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1 - You are likely a busy person
When you hear the word “busy”, you might quickly assume that this is a negative word… not necessarily. Depending on the family members you have, social groups you are a part of, church you attend, or organizations you support, there are so many events, demands, projects and opportunities you could participate in. This is a wonderful dilemma! To fill our lives and schedules with meaningful encounters and engagements is a luxury. Instead of blocking off a whole day or week of your time to get your home in order, allow us to come help you with the task. We can free you up to be able to participate in all of the things you love, without the weight of a disordered or cluttered home. If “getting organized” is merely an item on a long to-do list, it’s probably going to get overlooked and pushed down the list week after week. However, if you have a scheduled appointment, you are much more likely to make it happen. We are ready to help, and we can hold you accountable to your goals. We can even work on your space while you aren’t home if that works best for your schedule. Fill your time with the things that bring you life, and let us handle the rest!
2 - You have too much stuff
Over time, the items in your closet, dresser, cabinets, pantry, basement, garage and attic have accumulated and expanded. That’s a lot of places for excess to pile up. At some point you may have had “just” what you needed to live well and enjoy your space, but chances are, you have more than enough now. This “more than enough” is taking up precious real estate in your space. It might even be causing you to waste time and energy, while also costing you more money and stress than you intended. You might have to climb over excess to find specific items in storage areas. You probably spend too much time filing through hanging clothes to find that one top you are looking for. Before a system of order and simplicity can be implemented, there must always be a purge. This is sort of like taking inventory of all of your belongings, touching them and making an intentional decision on whether or not each item stays or goes. We do our very best to inform our clients about where to donate specific items that will be put to good use. Purging is not for the faint of heart. You often need a second pair of eyes to make decisions— we highly advise you to not do this alone.
3 - You are emotionally attached to your stuff
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We’ve all lived through painful experiences and losses. Sometimes belongings are are passed down from a loved one that we aren’t sure what to do with. Not knowing the monetary value of items can also cause confusion in the decision making process around what to keep and what to let go of. We all grieve and process transitional life experiences differently. Give yourself grace here. There is no “right” way to do this. Gifts can carry such heavy sentimental value, while at the same time serving no real functional purpose. We are able to impart this foundational truth to many clients while sifting through emotionally difficult items - letting go of an object does not erase or eliminate the memory associated with said item or the person who gave it to you. Think 50 years down the road - do you want your friends & family to feel weighed down by any gifts you have given them that they simply keep because they feel guilty getting rid of them? Or, do you want them to feel the freedom to cherish memories without holding onto every single gift or trinket?
4 - You aren’t sure where to start
When it’s your own clutter you’re trying to tackle, it can be personally overwhelming and debilitating. (This is even true for us, the professionals). We oftentimes start small, because the sense of success and accomplishment from one organized area, is what will fuel you through the larger more labor-some areas of your home. When getting to know our clients, we always listen first - this allows us to make a prioritized plan of what spaces should be organized first and in a way that serves you best. We ask questions to find out what matters most to you, what is valuable to the people in your home, and what you hope the overall outcome of organization in your home will look and feel like. We are mindful of the fact that each space affects other rooms in your home and take that into account when coming up with a plan. This allows us to be more efficient with your time, energy, and resources. Although you live day to day in your home, we enter in with a fresh perspective because it’s all new to us. Most importantly, your clutter doesn’t scare us - we see the potential from the get go! Once we’ve hit the “reset” button on your home, you’ll be more able to keep up with the rhythms and routines of organization.
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5 - You’re facing a life transition
Life is always shifting and changing. Just when we settle into one season, the next one is creeping up on us. Sometimes sudden life altering events come crashing in with no warning. From small changes to sudden or tragic ones, all changes leave us needing to re-settle and reinstate order so that we can press on and adjust. Sometimes an urgent move or job shift creates a pressurized demand for changes to happen quickly in your home. We often are just the compassionate helpers and additional hands you need to finish a looming project. Welcoming new people into your home such as a baby, an aging parent, a foster child, or a relative for a temporary or extended stay, can create a list of to-do’s that can feel impossible. If you’re facing complex or challenging life transitions like divorce or death of a loved one, we are able to help you find a path forward. We make it our mission to help make practical and manageable plans to help our clients through these difficult situations. In such chaotic and painful times, we strive to bring a spirit of hope and peace of mind all the while, getting tasks accomplished.
It’s been a privilege to work with our clients over the past 4.5 years. Everyone has a unique situation and it’s our greatest joy to listen and learn how we can best serve you.