Every home tour is unique and wonderful in its own way, but this one is extra special. I was able to sit down with Bill and Chris Alley (Taryn’s lovely parents) to talk about their home and what it has meant to them over the last 46 years that they have lived in it.
The original structure of the home was built in 1857 and sold a year or so later to Samuel Shannon McCampbell and Sarah Smith McCampbell. In 1899 an addition to the back of the house took place and the original entrance to the home was shifted to the other side of the house. The accompanying 50 acre farm was registered in 1927 and was formally named Edenvale. In the 40’s or 50’s a recreation room, an apartment, and a garage were added to the side of the house. Bill and Chris purchased the home in 1976 and did some renovating in the 90’s to remodel the kitchen and open it up a bit more. Just being in the house, it’s clear that its owners over time have loved and cherished the home. While the house itself is full of history, the contents of it are equally rich in story and history.
Historic Edenvale
Samuel Shannon McCampbell and Sarah Smith McCampbell
The real estate listing from 1976 when the Alleys purchased the home.
Without further ado, we will give you a glimpse of what home means to the Alleys,
What does home mean to you? What do you hope people feel when they come into your home?
Home is a warm place, a place of comfort, a place to relax and enjoy family. We always hope that people feel comfortable and welcome when they come over. We are not very formal — in fact the sitting room gets used only a handful of times a year. We always invite people into the living room.
Bill on the back porch
Over the years we have loved hosting parties. Some of our favorites have been 4th of July parties by the pool and annual New Years Eve parties. One year we went all out and all of our friends wore tuxedos and formal gowns. We jump on any excuse to have people over. I (Chris) am also a part of several groups that have met at our house over the years— a stained glass group, sewing group, etc. Having our home full of people is one of our greatest joys.
Chris and Bill Alley
How would you describe your style of decorating? Has your decorating style changed over time? Eclectic. We love antiques — mostly primitive and informal pieces. Most everything here has a meaning or a story. Many pieces have been passed down from family members. We’ve been collecting since we were young — if something wasn’t an antique when we bought it, it probably is now. We actually met when we were both living abroad in Greece and several pieces of art and decor were purchased from our time there. We love to hunt and love finding unique pieces to add to our space.
Chris found this framed tapestry in Greece and fell in love with it.
Stairway Detail
Do you have a favorite room in your home?
Our favorite rooms are probably the family room and kitchen. It’s where we spend the most time and where we entertain.

How about a favorite piece or item?
“Each other.” (It’s fine, it’s fine- I’m just over here crying at how cute the Alley’s are!)
We could find something we love in every room. One of our first purchases was the large chopping block in the kitchen. It holds a lot of meaning to us. The green and red cupboard in the kitchen is also a big hit — it gets decorated differently depending on the season.
What is the most challenging thing about your home?
Cleaning and maintaining. When you are a collector, it becomes much more time consuming to clean. Living in a house for a long time, while wonderful, also gives you lots of time to notice all the little imperfections. Because we’ve been here for 46 years we haven’t had the natural purging process that occurs when you move.
Dining Room Mantel
What kinds of things have you all collected over the years?
I (Chris) make stained glass pieces so over time the pieces I’ve made have become a collection of sorts. We collect Santa Clause figurines, snowmen, pitchers, and we have a really neat little medicine cabinet in the bathroom with all kinds of vintage and antique medicine bottles and apothecary items. I (Bill) love playing golf and a friend of mine and I made a life goal to play the top 100 courses. We’ve played 50 of them and 9 of the top 10. I have collected hats and bag tags from each of the courses.
Bill’s golf tag collection
Vintage medicine cabinet filled with collected items
How is your home an extension of yourself or of your family?
It’s old and we’ve grown into it. Most people who know us can’t separate us from the house. It’s definitely become a part of us.
A huge thank you to Bill and Chris for sitting down with me to tell me about and show me their beautiful, memory filled home.
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Photography by Katie Norrell