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We've experimented with a number of different labeling techniques when organizing for folks and have found that it really boils down to personal preference and category of items.
Obviously, pretty labels make a space look nice but we've found that different kinds of spaces, for different ages of people work best.
For pantrys, home offices, and general areas that are either out in the open or used mostly by adults, we love finding nice looking labels that help create uniformity and cohesiveness rather than adding distraction and chaos to your belongings.
Image from A Cultivated Nest
For labeling files or purely functional items (think office supply rooms for commercial properties or basic garages) label makers are the way to go. Everything is uniform in type and size and the labels are very readable. We recommend "Brother" brand label makers for this type of thing.
Image from pinterest- original source unknown
We've found that for young kids, it's often helpful to label toy bins, craft storage, or kid closets with pictures along with words. We like having both because it encourages word association, reading, and spelling while it makes it easy for pre-reading age kids to take charge of the clean up & put away process.
Here are a few websites where you can find free printable labels to use in your own home.
What kind of labels do you use in your home?