The beginning of a New Year offers us a fresh start! You may be tempted to overhaul your whole life (if you do- more power to ya!) or be overwhelmed with the many ways you want to grow in the next year. You may be wondering why we’re talking about this a few weeks into the 2021- because it is never too late to start new habits and create new rhythms. You didn’t miss your chance to begin your journey to simplicity!
Wherever you are on the spectrum of New Year ambitions and excitement - we’d like to share a few organizing tips and small ways to live more intentionally this year.
Pace it out.
You don’t have to do it all at once (and you can’t & that’s ok!). Separate your overwhelm into manageable projects. Celebrate the successes along the way. Choose one project a week (or weekend) to focus on. Or you can commit a few hours at a time to organizing a problem area in your home, and continue with as many sessions as it takes. We’ve found that the sheer act of scheduling an organizing session with our team, provides accountability and ensures that the organizing happens.
Let it go.
We’ve said it a million times, but we’ll say it again - if you don’t purge, you’ll be continually rearranging clutter. Challenge yourself. What items do you really love & what items take up space that is more valuable than the item itself? Routinely scheduling “purge” sessions can help letting go become a more natural thing. You could do it quarterly or monthly, and invite the other people in your home to participate. The freedom that comes from letting go can be pretty rewarding.
Keep it up.
Pay attention to the areas of your home that stay pretty organized. What is working in those spaces? What habits are in place? Play off of your strengths! And always remember, “getting organized” is more about a holistic and continual journey to simplicity - not a checked off to-do list of completed project. It’s can be emotional and mental work to get organized, give yourself some grace.
There’s no better time than now to get started. Living an organized life or achieving an organized home is a continual process. We are happy to help you along the way, no matter what challenging situation or complicated transition you may be facing.