I love a good functional system as much as the next organizer. So much so that I can sometimes neglect the aesthetics if it doesn’t effect the functionality of an area. But..
aesthetics matter too.
If you’re like me, you know the overwhelm of endless options and styles to decorate your home.
My usual reaction is to shut down and say, “well it works, and that’s more important than how it looks.”
While making sure the area or system works functionally is super important making it look visually inviting is just as important and I learned the hard way this month.
My husband and I bought a house 4 years ago that was 100% painted in a flat gray-blue paint. At the time I thought, “Okay, so pretty neutral, I’ll just add color with my furniture…. or something.” I thought I did a good job hanging art, and getting colorful curtains, but it just never felt right. Every time I would think about painting I would spiral out from all the options.
A few weeks ago, a friend came by to drop something off, and on a whim, I asked what she would recommend doing since she’s worked hard to make her home look like it belongs in a lifestyle magazine.
She threw out some options, asked what my hubby would like, and we chatted about what had to stay the same, and what made me want to take a sledge hammer to my living room.
She thought a new color of paint might breathe some life into the space, and I agreed, but had never been able to commit to making the change.
She said, “well, I don’t have anything to do. Let’s go look at some paint chips.” Thirty minutes later, we had the colors selected, and a plan for where to make accent walls.
I was so excited about the change I went out and bought the paint the next morning.
When I tell you the moment my paintbrush hit the wall with that semi-gloss “Vouge Green” covering the scuffed, old, snooze blue-gray I felt SO MUCH better.
Now my living room has a beautiful Vouge Green accent wall and it feels so cozy— like I actually live in my home. I never imagined that such a simple change would make such a huge difference. I was so afraid of committing to a choice and messing it up that I lived for four years in a home that could have felt so much more cozy, warm and curated.
I never felt confident in my interior design before, but now that I have new walls, I’ve been bursting with “OH! I could do that or hang this” and I feel so energized by my living room now!
“Aesthetics can bring you just as much satisfaction and peace as getting that new organizing system in place. ”
Ideally, we can do both make our homes both beautiful and functional, but one thing at time.
Take a look at the areas in your home that don’t make you feel satisfied. If you’re stuck, invite a friend over for a glass of wine or bag of popcorn while you chat about what you love and what you hate and how you’d like it to feel, then get busy making changes!
Like me, it could just need a new coat of paint— seriously it was miraculous. I can’t do the feeling justice.
Maybe your desired area needs the bookshelf from the other room to ground the room a bit, or maybe some different art pieces with some floating shelves. Check out some local artists, and grab some greenery from Oglewood Avenue. They’ll even do a come do a consultation in your home to help you get what works best for your home lighting!
When you’re stuck in an area, try changing up the way it looks and see what that inspires. Add an accent chair or change the pillows, just try something. Making your home look inviting can be such a game changer for your sense of peace and belonging.
Looking for inspiration?
Here are some ideas for ways to refresh your space.