
Spring Organizing + Knoxville Habitat ReStore

Spring Organizing + Knoxville Habitat ReStore

Open a window and let the breeze in as you let organize your home this Spring. Keep reading to see the 4 steps to get you started! We're also excited to tell you more about a local nonprofit organization (Knoxville Habitat for Humanity ReStore) your donations can help impact. 

Spring Cleaning Tips

It’s that time of year… Spring cleaning! We’ve put together a list of areas to focus. Whether you can dedicate an entire weekend or short periods of time on this, it’ll be worth it.

Make a plan

Illustration by @sannyvanloon.

Illustration by @sannyvanloon.

We always start here whether we’re organizing, packing, or cleaning. Just because it’s housework, doesn’t mean it can’t be fun (or at least mildly enjoyable) - make a playlist, open the windows, listen to your favorite podcast, and take breaks. Wearing a mask and gloves will provide extra protection from cleaning chemicals or any allergens you might be exposed to. Incorporating a long term solution like air purifiers in your home can increase your air quality. Keeping a handheld broom & dust pan set in your kitchen is handy for quick clean up.

Toss it

Let go of outdated or no longer fresh cleaning supplies. Recycle empty (and washed out) bottles and containers. Here’s a quick resource on how to dispose of potentially hazardous household chemicals in Knoxville.


Replenish cleaning supplies with quality products. Consider swapping an older vaccuum for a HEPA vaccuum, like this one. This handy tool will help you tackle blinds in half the time. Amazon customers are raving about this powerhouse pumice cleaning stone. Stick to similar scents to avoid sensory overload from multiple products (we’re all for the Mrs. Meyers seasonal scented cleaning supplies). These microfiber cleaning cloths are our go-to. Try all natural or eco-friendly cleaning products. Here are a few we recommend: Wooden cleaning brush set, Biodegradable cleaning wipes, Dryer sheets, Dish soap, Dish detergent pods, and Laundry detergent.

Just so ya know: Some of the links in this post are affiliate links, meaning when you click the link to purchase a product on this page, HYD receives a commission for sharing this with you without any additional cost to you.

Don’t forget

Tend to the areas and items that only need rare attention that you don’t routinely clean monthly or weekly! Here’s a list of places you may want to consider:

  • Ceiling fans (to avoid a dust storm, place a pillowcase over a fan blade then pull towards you to collect dust)

  • Switch plates (Magic Erasers can work wonders here)

  • Air filters & vents (don’t forget to write the date on the new filter when you replace it & put a note in your phone calendar for the next replacement date)

  • Dryer return

  • Luggage

  • Trash cans & recycle bins (if they are commonly stinky, toss a couple dryer sheets in the bottom to help absorb odor)

  • Oven

  • Toaster (bye bye crumb collection)

  • Microwave (Tip from Good Housekeeping: Fill a bowl with 1 cup of water and a chopped-up lemon, lime, or orange or several tablespoons of vinegar and stick it inside. Turn the appliance on high for several minutes or until the solution boils and the window is steamy, then let it cool for 5 minutes before opening the door. Remove and wipe the inside and outside with a sponge.)

  • Refrigerator & freezer (once completed, this is one of the most satisfying transformations)

  • Curtains (and fabric shower curtains - toss in the dryer on air-only cycle for a quick refresh)

  • Patio furniture (get it ready for it’s prime season!)

  • Medicine cabinet & first aid supplies

  • Pet beds

What other areas do you focus on for your own spring cleaning?
It’s a great time to do a quick purge in your closets as the seasons change, too!

Being Present in the Middle of May

Spring is in full swing now and all the events of the season are coming at us from every direction! Graduations, travel plans, spring performances, festivals, sports tournaments, and end-of-school year parties and events are filling our calendars and brain-space as we try to survive one of the most beautiful months in East Tennessee.

We’ve gathered a few tips to help you be present, enjoy these last couple of weeks and finish the month with success.

Take a break from social media

For the rest of the month, hit pause on scrolling through your social media feeds. There are lots of fun things to post about on your own page - be it your kids, a fun travel spot, a memorable gathering - so go for it! But create a personal rule about not looking at other’s lives for the rest of the month to help you focus more clearly on your own.

Be willing to say “no”

Do someone a favor, and say “no” to an event, volunteer opportunity, or extra appointment and allow someone else the chance to say “yes.” Many of us are natural-born helpers (Enneagram 2’s, you know who you are ; ) ), but we’ve got to allow others the opportunity to help out in the classroom, take some food to a friend, or offer to help with the neighborhood newsletter.


Schedule (at least) a 30-minute window every day to unplug

Take some time each day to do something without your phone in reach or earshot. I know many of us rely on our phones for our business and to be available for our families, but we also need a break. Just putting it away for short windows to allow yourself to be fully present in some quiet space, especially in such a hectic month, can be very refreshing.

Try to get into bed 30 minutes earlier as often as possible

Sleep is imperative when our brains are in overload, and even if you can’t every night, choose an early bedtime as many times this month as you can. Find a magazine, book of poetry, or an easy read to allow your mind to unwind and lull yourself to a peaceful sleep.

Drink water

Don’t leave home without a full & refillable water bottle. With busy schedules and lots or running from one place to the next, it’s easy to let this simple habit go by the wayside. Plus the weather is moving towards summer, so as our bodies adjust to warmer temps, a little extra hydration is needed.

Lastly, enjoy the moments when you’re in them. This month will be gone before you know it, so hang in there, laugh when you can, hug those you love, and celebrate the milestones of all your people as they graduate, finish a sports season, or start a new adventure this spring.

Wherever you are - be all there.
— Jim Elliot

get outside!

We love this time of year. Watching everything come back to life after the long (wet) and dark winter is so refreshing. The change of season can bring shift in our perspective and revival to our spirits. With the start of spring comes excitement and ample opportunities to enjoy beautiful east Tennessee.

Image from Visit Knoxville.

Image from Visit Knoxville.

Here are a few ways we encourage you to get outside & welcome the new season…

Explore Knoxville’s tree-based adventure park, Navitat, at Ijams Nature Center, or take a hike on one of the Center’s trails.

Pack a picnic lunch and bring a blanket for a sunny feast at Sequoyah Hills Park.

Sweep off porch and patio areas. Make them more inviting with a new welcome mat or strand of lights.

Enjoy a beer with a friend at the Bearden Beer Market to support Keep the Tennessee River Beautiful.

Celebrate EarthFest’s 20th year anniversary at SoKno Taco Cantina.

Image from Outdoor Knoxville.

Image from Outdoor Knoxville.

Enjoy a Signature Spring Wildflower Hike at Norris Dam State Park.


Participate or cheer on participants downtown for the Covenant Health 5K & kids run.

Instead of going to the gym, head to Lakeshore Park and traverse the loop at any pace you please.

Begin preparing your gardens and attend Easy Vegetable Gardening seminar at Stanley’s Greenhouse.

Make a bonfire & invite new neighbors to enjoy it with you.

Tunes for your Spring Refresh Organizing

Before tackling that bedside table drawer, or kitchen junk drawer… check out our Spring Refresh playlist we’ve put together for you.

Photo from Schoolhouse Electric.

Some fun music, an open window & an eager attitude will take you a long way as you refresh your space this spring. Schedule out some manageable chunks of time to focus on one area or project at a time. Celebrate the success of finishing each small project. Bit by bit, your space will be refreshed.


A playlist featuring LÉON, Brandi Carlile, Bahamas, and others


What are some of your favorite tunes to listen to while cleaning, purging or organizing?

bringing plants indoors

Have you ever felt like a room in your home was missing something? That it is completely decorated, filled with your favorite things but isn't quite right? It may be time to add in some green - with a plant of course! Today we've laid out a few ways to use plants inside + indoor plants that help filter your air, keeping your space looking and feeling fresh!

Photo Credit: Adam Ford

Photo Credit: Adam Ford

Photo Credit: Life Simplified

Photo Credit: Life Simplified

Photo Credit: CONVIVAL

Photo Credit: CONVIVAL

Photo Credit: Ashley Lauren Design Studio

Photo Credit: Ashley Lauren Design Studio

Photo Credit: Kirsten Grove

Photo Credit: Kirsten Grove

Wheather you go big with a ficus or keep it small with baby succulents, adding plants into your home is the perfect way to melt the winter blues away and bring life into your space! Below, HYD has picked six different plants that not only look pretty, but also filter your air. (that's a win-win in our books!)

Images: 1/2/3/4/5/6

With spring right around the corner be sure to pick up your favorites at the local nursery! 

Garden Shed Organizing

Image from archilovers.com

Image from archilovers.com

Spring is right around the corner and we've gathered some tips from around the web to help you purge, organize, and restock your garden shed. Sometimes it's hard to find the motivation to get a jump start on your yard and garden plots but having an inspiring potting shed definitely makes it easier. If you don't have a shed, think about possibly creating a gardening/lawn maintenance corner in your garage.



1. There is nothing worse than rusted, dull gardening tools. To keep tools sharp and shiny, try storing them in a sand filled bucket or clay pot and mix in a little bit of oil. Your tools will be well kept and easy to grab on the go.



Image from bhg.com

Image from bhg.com



2. Be resourceful. Think outside of the box and repurpose items you already have. Use a chick feed as a shelf, use an old shutter as a shelf, mount old rusted tools to the wall to hang things from. Once you start thinking creatively you'll find you have all kinds of things you could probably put to good use.



Image from bhg.com

Image from bhg.com




3. To help keep track of when to plant what, try displaying your seeds by month. We love this idea of using ribbons and clothes pins. Seed packets are so pretty it's like displaying informal art.



Image and tutorial from Turtles and Tails

Image and tutorial from Turtles and Tails




4. If you have limited space and you're sharing real estate in a garage, use this handy pull down table to create space for potting plants when you need it.

Image and tutorial by Instructables

Image and tutorial by Instructables


5. Need seating and storage as well? This step-by-step tutorial walks you through how to create these tasteful and useful benches when storage is limited.



HYD hopes these ideas give you reason to get outside, get a little dirt under your nails, and enjoy the spring that's on it's way!