Senior Moves

Estate Transitions


Estate Transitions are not easy. The loss of a loved one or helping aging parents move to a new living situation can be overwhelming. Often, you are facing decades worth of memories and items that have accumulated, and the thought of downsizing and packing everything up becomes a monumental task with many hurdles. A parent's home filled with memories, trinkets, collections, photographs, furniture (both valuable and not), and years’ worth of things that are so overwhelming to go through.

Those of us at Help You Dwell understand that estate transitions are no small task. Our team is not only equipped with knowledge and experience, but with kindness and consideration. Every transition is personal, and we love getting to know our clients and their specific needs so we can serve them in the best way possible.

If you hire us to help with an estate transition, here are some things it will include:

  • inventory of belongings/packing and labeling of items

  • assisting with the decision-making process of which items would be most conducive to a new space

  • recommendation of service providers (moving company, real estate agent, handyman, etc.)

  • estate sale planning

  • consultation with family regarding disbursement of excess items to other family members, donation centers, or others in need

When we come in to help, we go through every cabinet, dresser drawer, bookshelf, box, closet, trunk, and room to categorize, label, box up, and create order so that when the time comes, you can easily decide what to keep, what to sell, and what to donate.  HYD feels honored to be trusted with such an important job which is why we take such care with each object we touch, paper we read, photo we categorize, and memory we help to preserve. It all stays confidential, and our clients can feel safe knowing that we will find the right home(s) for any items they choose not to hold on to.

If you have any questions or interest in learning how we might help you or a loved one with transitioning into a new home, please don't ever hesitate to call or email us at 865.245.9080 or

We've also updated our website in a few places to describe in more detail how and what HYD can assist with, especially related to estate transitions and organized moving and unpacking.

We would love to get to know you and your specific needs so we can serve you in the best way possible.

Packing up the Memories


There often comes a time in all our lives or our loved one's lives when we have to say goodbye to the place we've called home.

This is never an easy transition for multiple reasons. In this particular case, the homeowner needed assistance with everyday life and wasn't able to live on her own any longer. Not being able to take much with her, her daughter and son-in-law have been left with the task of clearing out the remaining items from her former home. However, they have busy lives of their own both working and raising two active school age children. After almost 6 months of the condo sitting untouched, waiting to be gone through, HYD got the call to help.

This situation is all too familiar to so many folks. A parent's home filled with memories, trinkets, collections, photographs, furniture (both valuable and not), attics, that are so overwhelming to go through. In this case, we've been able to go through every cabinet, dresser drawer, bookshelf, box, closet, trunk, and room to categorize, label, box up, and create order so that when the daughter and son-in-law come, they can easily decide what to keep, what to sell, and what to donate. 

HYD feels honored to be trusted with such an important job which is why we take such care with each object we touch, paper we read, photo we categorize, and memory we help to preserve. It all stays confidential and our clients can feel safe knowing that we will find the right home(s) for any items they choose not to hold on to.

This particular homeowner is a very talented artist. We thought you'd enjoy just a few treasures we found as we organized her belongings. The first is her "Ideal Wardrobe" handmade book from the late 1940s. The latter photos are just a couple of the many wonderful sketches and prints we found. Enjoy...

Thanks so much for coming along with HYD as we journey through our clients' stories and memories. It is a job we cherish and look forward to each day. If you have any questions or interest in learning how we might help you or a loved one with transitioning into a new home, please don't ever hesitate to call or email us at 865.245.9080 or

We've also updated our website in a few places to describe in more detail how and what HYD can assist with especially related to estate transitions and organized moving and unpacking.

And as always, feel free to drop by The Hive to visit us anytime we're in!