Spring cleaning.
It’s a great time to reawaken our homes and clear out the cobwebs— literally! I love the opportunity to start fresh and clean as the world starts to wake up again. It can be a very daunting undertaking if we look at it in its entirety, so I recommend this— keep it simple.
One of the best pieces of advice I’ve heard is to make your to-do list very specific. This might sound like more work, but in reality, it often helps us feel more accomplished and keeps us within our realistic limits.
For example: instead of writing “do laundry” on the list try breaking it up into “fold laundry” and “put away laundry.” Instead of writing “clean kitchen” write “load dishwasher” and “wipe down countertops.”
This spring as you clean out and reawaken your home when you think of, or come across a new task or project, write it on a master list, and then see how you can break that task into smaller pieces to tackle one at a time.
Keep it simple and start here.

Need a place to start? Try these ideas. Simple.

We are always here if you need a helping hand for any project.