
Let's Celebrate Galentine's Day

A special blog post just to cheer on some incredible women running businesses here in Knoxville. We are honored to be among so many women owned businesses and to work alongside our own team of over 26 unique and talented women. We love the services and products these companies offer.

So here’s to women doing great work!

A few ways to celebrate friendship with your gal pals:

  • Host a clothing (and accessories & shoes) swap

  • Schedule a girls night out at Zero Zero, Knoxville’s natural wine bar

  • Invite a few friends to participate in a pajama “secret santa” party where everyone brings a pair of jammies & goes home with a new pair too

  • Challenge each other to let go of a few household decor items, send photos in a group text & “shop” each other’s goodies

  • Bring a bottle of wine or unique cheese to a happy hour tasting event with your neighbors

  • Take a friend second hand shopping at Statemint West Knoxville’s sale (Feb. 13-16)

Happy Galentine’s Day to you!

Sweet Summertime and These 5 Things

Summertime is near and we are so excited about the change of pace that comes with it. There is so much to see and do in and around Knoxville and we wanted to share these 5 things with you!

Photo Credit: Paris Woodull

  1. Paris Woodhull: Even if you don’t know her name, you have probably seen her art around town. Paris Woodhull has made a career out of creating illustrations that celebrate Knoxville, mental health, and all things colorful. She has a brick-and-mortar shop in Market Square and does custom artwork as well. Learn more about her art and products here!

  2. Riverview Family Farm: This farm (and fellow Scout Guide member) has been a working farm since 1801. The 7th generation of the family now runs the farm and solely produces Black Angus beef. Their market also sells locally made honey, cheeses, and more! They have a 6,000 sq. ft barn you can rent for weddings and events. In the summer they also have delicious ice cream at the market to enjoy. If you've never been to an event or sale there, go visit and enjoy the beauty and peace farm life can bring.

  3. Rhinestone Fest: Dolly Parton is an icon. Knoxville will celebrate her June 2-4 during this festival in the Old City. This celebration (formerly known as Dolly Fest) is a family-friendly event that will celebrate all things Dolly, and it’s FREE to attend. Put on those cowboy boots and dress up in your Dolly-best for a weekend of art, music, history, food and fun celebrating Dolly!

  4. Dixie Lee Fireworks: Light up the sky this summer with fireworks from this family-owned fireworks stand. This year they celebrate 75 YEARS of business when they open NEXT WEEK, which makes them pretty legendary, too.

  5. Take a Selfie! Did you know Knoxville has over 40 murals? Take a walking tour downtown and see some of the amazing creations done by local artists. The Top 5 are listed here and they are a good place to start. Don’t forget to tag #knoxrocks if you post them on Instagram!

Edenvale: A Holiday Home Tour

Every home tour is unique and wonderful in its own way, but this one is extra special. I was able to sit down with Bill and Chris Alley (Taryn’s lovely parents) to talk about their home and what it has meant to them over the last 46 years that they have lived in it.

The original structure of the home was built in 1857 and sold a year or so later to Samuel Shannon McCampbell and Sarah Smith McCampbell. In 1899 an addition to the back of the house took place and the original entrance to the home was shifted to the other side of the house. The accompanying 50 acre farm was registered in 1927 and was formally named Edenvale. In the 40’s or 50’s a recreation room, an apartment, and a garage were added to the side of the house. Bill and Chris purchased the home in 1976 and did some renovating in the 90’s to remodel the kitchen and open it up a bit more. Just being in the house, it’s clear that its owners over time have loved and cherished the home. While the house itself is full of history, the contents of it are equally rich in story and history.

Historic Edenvale

Samuel Shannon McCampbell and Sarah Smith McCampbell

The real estate listing from 1976 when the Alleys purchased the home.

Without further ado, we will give you a glimpse of what home means to the Alleys,

What does home mean to you? What do you hope people feel when they come into your home?

Home is a warm place, a place of comfort, a place to relax and enjoy family. We always hope that people feel comfortable and welcome when they come over. We are not very formal — in fact the sitting room gets used only a handful of times a year. We always invite people into the living room.

Bill on the back porch

Over the years we have loved hosting parties. Some of our favorites have been 4th of July parties by the pool and annual New Years Eve parties. One year we went all out and all of our friends wore tuxedos and formal gowns. We jump on any excuse to have people over. I (Chris) am also a part of several groups that have met at our house over the years— a stained glass group, sewing group, etc. Having our home full of people is one of our greatest joys.

Chris and Bill Alley

How would you describe your style of decorating? Has your decorating style changed over time? Eclectic. We love antiques — mostly primitive and informal pieces. Most everything here has a meaning or a story. Many pieces have been passed down from family members. We’ve been collecting since we were young — if something wasn’t an antique when we bought it, it probably is now. We actually met when we were both living abroad in Greece and several pieces of art and decor were purchased from our time there. We love to hunt and love finding unique pieces to add to our space.

Chris found this framed tapestry in Greece and fell in love with it.

Stairway Detail

Do you have a favorite room in your home?

Our favorite rooms are probably the family room and kitchen. It’s where we spend the most time and where we entertain.

How about a favorite piece or item?

“Each other.” (It’s fine, it’s fine- I’m just over here crying at how cute the Alley’s are!)

We could find something we love in every room. One of our first purchases was the large chopping block in the kitchen. It holds a lot of meaning to us. The green and red cupboard in the kitchen is also a big hit — it gets decorated differently depending on the season.

What is the most challenging thing about your home?

Cleaning and maintaining. When you are a collector, it becomes much more time consuming to clean. Living in a house for a long time, while wonderful, also gives you lots of time to notice all the little imperfections. Because we’ve been here for 46 years we haven’t had the natural purging process that occurs when you move.

Dining Room Mantel

What kinds of things have you all collected over the years?

I (Chris) make stained glass pieces so over time the pieces I’ve made have become a collection of sorts. We collect Santa Clause figurines, snowmen, pitchers, and we have a really neat little medicine cabinet in the bathroom with all kinds of vintage and antique medicine bottles and apothecary items. I (Bill) love playing golf and a friend of mine and I made a life goal to play the top 100 courses. We’ve played 50 of them and 9 of the top 10. I have collected hats and bag tags from each of the courses.

Bill’s golf tag collection

Vintage medicine cabinet filled with collected items

How is your home an extension of yourself or of your family?

It’s old and we’ve grown into it. Most people who know us can’t separate us from the house. It’s definitely become a part of us.

A huge thank you to Bill and Chris for sitting down with me to tell me about and show me their beautiful, memory filled home.

For more tips on how to make your house a home, subscribe to our blog and sign up for our newsletter. If you’d like us to help you in your own home, please call 865.245.9080 or email

We can’t wait to help you dwell!

Photography by Katie Norrell

Wright Home Tour

Wright Home Tour

Welcome to the lovely home of Blair and Debbye . I had the pleasure of sitting down with my “aunt-in-love” Debbye in November to talk with her about her home and what it means to both she and Blair. If you ever get the chance to visit, upon walking in it feels like a home away from home, a respite, and the kind of place that you could easily curl up on the couch and get lost in a book or a conversation. Enjoy this unique home tour.

More than Memories

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Somewhere in the back of one of your closets or in the basement, there might be some boxes of cassette tapes, slides, and more just waiting to be taken out and remembered. The problem is, we have made so much forward progress with technology, that we might not have a way to actually listen to or watch those tapes!

Wil Davenport is the man with an answer to that exact problem while also helping you invest in yourself, friends and family with his company More than Memories (MTM). Wil works to do three things— Preserve, Create and Communicate.

Preserve- MTM will digitize and enhance old media such as home movies, slides, printed photos and documents, 8 and 16mm film reels, cassettes, records, and more.

Create- MTM also makes video slideshows for all kinds of occasions including Memorials, Anniversaries, Birthdays, Church events, Retirements, Christmas, and Easter.

Communicate- MTM also interviews people to help them communicate their values, faith, and stories to those they care for and love.

PC; Texture Photo

PC; Texture Photo

Wil is a one-man team, and works hard to “give folks back a better treasure than they started with.” Wil has several sample videos on his webpage and Facebook page that show just how much time he puts in each and every memory.

He finds his work the most rewarding when he can help people share what’s most important to them, and spark meaningful conversation from videos and memories. He says: “Without a doubt, my favorite part of the job is getting to know new people. I love it!”

“Without a doubt, my favorite part of the job is getting to know new people. I love it!”
— Wil Davenport

Help You Dwell absolutely loves sending our client’s Wil’s way. So often we find ourselves between a rock and a hard place when it comes to sorting through memorabilia. They are precious memories, but so often they remain in their box unwatched, under-appreciated and, frankly taking up space we need for other things!

Wil can bring all those memories to light, while also helping us keep them organized in a way we can actually get them out and appreciate them. (And the digital copy takes up much less space!)

If you want to know what Wil Davenport strives to be known for, it can be summed up in three short phrases: integrity filled, a great encourager, and kind. The husband of Celeste Davenport and the father of Kaleb, Elise, and Nika, Wil seeks to serve and exceed the expectations of his customers. He is also an avid Duke basketball fan.” —More than Memories Webpage

What Wil does is more than memories, it’s about human connection and celebrating life every day! He loves helping you be the family hero who took the time to get those precious memories preserved and enhanced.

If More than Memories sounds like it might be just the thing you need, or a perfect gift for a loved one, Wil would love to hear from you! You can call More than Memories at (865) 414-3954 or reach him by email at

Doing Dishes with Flanders - Knoxville's Dish Shop

Doing Dishes 1912 Washington Pike Knoxville, TN

Doing Dishes 1912 Washington Pike Knoxville, TN

If you’re a new friend of Help You Dwell or new to Knoxville, welcome! Let us introduce you to one of our incredible local resources… Doing Dishes, a pretty little shop selling vintage, antique, and collectable china by the piece.

One of our favorite parts of owning and running a company is working with other small businesses around town! We’ve been so amazed by the local companies and business owners we’ve met over the past 7 years. It is so important to us to partner with folks who serve our clients needs. We were delighted when we discovered Doing Dishes and have grown quite fond of owner Flanders Setchel and Lola Marie- the shop pup!

We sat down over the weekend to learn more about Flanders and her journey to quickly becoming Knoxville's dish queen.

With one of the most interesting career paths of anyone I've ever met, Flanders has been a florist, gardener, server, real estate agent, jewelry shop owner, certified egg handler on a chicken farm, horse trainer, organic veggie farmer, and was a singer in the band the "Red Hot Mammas and Sultry Ladies" that covered torch songs from the 30's and 40's. Flanders came to Knoxville in 2012 by way of Rough and Ready, CA (yes--- that's really the name of the town!!). Doing Dishes became a reality about 1.5 years ago and has quickly become Help You Dwell's go-to spot and highest recommendation to clients who are looking to sell china and dishware. Flanders has been collecting china since the mid 80's and started selling it in '92 to support her dish buying habit. She comes by her love of dishes naturally-- her mother Doris (who you can often find in the shop) designed a line of china for the Carmel Valley Ranch Resort in the 80's. If you think Flanders sounds interesting, you should ask her mom about the time she almost adopted an elephant.

When asked "Why dishes?" she says "For the sake of entertaining. I have a deep affection for feeding people. I love gathering a few friends and setting a beautiful table. The different textures, colors and flavors set the mood for an unforgettable event." Flanders states that she always has 5 sets of dishes at the house at any given time in order to host a variety of different kinds of meals. There's a great quote that she stands by, "I'd rather eat a hot dog off a beautiful plate than beef wellington off an ugly one."

Flanders hosts at least 2 dinners a month and enjoys gathering an eclectic group of people for a beautiful meal and an exchange of ideas. She loves hosting conversations between people who might not ordinarily sit down at the same table- people with different ideas, political views, and backgrounds. For Flanders, setting a beautiful table and using beautiful dishes is a celebration of hospitality. In fact, she mentioned that she ended up selling some of her living room furniture to accommodate a larger dining room table so that she could host larger crowds. Her largest dinner party ever? She recalls a large party back in CA where some 250 people showed up--and who can blame them: her dinners sound idyllic!

So what is "Doing Dishes"? It's a little piece of dish-heaven on earth. If you are looking to buy or sell China, this is the place to go. She offers dishes for every price range and even has a dollar table. In addition to beautiful dish ware, Flanders stocks locally and regionally made goods like soap, stained glass pieces, and other gifts. She will be crafting gift baskets for Mothers Day as well! You can find out more about Doing Dishes on the Facebook Page or you can stop by the shop: 1912 Washington Pike Knoxville, TN 37917 (open Thursday-Saturday).

Flanders and Doris

Flanders and DorisWe can help!

Ready to get organized?

If you have china or other vintage and collectible dishes you’d like to part with? We can help!

HYD Team Home Tours: Allison + Liz

One of our favorite things to share on the blog are home tours. We decided to do a little virtual “home tour” with our own team members. So, enjoy these two!

Allison’s home.

Allison’s home.


How long have you lived in your home?
- 18 years

What does "home" mean to you?
- Coziness, comfort, and a place to reflect the personality of the owner

How would you describe your style of decorating?
- Combo of 50s-60s vintage, comfortable basics, and slightly trendy colors and decor

Did your style happen organically or was it a process of figuring out what style means to you? Has your style changed over time? Do you have any favorite stores or shops for furniture or home decor?
- It has been a process, and I am always changing things. I have a "style" now, but it has progressed over the years. Redecorating and rearranging breathes new life into a room for me, so rooms get makeovers every few years. No favorite shops other than Home Goods/Marshalls, Bargain Hunt, and Target. I always say that I don't find my furniture, my furniture finds me. Lol

Allison’s kitchen.

Allison’s kitchen.

When people come into your home, what do you hope they feel?
- I hope people feel that my home style reflects me. I like for people to ask me questions about things I have, since there are stories behind many of my items. I love to have items that have significance - like it belonged to a family member, or I got it from the estate sale I hosted for a friend, or my husband and I found it on a trip, etc. I also hope they feel like it's a comfortable home. They can touch things, they can sit down wherever. They can go look in my fridge or pantry without asking.

Do you have a style or home philosophy?
- Keeping "white space" in every area. I feel like there always needs to be some empty spots for things to go - empty space in my pantry, closets, on my countertops, etc. I never want anything to be completely full because it's too visually busy for me.

Do you have a favorite room in your home? A favorite piece of art or piece of furniture?
- Favorite room would be my living room, as it has a ton of natural light, and most of the other rooms in my house are darker. Favorite furniture is the master bedroom furniture - it came from an estate sale of an older lady I'd known since I was little. I had always HATED the furniture in our bedroom that belonged to my husband in college. When we stumbled across this furniture, it changed my life!! I love it every time I look at it.

What do you love most about your home?
- Our new outdoor living space, and our neighborhood, as we have a close-knit group of friends.

Allison’s home.

Allison’s home.

How would you describe your relationship to your belongings?
- Very little is permanent in this house, other than very special things (like furniture that has "found me"). I know I like to redecorate, so I prefer to buy cheaper trendier decor because I know it won't be around forever. My mantra is that if I haven't used it in a few years, and I can replace it for less than $30, it's going. In the event I ever need it again, I can either borrow it, or repurchase it. If I repurchase it, it will probably be a better version of the one I had before!

What do you love about working with HYD clients?
- I love making a difference for people. I love seeing that look of "YES!!" on their faces. That look of relief that says "thank you so much for doing what I hadn’t done on my own!”



How long have you lived in your home?
- 13 years

What does "home" mean to you?
- Home is where I feel completely comfortable and where I am surrounded by the people who love me unconditionally.

How would you describe your style of decorating?
- I would say my style is transitional, with a hodge-podge and kid-friendly flare. ☺ I tend to gravitate toward comfort and function over style. If I could completely redecorate my home starting from scratch, I would definitely incorporate more bohemian decor. I love the warmth, color and eclectic vibe of this style.

Did your style happen organically or was it a process of figuring out what style means to you? Has your style changed over time? Do you have any favorite stores or shops for furniture or home decor?
- My style has definitely changed and evolved over time. I used to think that everything needed to match and coordinate perfectly, but now I find my eye gravitates towards a mix of styles, colors, and textures.
I love browsing Home Goods, World Market, and just recently discovered Nadeau.

When people come into your home, what do you hope they feel?
- Comfortable, warm and relaxed

Liz’s living room.

Liz’s living room.

Do you have a style or home philosophy?
- Since I’ve worked for HYD, I have definitely become more of a minimalist in my home philosophy. Less stuff and less clutter gives me room to breathe and enjoy my home even more.

How is your home an extension of yourself or of your family?
- I love a framed photo and my home is full of them showcasing so many of my favorite family memories. My various arts and crafts from over the years can also be seen displayed around our home.

Do you have a favorite room in your home? A favorite piece of art or piece of furniture?
- I have two favorite rooms. The living room is where my family spends the most time together and the bonus room is where I get lost in my love of crafting.

What do you love most about your home?
- I love the open floor plan and the coziness it brings. I l also love our big backyard which feels like an extension of our home.

How would you describe your relationship to your belongings?
- Unless the belonging has strong sentimental value, I don’t get too attached to my possessions. When purging my belongings, my biggest hurdle is letting go of how much I paid for the item, even though I no longer have any attachment to the item itself. I find this takes practice- the more I do it, the better I am at letting go.

What do you love about working with HYD clients?
- I love helping HYD clients feel a sense of accomplishment, whether that’s in organizing a small area or tackling a big move. It’s easy to get stuck inside our homes and not know where to begin making changes. Each time I go into a client’s home, I hope I can provide encouragement and a gentle push in the right direction.

We’ve said it before, but we’ll shout it from the rooftops- we have the most incredible team. It’s what makes Help You Dwell the dynamic, thriving, and unique service provider we are.

Thanks for sharing your homes & hearts with us Allison & Liz.

Looking for more lovely home tours?

Telling More Stories | An Interview with Meg Davis

We are excited to share a little Q&A we had with Meg Davis. She is passionate about storytelling and just recently launched her own business: Telling More Stories. We always strive to honor the story of our client’s lives & their homes, so we were eager to chat with her to learn more about why storytelling is so important to her. Her posture of valuing connection and relationship is one that we so admire.

enjoy our Q&A with Meg

Q- Can you give us a bit of background on who you are?

A- I grew up in Knoxville and have lived here on and off my whole life, it’s home. I went to UT and studied Psychology and English, never envisioning that those two would coincide into any kind of career. I always knew I wanted to be a writer in some capacity. After college, I worked at the Knoxville News Sentinel where I was interested in telling stories with a social justice angle, trying to amplify voices in the community that were seldom heard from. After my time at the Sentinel, I met Kreis Beall, who founded Blackberry Farm back in 1976. She had an incredible story and she herself was a beautiful storyteller. For five years, we worked together to write her life story in the form of a memoir. Her book, The Great Blue Hills of God, came out in February of 2020 with Penguin Random House. The process of telling her story is what prompted me to start my business, Telling More Stories. I discovered how powerful, and even healing, the process of owning and telling one’s own story can be and I knew that was something I wanted to elevate in others and be a part of. It’s an incredible privilege to take part in helping tell another person’s story. Outside of writing, you can find me dreaming up plans of converting an RV into a mobile office to travel around the country telling stories, hiking, forcing my dog to snuggle with me, or exploring our city. I’m a classic Enneagram 9, which means I am also a huge proponent of nap-taking and good old fashioned conflict management. 

Q- Why is "story telling" important to you?

A- Storytelling is important to me, because I think it’s the way we understand not just ourselves, but the world and our place in it. I believe that throughout history, stories have been the primary way in which we are able to interpret the complexities of life. I also think that stories are the great equalizer towards understanding one another, especially those who have differing world views or experiences. One of my favorite quotes is from Michelle Obama, she says, “It’s hard to hate up close.” I think this is the power of storytelling. Once we know someone’s story, where they came from, what shaped them, and the experiences that informed who they are, it changes the way we view that person and has the capacity to soften and change the way we relate to one another. 

Q- What are some of your favorite stories you've read? 

Follow @megcdavis

Follow @megcdavis

A- My favorite stories, in any form, are always the ones with complex, and often broken, characters. I love a good story with a strong, female lead and anything historical fiction.

Q- What have been some of your favorite stories to write?

A- In terms of my own writing, I love when I get the chance to amplify voices of people and communities and to help them tell their story in a way that makes them feel seen and heard. I love a good journey too - individuals who have overcome brokenness or hardship. I also love having a chance to build up and support other women through storytelling when possible.

Q- What is most challenging to writing & telling stories?

A- I have a difficult time writing stories that I don’t feel some element of connection to. Writing can also sometimes feel like a very solitary process which can be a challenge, which is why I enjoy what I get to do, which involves so much interpersonal interaction. Relationship for me is at the heart of everything, so it’s nice to feel like I can make what has the potential to be a lonely job, into something that feels more connected.

Q- What do you find most rewarding in telling stories?

A- What I find to be most rewarding is watching how impactful the process can be for the person telling their story. It is truly a powerful thing to watch.

Q- What do you love about calling Knoxville home?

A- I love living in Knoxville because it has such a vibrant, creative, and community feel to it, while also having such a diverse range of urban growth and outdoor accessibility. It feels like it is always growing, and that has been a fun thing to watch and take part in.

Q- If you could live anywhere in the world for a time, where would it be?

A- I have always wanted to live abroad for a season, somewhere in South America or Southern Europe.

Thank you Meg for sharing with us! Telling More Stories offers a few packages if you’re interested in the storytelling process for yourself or someone you love. Feel free to pass along this interview or share Meg’s website with your friends!

Here’s to the stories we are living today & to the ones we will tell for years to come!

Mother's Day Gift Ideas to Show Mama Some Love

Mother's Day Gift Ideas to Show Mama Some Love

Help You Dwell shares some ideas to help you show your mama some love this Mother’s Day. We’ve come up with a few thoughtful ways to celebrate your mom this weekend. If you’re looking for a gift, we’ve got you covered - a few local products and a subscription for mom.

The Best Boxes for your Next Move


It's a busy time of year for moving and Knoxville's housing market is fast and furious these days with lots of folks relocating within and moving to our fabulous city.  HYD has had the privilege of assisting lots of folks with their move, be it the pre-pack purge, packing, coordinating the day of the move, or setting up clients in their new homes. In our experience, the one challenge that is consistent throughout this process is figuring out the most protected, cost efficient, and environmentally conscience way to contain all our client's belongings.

Just recently, we had the great pleasure of meeting the owner of a new company here in Knoxville that may help us answer that very question...


Meet Frank Ramey, owner, operator, and "Chief Officer of Customer Happiness" of RPM Boxes, a plastic moving box rental company located in the heart of Knoxville.

Frank has an extensive background in logistics which has set him up perfectly for running this new business here in Knoxville. As packers (and unpackers), HYD really appreciated all he had to say about his research to find the best-sized boxes for fitting the most commonly packed items and how easy he's made it for people to get those boxes delivered to and picked up from their doorstep!


RPM Boxes' user friendly website will answer your questions and help clarify the facts about saving money and time renting plastic boxes instead of purchasing cardboard boxes and tape. Also, as organizers we love how well these pack then stack, allowing for movers to easily access them, load them on dollies, and get them to the truck, cutting down on the time and cost of moving items. Lastly, we can all appreciate the small environmental impact involved by choosing reusable boxes.


10 % OFF!Code_ HYD10.png

We're also excited to share that anytime you use the code HYD10, you will receive 10% off your rental fee! AND... for a limited time only, RPM Boxes is offering 50% off any rentals so if you book for an upcoming move now, you'll get a GREAT deal!!

Call (865) 269-6797 to secure your boxes today!

Meet our friends, The Roggeman Group

This week we are so excited to introduce you to a local business that shares our same value of excellent service and compassion for clients. Here's a little Q+A we did with Robin from the Roggeman Group

Husband and wife team: Brent and Robin Roggeman

Husband and wife team: Brent and Robin Roggeman

Q.  Who makes up the "Roggeman Group"? 
A.  We are Brent and Robin Roggeman- a husband and wife team with an affinity for people and Knoxville. Brent, is a Powell native, Realtor, and real estate appraiser, who offers over 14 years of experience in the Knoxville  and surrounding markets. I am a Realtor and Senior Real Estate Specialist (SRES) I have a strong background and understanding of  the senior and aging population, along with a foundation in marketing. I was previously a nurse with a focus on geriatrics and then transitioned into marketing where I spent the majority of my time in senior living communities. Brent brings much of the traditional real estate knowledge and experience, while I bring the senior focus. We live with our 2 labs and teenage daughter in North Knoxville.

Q.  What sets you apart from other realtors?
A.  We view real estate as an experience, not a transaction. We offer our clients a unique perspective. The combination of both of our backgrounds allows us to view the market in a multidimensional way. Aside from the Realtor perspective, Brent sees things with an appraiser’s eye and from that of a native Knoxvillian. I relate much back to my experience with the senior population and the transitions that come with aging. Whether downsizing, moving in with a family member, or joining a senior community, I understand the challenges that are involved. Along with sensitivity, knowledge and experience- we provide our clients with a network of trusted resources to help simplify the process every step of the way. This includes everything from movers, to organizers such as HYD, to contractors and lenders. We found that it takes a lot of the guess work out of things and allows for  peace of mind and a smooth experience- especially for those folks that are from out of town or who already have a lot on their plate. Real estate is a big deal and a big decision. We have been there and want buying or selling a home to be the easy part. From the nervous excitement of first time home buyers to the upsizing of the growing family, to investment, commercial, senior transitions and everything in between, we are committed to making it a great experience. 

National Association of Realtors Official designation and Seniors Real Estate Specialist® (SRES®) designation. 

National Association of Realtors Official designation and Seniors Real Estate Specialist® (SRES®) designation. 

Follow @roggemangroup on Instagram. 

Follow @roggemangroup on Instagram. 

Q.  Who are your ideal clients?
A.  We serve all of the community and try to connect with  buyers, sellers, and family members in all stages of real estate. Because of my SRES training and background, I gravitate to the senior community, while Brent serves our more traditional clients. I have a genuine love for the older population and realize that it requires a specific type of conversation, process, and level of support. I have seen the worried daughter, responsible for selling her mom’s house but lives hours away with a full time job and a family of her own, who doesn’t even know how to begin the process. I have seen the couple who celebrates their 50th anniversary in the home they bought when they first got married but recognize that it’s a lot to maintain and it is time to downsize. We also have celebrated the joy of first time home ownership with the newly engaged couple who are excited about beginning to build their lives together. It all comes back to creating an experience and serving as a resource. 

Q.  What do you love about Knoxville? 
A.  The small town feel of a big city. Everything is accessible here. There is a great culture and sense of community that is palpable. We love biking downtown, boating, exploring local restaurants, seeking out live music. There is always something fun and unique to do for families and adults alike. We love the support Knoxville offers to small and local businesses, the arts, and visitors. It is a welcoming place to live and be and we are constantly growing!

Q.  What is your favorite part of your job?
A. Meeting new people and becoming part of their experience. We are so fortunate that we are able to live and work in a place that we love and have the opportunity to introduce it to new people. We especially enjoy helping folks make their visions and dreams a reality while also helping to make the process easier when circumstances are difficult or emotional. 

Like their page on Facebook to keep up with them! 

Like their page on Facebook to keep up with them! 

Q. What is something you wish everyone knew about the population you serve?
A.  Each segment of the population that we serve has its unique characteristics. The approach we take with first time home buyers is very different than the approach we take with investors. The conversations and methods of communication differ, as well. For example because my passion lies with our senior population, I recognize that it may have been sometime since their last real estate transaction or maybe they would prefer more face to face communication rather than emails or phone calls. I also find that family members who are handling estates, often shoulder a lot of the work. There can be a lot of emotion involved and I want to do all that I can to help lighten that load for them and their loved one. The take away is that we treat each segment with the same great service and attention, but we tailor it specifically to their needs and expectations.

Q. What is a little known fact about you guys?
A.  Brent and I are very different. Our personalities are almost completely opposite as he is the quiet observer and I’m the social butterfly. He is the analyzer and I am the implementer. It truly serves as a counter balance and equalizer for us both and allows complimentary viewpoints in every situation. It works very well for us personally and professionally. It also means that we laugh a lot and have a really great time together. We take a lot of pride in being partners in every sense of the word. On a personal note it means that I love 90’s music and he loves country. 

We so enjoyed getting to know Robin and hear about her compassionate heart for her clients. We can't wait to partner together in the future to serve Knoxville with excellence. 

How to get in touch with The Roggeman Group:
Call - 865-315-7477
Email -

summer survival tips

School's out for summer...The kids across Knox County are cheering for full days of play and fun, while parents have a new duty of planning summer activities and being prepared for whatever the fun days might hold! Here are a few ideas to help you be extra prepared: 

Image via Yummy Mummy Club blog.

Image via Yummy Mummy Club blog.

  • In the car...

You never know what you (or your various passengers) might need. This pop up organizer has a place for everything. Consider keeping the following items on hand: paper towels, bandaids, umbrella, trash bag, activity books, bungee cords, sunscreen, nonperishable snack, and a beach towel. 

  • In the garage...

Coming home from trips, pool days or picnics - the garage sometimes becomes the landing place for these items. Having a trash can and recycle bin will help with efficiently clearing out the trash before taking bags into the house. Keeping Clorox wipes near by to wipe out coolers after being used, will keep them from getting nasty over time. Make it a priority to always wash the wet bathing suits & towels from a trip immediately. Rinsing off any items with sand or dirt on them will save you from future mess! 

Image via Market Square Farmer's Market instagram.

Image via Market Square Farmer's Market instagram.

  • In the kitchen...

It seems like everyone is snacking more than ever in the summer. After a successful trip to the Farmer's Market, fill up a bowl with your fruit for anyone to grab on the go. Granola bars, PB&J, hummus, nuts are great snacks to grab on the run. If you have kids, designate areas for their snacks and drinks, separate from what you are using to cook meals to avoid confusion or clutter. Having paper products for an impromptu picnic will allow you to spontaneously decide to take your meal outdoors, and provides a quick and easy clean up. 


spring has sprung

The cherry blossoms, dogwoods and azaleas are blooming. The grass is greener and the air is warmer. As our climate has decided to hit the REFRESH button, it's time to do so in our homes as well. 

Our Help You Dwell team has been busy at work these past few months. We wanted to fill you in and invite you to join us for some of the fun!

Image via Emily Jeffords. 

Image via Emily Jeffords


We've worked hard to come up with some exciting tips we've been sharing daily on WVLT First at Four with the lovely Brittany Tarwater, each day this week. Tune in today and tomorrow if you can! We've posted some tips to declutter on our Resources page - check it out

Another exciting way we're inviting you to join us as we REFRESH our homes this spring is by entering our giveaway we have going on- this week only! Enter to win our "Spring Refresh" giveaway on our Instagram page. We've collaborated to come up with an incredible value from local businesses. Nest Knoxville, You Own the Look and HYD have curated products and services that will be a great start for your spring refresh at home. 

Join us for First Friday at Nest, tomorrow - April 7. Natalie, owner of Nest has invited Help You Dwell into her beautifully decorated and furnished storefront. Location: 108 S. Gay Street. Come & enjoy a glass of wine with us, we'd love to meet you! This fun and relaxed environment is a great time to bring your questions and get to know us. We can't wait.

Don't miss the opportunity to participate in the first workshop in our series called "The Art of Design" with Cassandra, our interior designer. More details here. Registration is open! 

One more exciting thing we wanted to share with you: a new womens resale store, Clothes Mentor Turkey Creek has their Grand Opening today! 

Get connected with Clothes Mentor. 

Get connected with Clothes Mentor.