It’s that time of year… Spring cleaning! We’ve put together a list of areas to focus. Whether you can dedicate an entire weekend or short periods of time on this, it’ll be worth it.
Make a plan
Illustration by @sannyvanloon.
We always start here whether we’re organizing, packing, or cleaning. Just because it’s housework, doesn’t mean it can’t be fun (or at least mildly enjoyable) - make a playlist, open the windows, listen to your favorite podcast, and take breaks. Wearing a mask and gloves will provide extra protection from cleaning chemicals or any allergens you might be exposed to. Incorporating a long term solution like air purifiers in your home can increase your air quality. Keeping a handheld broom & dust pan set in your kitchen is handy for quick clean up.
Toss it
Let go of outdated or no longer fresh cleaning supplies. Recycle empty (and washed out) bottles and containers. Here’s a quick resource on how to dispose of potentially hazardous household chemicals in Knoxville.
Replenish cleaning supplies with quality products. Consider swapping an older vaccuum for a HEPA vaccuum, like this one. This handy tool will help you tackle blinds in half the time. Amazon customers are raving about this powerhouse pumice cleaning stone. Stick to similar scents to avoid sensory overload from multiple products (we’re all for the Mrs. Meyers seasonal scented cleaning supplies). These microfiber cleaning cloths are our go-to. Try all natural or eco-friendly cleaning products. Here are a few we recommend: Wooden cleaning brush set, Biodegradable cleaning wipes, Dryer sheets, Dish soap, Dish detergent pods, and Laundry detergent.
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Don’t forget
Tend to the areas and items that only need rare attention that you don’t routinely clean monthly or weekly! Here’s a list of places you may want to consider:
Ceiling fans (to avoid a dust storm, place a pillowcase over a fan blade then pull towards you to collect dust)
Switch plates (Magic Erasers can work wonders here)
Air filters & vents (don’t forget to write the date on the new filter when you replace it & put a note in your phone calendar for the next replacement date)
Dryer return
Trash cans & recycle bins (if they are commonly stinky, toss a couple dryer sheets in the bottom to help absorb odor)
Toaster (bye bye crumb collection)
Microwave (Tip from Good Housekeeping: Fill a bowl with 1 cup of water and a chopped-up lemon, lime, or orange or several tablespoons of vinegar and stick it inside. Turn the appliance on high for several minutes or until the solution boils and the window is steamy, then let it cool for 5 minutes before opening the door. Remove and wipe the inside and outside with a sponge.)
Refrigerator & freezer (once completed, this is one of the most satisfying transformations)
Curtains (and fabric shower curtains - toss in the dryer on air-only cycle for a quick refresh)
Patio furniture (get it ready for it’s prime season!)
Medicine cabinet & first aid supplies
Pet beds
What other areas do you focus on for your own spring cleaning?
It’s a great time to do a quick purge in your closets as the seasons change, too!