We consistently find that our clients and friends struggle with finding ways to organize gift bags and wrapping paper. This year, let’s tackle it before we go buy more wrapping paper and gift bags!
the all purpose closet.
As much as it would fulfill our perfectly designed and organized dreams of each closet having it's own category of contents, sometimes we are presented just one closet for multiple purposes. Imagine one closet that needs to contain all of your seasonal decor, gift wrapping supplies, crafting tools, and cleaning supplies. We've come up with a few tips regarding each category, to help this closet function as functionally and organized as it can. These ideas can be applied regardless of the size or shape of the closet. Let's work with what we've got & get creative... after all this is why we call it "the art of organizing".
Seasonal Decor.
Snap and stack ornament storage. Or if you have your own boxes, use those! Also try- egg crates or apple cartons for round & fragile ornaments.
Hanging your wreaths vertically with a hanger... what?! Read more on how to.
Use your storage tubs and bins more efficiently. Empty all of your current holiday storage to see it all at once. Let go of the things you no longer like or don't want to use this season. Reorganize the bins into: outdoor decor, christmas tree decorations & lights, serving ware & hosting dishes.
Gift Wrapping.
Use the door for vertical storage.
Gift wrap station in a shower caddy.
Use a mail organizer for bags.
Cleaning Stuff.
Use a shoe organizer for cleaning spray bottles.
Choose pretty containers (clear glass or labeled clearly) to hold all of your cleaning supplies. Like this.
Get rid of all expired or toxic cleaning chemicals. Show your kids the supplies you want them to have access to and where they are to be stored.
Crafting Supplies.
Image from Mad in Crafts
- Separate and distinguish between adult and children's craft supplies.
- Encourage the kids who will use this closet to help in deciding where things go and how they'd like to set their things up.
- Make room by purging items that your kids may have grown out of and would like to donate to another family.
- Use vertical storage (this is a common theme in this blog post!) like a hanging shoe container for yarn.
- Hanging paint storage: try this DIY trick.
If you love the pretty door image we used for this blog post- google some creative ways to make a bland and boring closet door POP!
Post a photo of the space, room, or nook that you love dwelling in & simply tag us (@helpyoudwell) and one lucky winner will receive a free HYD Canvas Tote! Last week to win.