From Chaos to Calm

Americans are busy. Being busy seems to be the new normal. I never thought I'd miss the slow days of quarantine when we played cards around the kitchen table and read books together cuddled up on the couch. Somehow though, here we are, back In the daily grind and I am missing the calm that once seemed like a burden and inconvenience. Recently a friend told me to remember that there is no reward for being the most "busy" and it really resonated with me.

I began to really ponder the ways I could help bring more calm to our chaotic lives. I realized there are some simple habits and changes a family can implement into their routine that will make a difference in how your home feels when you are there. I know that when my home feels calm, my stress levels decrease. Who doesn't need less stress in their life? Here are some tips for you to try:

Family Calendar: Having a visual representation with everyone's schedule will help keep your whole family on the same page (literally). It will ensure that your family will keep their commitments and appointments, and it will keep everyone from asking you about appointments and practice schedules because there will be a calendar everyone can see. It might be helpful to designate a different color for each person in the family as well. Having a family calendar can also help you plan ahead and not over commit to doing things you really don't have time for (especially if you are a person who has a hard time saying NO). This calendar can help others realize that different people in the family might need help sharing the "load" from one week to the other, depending on each person's schedule. Make sure you post the calendar In a place where everyone can see it on a daily basis. Click on the picture to download and print a family calendar.

Meal Plan: Once you have your family calendar filled in, you can easily see which nights are going to be free and which nights are going to be busy. Let's face it, most families don't have time for dinner together around the table every single night, but if you can pre-plan your meals and be prepared for the week ahead, you might find yourself a little less stressed when you hear, "What are we having for dinner tonight?" Having a plan will also help you stay on budget and be focused when you grocery shop. It's also a great idea to keep track of your weekly menus in a 3-ringed binder, folder, or even online in a working document that all can access from their phones or computers. Take time once a week to have a planning session with your family if they are willing to help out with this task. Many times picky-eaters will be better eaters if they’re allowed to share some ideas for what is being served. You can re-use menus every few months so that you're not always having to come up with new meal ideas. Keep track of what your family loved with a star or heart somewhere on the meal planner, and cross out something that they didn't enjoy. This will save you all kinds of time in the future! Click the meal plan picture below for a printable template you can use.

Take 5: Now that you have your family calendar set up and all meals are planned, hopefully you are feeling more organized and less stressed. A habit that I learned growing up and still implement today is taking just five minutes before going to bed each night to tidy up around the house. We fold blankets, straighten up pillows on the couch, make sure the dishwasher is loaded, and lay out any important items we might need for the next day (dance bag, soccer cleats, etc). If you do this, each day you will leave your house with it neat and tidy, and mornings will be less chaotic because everyone has prepped for the day the night before.

Make a Project List: When you sit down and think about all the projects there are to do in your house at any given time, you might feel overwhelmed. If you feel like you don’t know where to start and you’ll never make sense of your space, CONGRATULATIONS! You are totally normal. Make a to-do list of the areas in your home that need to be simplified or organized. Look at that list and know that Help You Dwell is here for you.

We are a company that is committed to listening well and working together to create a space you will enjoy. Our intention is to help free you up to do more of the things you love. We are at your service to create beautiful, organized, and livable spaces where you can reclaim your home and use it the way you’ve always dreamed of. If you, a friend, or family member does not LOVE organizing or simply doesn’t have the time to nest well, reach out to us! We can help create a plan, sort through items, and implement new systems for sustaining organization.

We also offer an extended consult service in person or over video chat (if you aren't local). One of our experienced HYD organizers will visit your home, listen to your needs, and create a customized action plan to bring order to your home, your upcoming move, or an estate transition that will allow you peace and order for many years to come. This entire session includes 1.5 hours. Part of that time is spent in your home, and the remaining time is spent developing your action plan. Call 865.245.9080 or Email

We can't wait to help you dwell!
