netflix, Amazon Prime, or Hulu and cut our commercials way back so that’s better, right? Wrong.
Our new digital world, along with the same old billboards, sponsors at sporting events, radio and podcast ads, and all the other noise we hear each day of what we need is still very present.
I won't spend too much time on statistics and how many times or how often we are being marketed to, but I would challenge you to pay attention today and see how often it happens.
So, what do we do? How do we combat this very attractive monster
who is coming at us in all directions?
The obvious answer is, we stop buying. But how? “There is such satisfaction in purchasing the thing I was told I needed.” “I love when the package arrives on my doorstep.” “I need to have all the items on hand just in case.” These are all very legitimate phrases we all say and feel. I know, I can’t tell you how my heart swells with a new pair of shoes.
But, I can also tell you how much more my heart grows when I don’t and I see how the item I thought I needed to purchase either shows up in another way from someone else who is discarding it or after a few days (or sometimes just hours), I realize I don’t need that thing after all.
There are two major reasons why our shopping habits have to stop. On a more broad level, the first reason is because of the massive overproduction of stuff in our world. This is not news to you I’m sure, but it has to be said again. We are creating unimaginable amounts of trash on this beautiful planet and our continued buying of unnecessary items is one of the biggest culprits. The second is, we are suffocating ourselves with stuff.
“For over 7 years now, I’ve had the privilege of walking alongside hundreds of clients in their homes for many different reasons to help them dwell. And not one time has ANY client said ‘I just wish I had more stuff.’ Not ever. ”
Our belongings are in our living spaces for us to live a better life, not to constantly create guilt over how much we need to organize or clean them. If you have a room or a space (or multiple rooms/spaces) that you walk by on a daily basis that makes you think, “I have got to work on that” then you are definitely in this category. This is important to pay attention to.
This post is not about purging though. It’s about stopping the deeper problem that created the excess of stuff and that is bringing the items into your living space in the first place. How can we stop purchasing, collecting, or gathering the items that we really don’t need?
Need a game plan?
Do you feel overwhelmed by the clutter in your house, but feel like if you knew how to start, you’d be able to tackle it? Book an HYD Extended Consult, and we’ll be happy to build a plan of attack with you.
We always love to hear ideas you have to share with others. Tell us in the comments!