On February 24, 2014 Taryn and Caroline obtained a business license for Help You Dwell. Over the past decade, this small (but mighty) business has grown into a trusted service provider offering professional organizing, moving services, senior moves, and holiday + event services.
A Decade of Help You Dwell
10 years ago, Caroline and I sat on these two stools in the newly opened KBrew and talked about what we wanted to do next. Little did we know that 63 HYD staff members, 4 different office locations, 16 consignment sales, 500+ volunteer hours of work, and more than 3200 clients in 5 different states later, we would be celebrating a decade of working alongside incredible clients to help them reclaim their homes.
Our shared love of homes and serving the folks who live in them is even greater today than it was in 2014 when we started this journey. We have learned so much from each other and from our clients about how to create order and peace in homes - and there’s still so much more to come!
We are thrilled to begin this next decade with a dedicated, experienced and growing team full of ideas and energy to bring into your homes as we help you love where you live.
And just for fun, enjoy these pics from the incredible journey we’ve had so far!

8 Years of Help You Dwell
Celebrate with us!
We are humbled and overjoyed by the work that we’ve been able to do over the past 7 years. It really doesn’t get old - the honor of entering a client’s home, to face whatever is weighing them down and and guiding them to reclaim their home (whether it be an organizing project, or preparing for a move, or handling an estate transition).
People Are Still the Most Important Thing
3 Things You Can Do Right Now For Your Community, Your Family, and Yourself.
HYD 2020 : A Growing Team & A New Office
Image: Texture Photo
It’s been a day over 3 months since we posted a blog. That’s not normal for HYD. For over 5 years, our leadership team never missed a blog each Thursday.
2019…. you were a doozy for HYD!
We won’t spend too much time focusing on what was, but I did want to take just a moment to give a short state of the union for those who are interested…
Our team is now 16 incredible women strong. The Divine intervention involved in bringing all these women together for such a time as this is clearly nothing I or any one of us could have orchestrated on our own. For that I am beyond grateful and very humbled to be at the helm. I can’t wait to introduce them to you over the next few months in your homes and through the blog.
We are fully moved in to our new office at 214 W Magnolia Ave just around the block from Regas Square. The very talented Megan Stair has curated an incredible gallery full of one of a kind art, as well as handmade leather goods, textiles, plants, jewelry and so much more.
214 Magnolia Gallery is also the perfect place for HYD to offer our carefully selected furniture and home goods for sale on consignment for our clients. We miss hosting HYD’s bi-annual flea at The Hive, so this has been an incredible opportunity for us to continue offering this service to our clients and buyers. Come by and see us!!
2020 is here and HYD is too. Our holiday takedown teams are busy as bees assisting in homes all over Knox County and beyond. We are looking forward to walking alongside several families as they relocate, renovate, or prepare their homes for a move this Winter and early Spring. And HYD is looking forward to hosting workshops later this Spring and throughout 2020 to give you tools for organizing in your own homes.
Be on the lookout for more blogs to come! We’ve got home tours lined up, all kinds of tips for organizing and moving, stories of local folks doing great stuff here in K-town, and so much more.
In the meantime, don’t hesitate to reach out with a call or text to 865.245.9080 or an email to info@helpyoudwell.com if you need any help with an unruly closet, a packed out garage, a frustrating pantry, an upcoming move, or just a consultation on how and where to begin in your home.
No job is too big or too small for HYD and we look forward to helping you get unstuck in 2020!
Say Hello to Kellye
Having watched Help You Dwell grow for the past five years, and now as part of this team, I can tell you that there’s a heartbeat to what we do. Yes, we may pack boxes and organize pantries, but the core of who we are is relational. We know each homeowner has a unique story, and we seek to empower them to navigate seasons of transition well and to organize and order their spaces in a way that reflects who they are.
It’s this beat that brought me to Help You Dwell — it speaks to the core of who I am as a person. If you and I were to look back on the jobs I’ve had since my first at 12-years-old, we would find that there are two distinct attributes that vividly mark my work life:
One, I will always make my work relational.
Whether I’ve been crafting hot lattes, ghost writing a book, speaking to hundreds of high school students, or managing social media accounts, I’ve always asked the question: How can I connect with people here? There is something beautiful about taking a thing that could be very transactional and making it relational. It surprises people. It blesses them. It ushers light and color into a moment that would be dull and grey otherwise. There’s nothing better than that!
I come by this honestly as the fourth born (of seven!) to the single-most relational people I know. My sweet parents, Joe and Mary, daily model what it looks like to really see people, to listen to their stories, and to encourage them. And that’s more important to me in my work life than any particular task I may complete.
My not-so-little family at Thanksgiving this year - My parents, their seven kids and four spouses, and four little grandkids. Family is incredibly important to me.
It’s important in all other areas of my life as well - when hosting women in my home, spending time with my family, writing, and serving my little church family here in Knoxville.
And two, I thrive when I am supporting those around me.
Perhaps it’s because I’m a middle child or it’s just the way God made me, but I’ve found I am aware of and quick to notice others’ needs. That comes in handy when you’re in a supportive role like mine.
As the office manager / jill-of-all-trades at Help You Dwell, my goal is to both support our team in a way that allows them to do their jobs well, and to care for you, our clients, as you work with us.
I may rarely set foot in one of your home’s, but I am caring for you in my own unique ways: creating systems and processes that provide you with a seamless experience, serving as a point of contact as you navigate the work we are doing in your home, caring for our team so the team can, in turn, care for you.
I prefer to organize spreadsheets, invoices, and schedules, but I’ll confess: I do love a good gallery wall in at least one space in my home!
I am pretty lucky. I’ve joined a team that values the two things that are at the core of my work life: relationships and care. I prefer to organize spreadsheets, invoices, and schedules, and I get to do so while nurturing connections and supporting those around me.
As we start a fresh year, I’m thankful to be a fresh face here. I hope to “meet” you over the phone soon, as you schedule your next organizing session or big move. To serve you will be my pleasure!
Merry Christmas and a great new way to begin 2019!
“We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!”
We hope your holiday season is full of love, laughter, and peace.
Image by TexturePhoto
As a way to make it easier for you to move forward with getting your home organized, we’ve come up with a new starter package! 2019 is just a few days a way and you are probably still recovering from the hustle of the Christmas season. We would love to help you start your year right, by bringing peace & order to your home and family.
Click on the image above to get the process started!
5 Reasons to Hire a Professional Organizer
Texture Photo.
1 - You are likely a busy person
When you hear the word “busy”, you might quickly assume that this is a negative word… not necessarily. Depending on the family members you have, social groups you are a part of, church you attend, or organizations you support, there are so many events, demands, projects and opportunities you could participate in. This is a wonderful dilemma! To fill our lives and schedules with meaningful encounters and engagements is a luxury. Instead of blocking off a whole day or week of your time to get your home in order, allow us to come help you with the task. We can free you up to be able to participate in all of the things you love, without the weight of a disordered or cluttered home. If “getting organized” is merely an item on a long to-do list, it’s probably going to get overlooked and pushed down the list week after week. However, if you have a scheduled appointment, you are much more likely to make it happen. We are ready to help, and we can hold you accountable to your goals. We can even work on your space while you aren’t home if that works best for your schedule. Fill your time with the things that bring you life, and let us handle the rest!
2 - You have too much stuff
Over time, the items in your closet, dresser, cabinets, pantry, basement, garage and attic have accumulated and expanded. That’s a lot of places for excess to pile up. At some point you may have had “just” what you needed to live well and enjoy your space, but chances are, you have more than enough now. This “more than enough” is taking up precious real estate in your space. It might even be causing you to waste time and energy, while also costing you more money and stress than you intended. You might have to climb over excess to find specific items in storage areas. You probably spend too much time filing through hanging clothes to find that one top you are looking for. Before a system of order and simplicity can be implemented, there must always be a purge. This is sort of like taking inventory of all of your belongings, touching them and making an intentional decision on whether or not each item stays or goes. We do our very best to inform our clients about where to donate specific items that will be put to good use. Purging is not for the faint of heart. You often need a second pair of eyes to make decisions— we highly advise you to not do this alone.
3 - You are emotionally attached to your stuff
Texture Photo.
We’ve all lived through painful experiences and losses. Sometimes belongings are are passed down from a loved one that we aren’t sure what to do with. Not knowing the monetary value of items can also cause confusion in the decision making process around what to keep and what to let go of. We all grieve and process transitional life experiences differently. Give yourself grace here. There is no “right” way to do this. Gifts can carry such heavy sentimental value, while at the same time serving no real functional purpose. We are able to impart this foundational truth to many clients while sifting through emotionally difficult items - letting go of an object does not erase or eliminate the memory associated with said item or the person who gave it to you. Think 50 years down the road - do you want your friends & family to feel weighed down by any gifts you have given them that they simply keep because they feel guilty getting rid of them? Or, do you want them to feel the freedom to cherish memories without holding onto every single gift or trinket?
4 - You aren’t sure where to start
When it’s your own clutter you’re trying to tackle, it can be personally overwhelming and debilitating. (This is even true for us, the professionals). We oftentimes start small, because the sense of success and accomplishment from one organized area, is what will fuel you through the larger more labor-some areas of your home. When getting to know our clients, we always listen first - this allows us to make a prioritized plan of what spaces should be organized first and in a way that serves you best. We ask questions to find out what matters most to you, what is valuable to the people in your home, and what you hope the overall outcome of organization in your home will look and feel like. We are mindful of the fact that each space affects other rooms in your home and take that into account when coming up with a plan. This allows us to be more efficient with your time, energy, and resources. Although you live day to day in your home, we enter in with a fresh perspective because it’s all new to us. Most importantly, your clutter doesn’t scare us - we see the potential from the get go! Once we’ve hit the “reset” button on your home, you’ll be more able to keep up with the rhythms and routines of organization.
Texture Photo.
5 - You’re facing a life transition
Life is always shifting and changing. Just when we settle into one season, the next one is creeping up on us. Sometimes sudden life altering events come crashing in with no warning. From small changes to sudden or tragic ones, all changes leave us needing to re-settle and reinstate order so that we can press on and adjust. Sometimes an urgent move or job shift creates a pressurized demand for changes to happen quickly in your home. We often are just the compassionate helpers and additional hands you need to finish a looming project. Welcoming new people into your home such as a baby, an aging parent, a foster child, or a relative for a temporary or extended stay, can create a list of to-do’s that can feel impossible. If you’re facing complex or challenging life transitions like divorce or death of a loved one, we are able to help you find a path forward. We make it our mission to help make practical and manageable plans to help our clients through these difficult situations. In such chaotic and painful times, we strive to bring a spirit of hope and peace of mind all the while, getting tasks accomplished.
It’s been a privilege to work with our clients over the past 4.5 years. Everyone has a unique situation and it’s our greatest joy to listen and learn how we can best serve you.
Say HELLO to Erin!
Erin & her boyfriend.
“Write a blog about yourself,” they said. “It’s no big deal,” they said.
But it IS a big deal. This is a new beginning for me, and it. is. big.
Hi, I’m Erin, and I’m new here.
Some background about me and my journey. I was born and raised in Knoxville along with my younger brother. Momma has always been a nurse, and Daddy has always been a teacher. I was always careful , I always followed the rules, and I always made safe and calculated decisions. As a child, I thrived on peace and order in my life.
Erin & her family.
After high school, I made the safe and predictable decision, for me, to attend college in pursuit of a career in disability services. After graduation, I dabbled in the workforce a bit before seeking the comfort of structure and routine that I knew would be found within a graduate program. Thanks to one of my graduate school professors, I found myself working in a full-time position as a disability counselor in a college. This was a dream job in my field with a salary and stability. At this point, I expected to follow in the steady footsteps of my parents and retire from my first and only "real career."
Well, after a few years in this “dream job," I woke up to the realization that I had completely worn myself out. “This can’t be it," I thought. "I deserve to be passionate about my career too.” So I decided to expand the parts of my job that I really liked and, in doing so, turned them into a side hustle by opening a home and office organization business. I was still working my full-time job and, now, organizing on the weekends. I felt like I had finally found my purpose! And yet, while I loved the work I was doing, the reality was, my business was failing. After a summer of soul-searching, I took a leap of faith and reached out to the team at Help You Dwell. After meeting with them, I knew I was on the right path. I joined the HYD team, closed my small business, left my salaried career, and I’ve never felt this free.
Erin's guinea pig - Prints.
Did I mention that I’m not a natural risk-taker? Transitioning from the steady career I had always been working towards and, instead, jumping into something new was terrifying. But, for the first time in a long time, I feel like I am exactly where I am supposed to be. Working with families and helping them lift the burden of clutter and disarray gives me life. God has allowed my passion to meet its purpose and it is a wonderful place to be.
everyone meet allie, our newest teammate!
I am so excited to be working with Help You Dwell. I am an organizer at heart and have been exploring the world of perfecting, rearranging, and reordering for years, so what other job could suit me more? I began dabbling in professional organizing this year when I started my company Settled Spaces. I couldn’t believe that this was an actual possibility for a job. I'm glad to now share my love with the team at HYD.
Being young and out of college, I am glad that organizing has given me the ability to combine a profession with a lifestyle. I’m happy to begin my career life working in an environment that engages my strengths and pushes me to grow in them. Helping others experience harmony in their lives is the most joyful part of organizing to me.
Okay, a little bit about me: I love dancing and I love seeing movies IN theaters.
Allie & her family at her wedding.
Someone once asked a group of us, “What is your favorite place in the whole world?” People said their grandparent’s house, the ocean, or the mountains. My favorite place in the world? The dance floor. I don't know of any other place where I feel so alive and full of joy, fully in the present moment, loving life, and so happy. Seriously! As for movies, I was totally conditioned by my parents to love them when I was young, since they would often go see movies back to back and my mom would arrive an hour early “to get good seats”.
My need for perfection and order can sometimes be my greatest fault. However, as it goes, it’s also one of my greatest strengths. It’s something that has always been within me. I was a gymnast, so we were literally scored from the perfect 10.0 and received deductions for moves that weren’t perfect: a wobble, a bent leg, a wrong step, a fall. Also, when I was young, like the other HYD ladies, I would consistently be changing the floor plan of my room, the system for my dresser and getting rid of the junk that was under my bathroom sink. Basically, perfection is in my DNA.
Allie and her husband Taylor.
Again, SO thrilled to be working with this company and thankful for all that they stand for : )
happy thanksgiving
We just wanted to pop in to wish you a Happy Thanksgiving!
We hope you are surrounded by family and loved ones today and always.
We are so thankful for you; our friends, families and clients.
With grateful hearts,
Caroline, Katie & Taryn
A User's Guide to the HYD Canvas Tote
In keeping with our tips and ideas for bringing more peace & order to your home &/or workspace, we wanted to make sure our fabulous readers were fully informed as to the best uses of our new Help You Dwell canvas totes as well. Just a note too, they are sturdy, practical, and so so lovely!
What fits and what doesn't...
A Pink Marlin won't fit.
But your next picnic will!
This beach ball won't fit.
But your beach necessities will!
Katie won't fit.
But her laptop and accessories will!
A tire won't fit.
But your Knox County Public Library books will!
And to celebrate all the great uses of the HYD Canvas Tote... Lots of bottles of wine from your local Knoxville grocery stores will fit!
Welcome Katie, Our New Teammate.
To be honest, my fan-girl-ing over Help You Dwell has been going on for 2 years. I just couldn't get over the admiration I had for the two (courageous) women that were brave enough to build a business while doing what they love and growing meaningful relationships along the way. I am a young (and sometimes creative) 24 year old girl that jumped at the idea of joining this power-squad. After college I somewhat randomly moved from my home state of North Carolina (hi mom & dad!) to Knoxville, TN and spent the past 2 years making a home for myself here in the scruffy city.
The lovely Naomi & Carl Zellers III.
If you asked me when I was in elementary school what I wanted to be when I grew up, my answer would have been a news anchor... needless to say that dream faded when I realized how many people would be able to watch and see me make mistakes, on LIVE tv. No thank you! Since then, I've had jobs ranging from the Sample Lady at Costco all the way to Accounting. There are two common threads woven through all of the opportunities I've had; connection & order.
My roommates and I love a good porch swing.
The Lord has been so abundantly faithful in providing mentors, friendship, and family-like relationships through the people I have worked for and with. To be loved and known by the people you work with, is not a guarantee. Yet, over and over again I can recount His kindness in providing this. My prayer is that these relationships and connections will be ever-deepening and expanding as His kingdom does.
I've always loved arranging, re-arranging, and re-arranging again all the places I spend time. While doubts and insecurities told me that's a silly way to spend time and energy (aka muscles), I politely and boldly beg to differ with those lies. Where function and beauty meet- I wanna be all up in that. I think our Creator is fond of both things as well, I mean look at His Creation- full of function & beauty intertwined.
To finish with a closing thought: There is something sacred about inviting others into your home and it takes courage to share the rooms that aren't quite perfect, the closets that explode when opened, and the sink full of dishes. But we forfeit deep connection when we only share our perfections (disclaimer: this is true for our homes as well as our souls).
This is where Help You Dwell comes in! It is actually our joy to help you put your belongings, memories and possessions in order. And to share a secret: this is a life-long, ongoing process.
Please raise your coffee mug (or margarita - Happy Cinco de Mayo!) with me - Cheers to our team growing from 2 to 3! And shoutout to Texture Photo for this fun photoshoot. I am so eager for how this adventure will unfold and how I will be shaped along the way. And for you who are reading this- I hope to meet you & spend time creating sacred spaces in your home.
Keeping Order
Finishing up an organizing job in someone's home or office is a thing of beauty. It's satisfying to know we've helped a client find a bit of freedom from their clutter or good homes for unneeded items. We also leave hoping our clients can maintain the new found order.
The thing is, life happens again. There is so much to manage in our daily lives and often people come first, work outside the home next, activities around town after that, and our homes only get us when we're wiped from all the life we've been busy living.
HYD wants to help keep your home a peaceful, ordered space you can rest, entertain, create, or simply be in... any time. We are now offering a monthly organizing service. Let us help you in areas like these and then some...
Kitchen Cabinets and Pantries
Mudrooms and Laundry Rooms
Linen, Coat, and Guest Room Closets
Bedroom and Kids' Closets
Basements and Attics
Potting Sheds and Barns
Kids' Bedrooms and Playrooms
Home Offices and Family
Art, Sewing, or Craft Rooms
Rearranging a Room or General Decor Changes
The fee is $85/mo with a one-year commitment or $975/yr if paid in advance. The fee includes up to two hours of organizing each month, one free donation drop off each month, 10% off any additional hours, and unlimited e-mail access to HYD for personalized consultation.
We look forward to serving our clients in this new capacity. If you're interested or have further questions, please don't hesitate to call 865.245.9080 or email us at info@helpyoudwell.com.
Happy 2nd Birthday To Us!
HYD is officially 2 years old!
Image by Texture Photo
We've done a lot of organizing, staging, planning, selling, and moving since we started. 122 individual spaces or projects are represented in the graph below which is CRAZY to think about! It's been two years full of wonderful people and amazing homes and we couldn't be more excited about where our third year will take us.
- Kitchens
- Closets
- Attics
- Garages
- Basements
- Home Offices
- Business Offices
- Sun rooms
- Guest Rooms
- Living Rooms
- Dining Rooms
- Laundry Rooms
- Pack and Move
- Pop Up Markets
- Kids Rooms
- Garage Sales
- Staging Sessions
- Master Suites
- Play Rooms
- Kitchens
- Closets
- Attics
- Garages
- Basements
- Home Offices
- Business Offices
- Sun rooms
- Guest Rooms
- Living Rooms
- Dining Rooms
- Laundry Rooms
- Pack and Move
- Pop Up Markets
- Kids Rooms
- Garage Sales
- Staging Sessions
- Master Suites
- Play Rooms
Thank you for encouraging us, hiring us, welcoming us into your homes, and joining us in the journey to bring peace and order to homes all over Knoxville. Cheers!
Today, grace.
It's Thursday.
HYD would love to share a tidbit of organizing wonder or a story filled with real life goodness.
Image by: Watercolor Devo
But, instead... you're getting a confession. It's too-late o'clock and my body and brain are ready to call it quits. I started to dig down deep and pull together something worth reading, but my dear husband suggested I give our readers the truth instead. He's real smart like that.
First of all, my season is one I wouldn't trade for the world. I've got a three school-age, active, healthy, fun-loving, tree climbing, soccer ball kickin', musical, gymnastic-ing, fort-building, craft making, treasure collecting, sleepover having kids. My minivan tears up the K-town roads like you wouldn't believe. Many days it's full of kids until 8am, then discarded items from clients until 3pm, then kids again until the last lesson, practice, meeting, or carpool drop-off has finished.
I mean that too about not wanting to trade this season for anything. I truly do love watching these kiddos grow into their own unique individuals. I thank God I get to be present for so much of it. And with that, I say thank you for the grace to let this be HYD's post for the week. The last couple of weeks have been so full of kids and clients, that my time at my computer just didn't happen.
I also want to extend that same grace to you today. You're off the hook. Real life happens. And the good news is, there's always tomorrow.
Announcing the Monthly HYD Newsletter
2016 is here & new things are happening for our little outfit!
We are now offering a monthly newsletter to bring you more information about organizing tips, local workshops and HYD speaking events, what HYD has been up to in our clients' homes, & announcements about discounts, package options, & new services or products HYD has available.
You don't want to miss this monthly newsletter so if you're not already receiving emails from HYD, you can sign up here...
And don't worry, our weekly Thursday blog is not going anywhere. We are looking forward to a full year of opportunities to share with you each week. Be sure to tune into Facebook, Instagram, or just check the website periodically to hear the stories of our clients, our home tours, helpful organizing ideas and systems, and inspiring images, experiences, and words that will keep you moving towards the peace and order in your space to make 2016 your best year yet.
Cheers in this new year!
Our Beautiful Clients
As HYD closes the books on our second year of organizing, staging, event planning, collaborating, volunteering, home touring, learning, listening, and laughing a lot, we can think of no other word than "gratitude" for what we get to do each day.
2015 has given us so many wonderful opportunities to walk alongside folks who have had a variety of dwelling needs. We have lots of "before & after" photos of their homes (many that we need to publish so you can see what amazing spaces we got to create with them) but it always comes back to the people. The stories, the victories, the calls, the cards, emails, & follow-up photos from our clients are what make us really love our job.
The longer we've done this, the more we've come to realize how intimate what we do can be. Allowing us to walk into the chaos your home may be in is not easy. Our clients are brave, humble, & hopeful & we are so thankful to now call many of them friends. We understand that those "before" pictures we take are not taken lightly. A lot of life has come before the disorder. Thankfully, there's a lot of life to come after as well.
As we think through the list of HYD's clients, we've gotten to work with men and women in just about all seasons of life:
parents with school-age kids who need a command center/home office and system to keep things running smoothly
empty-nesters who are ready to think about downsizing and purging
homeowners ready to park vehicles in their garage after years of the garage being full
widows & widowers who need someone to walk through the purging, packing, and transitioning to another home or life in their current home without their loved one
moms with babies and preschoolers who need help making order of all the accessories that come along with little ones so they can focus more time on kids instead of clutter
small business owners who pour their hearts and souls into their businesses but have little time to make their home what they desire & desperately need as a quiet, ordered respite
artists with a passion for what they create but a mental block when it comes to setting up their artistic space
new homeowners who want to start organized so they can stay that way
office managers/workers who want their offices to be organized, efficient, & places where they're inspired to do their best work
The list goes on and we look forward to seeing the awesome people and opportunities 2016 holds for HYD. Be on the lookout for new package deals, organizing & staging workshops, and lots more!