HYD Favorites — blog — Help You Dwell

HYD Favorites

Valentine's Day Gift Guide

A few of our favorite Valentine’s Day gift ideas

A Hand Written Note. It doesn’t get much better than this. There’s something so thoughtful and intentional about some well meaning words in your own hand writing that goes further than a text or email or store bought card ever could. If you are short on words, just a quick little “XOXO” on a sticky note will work!

Something Sweet. You already know our favorite spot to grab local chocalate-y goodness, none other than Bradley’s. More of a pastry person? Hop into Wildlove Bakehouse for the croissant of your dreams. If your’e on a tight budget - store bought cookies are a simple sweet treat too!

Quality Time. This can be with your spouse, partner, or gal pals. Spend your Valentine’s Day evening participating in a hands on couples wood-working class at Able Trade. A few ideas: play a new card game, work on a puzzle while listening to your favorite music, get together to read quietly, go on a walk, make an over the top cheese board.

A Bouquet of Blooms or a House Plant. Instead of the stereotypical dozen roses, opt for something a little more creative and unique from a local florist. We love: Flourish Flowers, Sassafras Floral Design, and Melissa Trimble Floral. Peruse the variety of house plants available at Jacks of Knoxville and Oglewood Avenue.

Help You Dwell Gift Card. A Custom Consult or 2 hours of services would be a great way to show some love this Valentine’s Day. Give your spouse, sister, neighbor, or parents the gift of our services (organizing, packing, or unpacking). We can make progress in any area of your home. Let us help you get started with the organizing projects on your list.

Custom Consultation Gift Card
Help You Dwell Gift Card
from $140.00

Which gift are you giving or wishing for?

Healthy Habits For Back To School

August is fast approaching, and it's time to get ready! Summer is a season full of family time, vacations, and warm weather. With each season, we naturally adopt new habits. To help you transition smoothly into the back-to-school season, we've compiled a list of habits to start incorporating into your routine now. These habits will ensure you're fully prepared and can make the most out of the upcoming school year.


It might sound trivial at first, but scheduling an hour of exercise each day with the kids is crucial. It doesn't have to be an organized sports practice or a rigorous run; what's important is that children get 60 minutes of movement daily. This helps them burn off excess energy after spending much of the day sitting at a desk. There are many fun and engaging ways to incorporate exercise into your daily routine, such as taking walks around the neighborhood, enjoying bike rides on local trails, organizing playdates at the park or pool, playing family sports like soccer or basketball, or even having dance parties at home with your kids' favorite tunes! These activities not only keep your children active but also create opportunities for family bonding. 

Meal preparation

Being mindful of what you pack in your kids’ lunchboxes can make a big difference in their overall health and energy levels throughout the day. Start by considering what snacks your kids love and make sure to stock up on those, along with other essentials. Aim to prepare lunches that are nutritious and balanced, following a simple guideline: include 2/3 plant-based foods and 1/3 lean protein.

Incorporate a variety of fruits and vegetables, such as apple slices, carrot sticks, cherry tomatoes, and grapes. These not only provide essential vitamins and minerals but also keep your kids feeling full, satisfied, and ready to learn! For the protein portion, consider options like grilled chicken strips, turkey slices, or hard-boiled eggs. Adding a small portion of whole grains, such as whole wheat bread or quinoa, can also help sustain their energy levels throughout the whole school day.

Don't forget to include a fun treat or a favorite snack to make lunchtime enjoyable! Healthy options like yogurt, hummus with pita chips, or a small handful of nuts can add variety and keep lunchtime exciting. Preparing meals ahead of time and involving your kids in the process can also encourage them to make healthier choices and look forward to their meals!

Day recaps

It seems simple, but making it a habit to ask about everyone’s day can have a profound impact on your family's communication and connection. This practice is beneficial to incorporate into your daily routine all year long. A simple, “How was your day?” can open the door to meaningful conversations.

Instead of accepting a quick one-word answer like “Good,” try asking more detailed questions. Inquire about specific classes, friends, homework, and other activities. “What was the most interesting thing you learned today?” or “Who did you spend time with at lunch?” Engaging in these conversations can also provide an opportunity to discuss how school is really going. Talk about their learning styles, strengths, struggles, and any other issues they might be facing. This not only helps you stay informed about their academic and social experiences but also encourages them to express their feelings and concerns.

By fostering healthy conversations, you can support your children in navigating their educational journey, celebrate their successes, and help them overcome challenges. This consistent communication strengthens your bond and reassures them that they can always come to you for support and guidance!


As a parent, your sleep schedule might not always be ideal, but the back-to-school season is a perfect opportunity to start instilling better sleeping habits for the entire family. Establishing a consistent bedtime routine can save time and ensure everyone gets enough rest. Children today often lose sleep due to excessive screen time. To combat this, aim to keep kids off technology at least an hour before bedtime. Encourage activities that help them wind down, such as reading a book or engaging in quiet play. Creating a calming environment by dimming the lights and reducing noise can signal that it's time to relax.

Children typically need around 8-10 hours of sleep each night. To help them adjust to the school schedule, start moving bedtime earlier a week or two before school starts. Establish a set bedtime and do your best to stick to it consistently, even on weekends. By incorporating reading time before bed and gradually adjusting the bedtime routine ahead of the school year, you can ease the transition and help your children establish a healthy sleep pattern that will benefit them throughout the year. Plus, it gives you more time to yourself at night to unwind and recharge!

HOMework Time

While most kids dread doing homework, there are several strategies to make this time more enjoyable and productive. Start by setting a designated time or duration for homework each day, so your kids know exactly what to expect. Having a consistent schedule helps build a routine and reduces resistance.

Create a homework-friendly area that is quiet, well-lit, and free from distractions. This designated space will help your children focus better and be more efficient with their tasks.

Helping kids with their homework is an excellent opportunity for you to engage with them and make the experience a bit more fun. Consider creating a sticker chart to reward daily completion, providing a visual and tangible incentive for their hard work. Additionally, incorporating short snack or play breaks can help keep them energized and motivated. By establishing a structured routine, creating a conducive workspace, and adding elements of fun and reward, you can transform homework time into a more positive and productive part of the day for both you and your children.

For more ideas on creating the perfect homework environment, check out our comprehensive Guide to Kids' Spaces. Packed with practical tips, creative ideas, and expert advice, our guide will help you optimize storage solutions and create inspiring study areas. Transform your kids' spaces into a haven of organization and creativity, making homework time a more positive and productive part of the day.


Back-to-school supply shopping can seem daunting, but with a bit of planning, it can be a breeze. Start by following the list provided by your school to ensure you get everything your child needs. This will help you avoid unnecessary purchases and stay organized.

To make the process even smoother, consider shopping online. Websites like Amazon allow you to find exactly what you need without the hassle of visiting multiple stores. You can compare prices, read reviews, and have items delivered directly to your doorstep. Additionally, many online retailers offer back-to-school deals and discounts, helping you save both time and money.

By using a detailed list and taking advantage of online shopping, you can simplify your back-to-school supply shopping and ensure your child is fully prepared for the new school year.

For a hassle-free shopping experience, check out Help You Dwell's Amazon storefront, where you'll find all the essentials curated just for you!

Please note that when you use our Amazon storefront affiliate links, we may earn a small commission on the sale at no additional cost to you. Your support helps us continue providing valuable content. Thank you!

Being Present in the Middle of May

Spring is in full swing now and all the events of the season are coming at us from every direction! Graduations, travel plans, spring performances, festivals, sports tournaments, and end-of-school year parties and events are filling our calendars and brain-space as we try to survive one of the most beautiful months in East Tennessee.

We’ve gathered a few tips to help you be present, enjoy these last couple of weeks and finish the month with success.

Take a break from social media

For the rest of the month, hit pause on scrolling through your social media feeds. There are lots of fun things to post about on your own page - be it your kids, a fun travel spot, a memorable gathering - so go for it! But create a personal rule about not looking at other’s lives for the rest of the month to help you focus more clearly on your own.

Be willing to say “no”

Do someone a favor, and say “no” to an event, volunteer opportunity, or extra appointment and allow someone else the chance to say “yes.” Many of us are natural-born helpers (Enneagram 2’s, you know who you are ; ) ), but we’ve got to allow others the opportunity to help out in the classroom, take some food to a friend, or offer to help with the neighborhood newsletter.


Schedule (at least) a 30-minute window every day to unplug

Take some time each day to do something without your phone in reach or earshot. I know many of us rely on our phones for our business and to be available for our families, but we also need a break. Just putting it away for short windows to allow yourself to be fully present in some quiet space, especially in such a hectic month, can be very refreshing.

Try to get into bed 30 minutes earlier as often as possible

Sleep is imperative when our brains are in overload, and even if you can’t every night, choose an early bedtime as many times this month as you can. Find a magazine, book of poetry, or an easy read to allow your mind to unwind and lull yourself to a peaceful sleep.

Drink water

Don’t leave home without a full & refillable water bottle. With busy schedules and lots or running from one place to the next, it’s easy to let this simple habit go by the wayside. Plus the weather is moving towards summer, so as our bodies adjust to warmer temps, a little extra hydration is needed.

Lastly, enjoy the moments when you’re in them. This month will be gone before you know it, so hang in there, laugh when you can, hug those you love, and celebrate the milestones of all your people as they graduate, finish a sports season, or start a new adventure this spring.

Wherever you are - be all there.
— Jim Elliot

Loving Mom Well this Mother's Day

My mom & my girls 2016

My mom & my girls 2016

After leaving the home of a client who recently lost his mom, I’ve been a bit more reflective thinking of my own mama and my life as a mother. I am so very fortunate to still have my mom here and healthy. She is one of my biggest cheerleaders and supporters by encouraging me, toting my kids from here to there, attending all kinds of her grandkids’ games and performances, and mostly loving me well in all my ups and downs that motherhood, marriage, and owning a business can bring.

We’re 3 days away from Mother’s Day 2019 and I’ve been contemplating how do I really celebrate my mom, let her know how priceless she is to me, and create a memory that I can enjoy when she’s no longer here. As some of you who know my mom or may have read in previous posts, my mom is quite the collector of things. She’s got some mad skills when it comes to finding deals, personal shopping for family and friends, and creating an amazing storyboard of all her finds and family pieces in the place she and my dad call home. Having lived in the same old farmhouse for over 40 years allows one to create quite the collection. : )

I say all that to explain why giving my mom some of my time, a little muscle, and some serious purging encouragement would (wink, wink), by far, be the best gift I could give my mom this Mother’s Day. Now for you, your mom may be a natural born minimalist and giving your time in her home may not be the best help. My encouragement to anyone reading who has a mom that they’d like to love well this Mother’s Day is to take a minute now and think about her. What’s her season, her newest hobby, a restaurant she’s always wanted to try? There are lots of directions we could go here, but my hope for you is to be able to find one act of sacrifice on your part that would be life-giving to her. Below is a short list of ideas, and I would love to hear your ideas in the comments below!

Whatever you land on, I hope you get a chance to connect with your mom, be it in person, over many miles, or in your memories.
And to all you mamas out there, Happy Mother’s Day!

Big love,



Holiday Gift Guide 2018


Tickets to The Unusual Tale of Mary & Joseph’s Baby

Rock climbing @ River Sports

Photo Session with Carrie Jo Savage, of Texture Photo

Yoga passes @ Glowing Body 

Rhythm & Blooms Tickets

Blue Apron Meal Subscription

Ice Skating on market square

Pottery Class @ Mighty Mud

Bullet Journaling Workshop

Knox Brew Tour

Progressive dinner- visit 4 different downtown restaurants and walk between courses

Cooking classes and a 4 course meal with Chef Cedric. See this article for more info.

HYD Jump Start to the Ordered Home

Image from The Hive

Image from The Hive

Image from Knoxville Holidays on Ice

Image from Knoxville Holidays on Ice

Image from River & Rail Theater Co.

Image from River & Rail Theater Co.

Image by Artifact Uprising

Image by Artifact Uprising

Image by Pretentious Glass

Image by Pretentious Glass

These 5 Things : November 2018

Image by Laurey W. Glenn

Image by Laurey W. Glenn

There are so many blogs and columns out there that it can be overwhelming and hard to find the good stuff. We’ve gathered a few of our latest favorites to share with you below. What blogs do you read regularly? We’d love to know your go-to’s!

  1. Have toy rules

  2. 15 finds from schoolhouse for a well ordered home

  3. Home Keeping 101

  4. 5 ways I keep my life and mind organized

  5. 7 things to get rid of now so you’ll have more storage space for the Holidays

Holiday gift guide: Give the gift of experience rather than goods

gift guide.png

Christmas is less than two weeks away and we have a great list of gift ideas that won't clutter up the homes of the ones you love. We have compiled ideas for all age groups, budgets, and interests. We've even managed to think of ways to support local businesses without having to purchase tangible items. Whether you're shopping for "the person that already has everything", someone who is working toward a minimal lifestyle, or for someone that you wish would get rid of some clutter, we've got you covered. 


  • A Weekend away. Knoxville is conveniently located in driving distance from Nashville, Atlanta, Louisville, Chattanooga, and the Smokey Mountains. Try out an air bnb property rather than a hotel for a more personalized experience.
  • Dinner out. A few of our local favorites are A dopo, Knox Mason, Emelia, and J.C. Holdway
  • Manicure, pedicure, massage, spa treatment etc. Support a local salon like Wild Lavender or Pure Lux

Give the gift of classes or offer to teach someone a skill that you have:

  • Teach a loved one to knit, crochet, embroider, or sew. Loopville offers lots of classes for all levels of learning
  • Teach someone how to bake your "signature" treat or cook your favorite meal or give the gift of cooking classes at The Cutting Edge Classroom
  • Music/instrument lessons. Bill Jones Music offers many options.
  • Art or pottery classes. Check out Mighty Mud or ask a local artist if they offer private lessons.
  • Yoga membership or class package. The Glowing Body is one of our favorite locally owned studios.
  • Photography classes. Light Finds offers classes and private lessons as well!


The Mill & Mine: Image Source

The Mill & Mine: Image Source

Gift ideas for Kids:

The Basement community art studio. Image Source

The Basement community art studio. Image Source


CSA share. Image source

CSA share. Image source

Think outside of the box this year and give those you love something that they will remember forever!

Introducing Origami Day!

I am so excited to introduce HYD's new friend, Samantha Lane, founder of Origami Day, to you. HYD is so thrilled to learn about her new company and how she's helping folks with time management and personal productivity!

Samantha came up with the idea after a health scare a few years back that led her to rethink how she was spending her own time.  Soon thereafter, she attended a time management class where the lightbulb came on and Origami Day was born.  Samantha's been applying Origami Day practices in her own life for some time now.  After walking alongside friends and colleagues assisting them with their calendars and how to use their time more wisely, she realized she had lots to offer our busy culture.  

So what is Origami Day? We'll start with the fabulous, simple, and very functional products:

The 2018 Origami Planner Notebook
This planner/notebook is so lovely and brilliant as it allows you to see the month as a whole, helping you keep track of the bigger picture with a year view as well. But that's not all, the journal has space for note taking, big ideas, and other important scribbles. These features  allow you to only grab one item instead of a planner and a journal and a notepad.  Available locally at Rala and online.

The Origami Day Planner Sheet
These sheets are designed with a unique grid that allows you to plan your week thoroughly. The next step is to fold your sheet along the provided lines allowing you to see your present day and the following day encouraging you to stay present and not be overwhelmed by the entire week. Available online.

Time Management Presentation
Samantha leads dynamic sessions that will inspire any audience to get excited about Time Management or Personal Productivity. Whether you are looking for a workshop, a conference speaker, or another special event, Origami Day is a great choice.

Origami Day is more than just the products though. It's also a new way of thinking. Samantha is dedicated to creating a culture shift, even if it's just on a small scale. She's come to realize that...

... how we spend our day is how we spend our life.
Samantha Lane, Founder

Samantha Lane, Founder

Just as HYD has seen the freedom and renewal that comes from decluttering the stuff in our homes, Samantha is now experiencing the great power that comes from decluttering one's schedule to create space and time for the things in life that truly matter.

And be on the lookout for some exciting collaborations between Origami Day and Help You Dwell this Spring!!

-- You can subscribe to Origami Day's newsletter here for Time Management tips and for upcoming events --


A friendly feature: Bespoke Naturals

Image from @bespokenaturals

Image from @bespokenaturals

This week we wanted to introduce you to a local maker: Bespoke Naturals. We love their company and we wanted to share a little Q&A we did with them. Enjoy!

Q. Where did your idea and passion for this company come from?

A. Our idea for Bespoke Naturals originated from a desire to help a family member diagnosed with a serious illness. In researching healthier, more natural options for them, we discovered how many household cleaning products are quite unhealthy and filled with dangerous chemicals. Realizing the potential negative side effects of breathing in these chemicals, we began creating cleaning products free from harsh chemicals, preservatives and artificial fragrances.

Our idea for the Dog-Gone Flea & Tick Drops for Dogs came from a lovely little terrier that is allergic to the pesticides and chemicals in traditional flea and tick repellents. So, we set out to create a formula that is comprised entirely of a blend of dog-safe essential oils mixed with fractionated coconut oil.

Our ongoing passion for our company stems from the simple desire to share with others what we have learned about healthier living for ourselves, our families, and our pets. 


Q.  What is your favorite product?

A. We actually have two favorite products. First, is our counter top spray. We love the light fragrance provided by essential oils and how well it works around the house. Second, is our flea & tick drops for dogs. It keeps fleas, ticks, and mosquitoes away from our dogs and, unlike traditional chemical repellents, it does not cause them any problems.

Image from @bespokenaturals

Image from @bespokenaturals


Q. What is one thing you wish everyone knew about most household products?

A. We wish everyone knew a product label that says "natural" does not necessarily mean the product is really natural. The term "natural" is unregulated. There are no guidelines that must be followed in order to use the term. Therefore, a product may be labeled "natural" and still contain harsh chemicals or preservatives that may cause issues for sensitive family members or pets in the home. When you see "natural" on a product label, be sure to take a close look at the ingredient list.

At Bespoke Naturals, we never use harsh chemicals, preservatives or artificial fragrances in any of our products. So, you can trust you are using only the best for your family. 


Q. Who makes up your team at Bespoke?

A. Bespoke Naturals LLC is a two-person operation started by friends, Bill and Dedra, with an appreciation for healthy homes and healthy living.


Q. What are some holiday gift ideas you recommend? 

A. We recommend trying one of our gift sets. Each gift set comes in a cute gift box and contains everything you need to get started using our products along with a gift card. For the pet lover in your life that has a dog, we suggest our Dog-Gone Flea & Tick Drops for Dogs. They are convenient, easy to apply, and work well.


Image from @bespokenaturals

Image from @bespokenaturals

Thank you Bespoke Naturals your willingness to share with our HYD family! 

Bespoke Naturals, LLC
Web- bespokenaturals.com
Email- infobespokenaturals@gmail.com

These 5 Things : October 2017

1. Find out how to organize your kitchen for under $100 at Target. 

2. The Happy Envelope is collaborating with local a few local photographers for Holiday Photo Sessions

3. Knoxville is getting our very own Food Truck Park - Central Filling Station. Coming soon and it's right near our office @ The Hive. 

4. Sarah, from Our Vintage Farmhouse wrote a blog that is inspiring to say the least - read it here

5. The 2017 HGTV Urban Oasis Giveaway is right here in one of Knoxville's downtown neighborhoods - 4th & Gill. Check it out**Image credit: Tomas Espinoza

mother's day gift guide

Mother's Day is coming up. We've thought through some ideas of how you can treat your mom this year. Our hope is to encourage you to give gifts of meaning and purpose, that really add value to mama's life. We hope an idea below will be perfect for the mother(s) in your life! 

something pretty.

something practical.

something personal. 

something to pamper and empower her.

  • glowing body yoga studio class pass 
  • Wild Lavendar Spa facial treatment
  • Help You Dwell gift card of 3 hour value, to be used as she desires! We can help rearrange a challenging space, organize a closet, design and hang a gallery wall, bring order to the pantry, set up a new room, and so much more. Possibilities are endless and mom will enjoy our organizing services in a way that is unique to her needs. Give the gift that will free her up, instead of add more clutter to her life! Contact us with any questions regarding this special. 

Treat your mama to something special this Mother's Day! 

*Blog Image from Terrain

Shopping with conscience this Holiday Season

Are you having trouble this holiday season finding the right gift for a loved one? It can be hard to find well made and meaningful gifts while on a budget but we have compiled a few ideas and along with a list of some of our new favorite shops to help you with those last minute gifts on your list.

Over at HYD we are trying to adopt a few new shopping practices...

1. We are learning to buy less but to buy better.

2. We are working on curbing our impulsive purchases and implementing the discipline of saving up for items that will last longer, are better quality, are made ethically, and are ultimately more meaningful.

With those things in mind, here are a few shops we have stumbled across recently that fit our broader vision. Keep reading to see our top picks from each shop.

1. Spartan Shop 

Japanese Cloth Napkins

Japanese Cloth Napkins

Wooden Walking Elephant Toy

Wooden Walking Elephant Toy

Black amber and turquoise pocket knife

Black amber and turquoise pocket knife

hand crafted Mexican glassware

hand crafted Mexican glassware



Ceramic Pitcher

Ceramic Pitcher

Brass and leather key chain

Brass and leather key chain

Bud vase collection

Bud vase collection

Mama cat and Kitten finger puppets

Mama cat and Kitten finger puppets

Jams and Marmalade made in Maine

Jams and Marmalade made in Maine

city scape puzzle

city scape puzzle

throw blanket made in the USA

throw blanket made in the USA

5. Rala

Downtown Knoxville tote bag

Downtown Knoxville tote bag

Farmers Market baseball tee

Farmers Market baseball tee

National Park explorers guide

National Park explorers guide

If you would prefer not to purchase a physical item as a gift we have ideas for that as well!

-Consider making a donation in someones honor to a Gatlinburg relief fund to help victims of the tragic fire in our very own Smokey Mountains

-Purchase tickets for a play, musical or concert to give as an experiential gift

-Plan a dinner date to the restaurant of a loved ones choice and make a home made certificate saying "dinner's on me".

-Give the gift of organization and purchase a Help You Dwell Gift card for a friend or family member.

these 5 things

We wanted to share a few things we're currently loving. Our hope is to bring you inspiration, beauty and simplicity through these links. Enjoy! 

  1. Hikes in Tennessee you don't want to miss. This weather is just asking you to go on an adventure. 

  2. Eclectic Fall Home Tour that has us swooning. Love the way this home showcases natural beauty, simplicity and personality. You might see an image that gives you some inspiration for your space! 

  3. Trader Joe's publishes some of their featured items online. They do not disappoint in the seasonal food department. They also consistently have beautiful bouquets of flowers at great prices. 

  4. These tips for a Casual Fall Dinner Party are so practical and also inspiring. According to this post, all you really need is a loaf of bread, a bottle of wine and a genuinely grateful heart for those gathering. Amen to that! 

  5. Feast your eyes on Danielle Walker's Paleo Pumpkin Recipe Roundup. Tis the season for everything pumpkin! Danielle Walker is the author of a few incredible cookbooks despite living with an autoimmune disease and multiple dietary restrictions. 

Wildcat Falls - Anoldent. 

Wildcat Falls - Anoldent. 

Did you know we have a page of our favorite organizing products? Check it out. As always, we'd love to hear from you- what are you currently loving?

This fall would be a great time to begin your year long subscription of monthly organizing with us. Give us a call to find out more- 865.245.9080. 

*blog post image courtesy of Nesting With Grace


Have you heard about BackRoads Market?

Earlier this week, we took an unofficial tour of one of Knoxville's newest businesses. Back Roads Market is more than just a store, it's a destination. Kerry and Craig Myers have poured tons of time and love into this beautiful space and have truly created something unique. For before and after pictures of the space, check out their latest blog entry!

The Myers' original vision was to create space for community. In our opinion, they have certainly executed that vision. They hope you find a fun item to purchase, but more than that, they hope you have a welcoming experience. Part coffee shop, part flower market, part consignment, part new furniture and decor, part custom furniture, part local goods, they have it all. 

On Saturdays, you can come build your own bouquet. Rather than purchasing a ready made floral arrangement, you get to pick each type of flower and you can make it work on any budget. 

If you are interested in consigning with them, you can check out their consigners agreement here

The in house carpenter, Danny, builds custom farmhouse tables and bed swings like the one below! 

Check back in with them regularly as they get new items in each week. With a mix of consignment, new items, and hand picked items from all over East Tennessee and North Carolina, you are sure to find something you can't live without. 

You can follow them on instagram @backroads_market

Caroline, BackRoads Market owner Kerry Myers, and Katie 

Caroline, BackRoads Market owner Kerry Myers, and Katie