
Keep it Simple | Organizing Tips

Keep it Simple | Organizing Tips

The beginning of a New Year offers us a fresh start! You may be tempted to overhaul your whole life (if you do- more power to ya!) or be overwhelmed with the many ways you want to grow in the next year. You may be wondering why we’re talking about this a few weeks into the 2021- because it is never too late to start new habits and create new rhythms. You didn’t miss your chance to begin your journey to simplicity!

What's with all the pressure to be organized??

If you keep up with blogs, or honestly, any form of social media, you've probably observed this obsession with being organized that has surfaced over the past few years.

Let's talk about this trend.

If I'm being honest, all of the lovely pictures that grace the pages of magazines, Instagram streams, and blog posts make me swoon. They also make me less content with that I currently have and how my home currently looks. I often feel frustrated when I see the perfectly color coordinated kids rooms, the toys that are set exactly 3 inches apart from each other lining a shelf, the immaculately folded linens in a closet--these things are not realistic for me. I totally understand wanting a well designed and well organized home and the desire for things to look nice. What I do want to acknowledge is that I am a professional organizer, and my home will never look like those pictures unless I've specifically staged it for pictures (which would last all of about 30 minutes).

What I've been thinking about and trying to embrace lately is that being organized means different things to different people. The value of being organized is different for every person. I know for myself that if my house feels out of order, I feel distracted and overwhelmed--but my definition of "out of order" is not the same as everyone else’s definition. For example, I like for things to generally have a designated place, I like having clean surfaces, I don't like to store much on my counters, and I like things to be contained. Some people love to have lots of things on every shelf, and that's totally fine. For many, that doesn't feel disorganized or overwhelming at all. The truth is, we hope you never feel pressured by media, fashion, trends, friends, or family to become a version of "organized" that doesn’t work for you.

You may have noticed that many of our “before and afters” do not feature “after” pictures that look perfect- this is purposeful. Many of our clients are looking for practical help, things that can easily be maintained. Sometimes we complete a job where our client really values uniformity and a more picturesque final product, and we are happy to provide that result, but we never want to leave a client with something that doesn't feel realistic to their every day life. We realized that organization looks different for each person and we want to customize our work in a way that leaves each client feeling good about moving forward and maintaining their newly achieved order.

We love to help people who feel overwhelmed by their belongings, who want to let go, have the desire to purge, rearrange, re-invision their space etc. We've found that a very real sense of relief often comes when you purge and get more organized. Our greatest desire is that you feel content and able to enjoy your space without feeling burdened by it!


Holiday gift guide: Give the gift of experience rather than goods

gift guide.png

Christmas is less than two weeks away and we have a great list of gift ideas that won't clutter up the homes of the ones you love. We have compiled ideas for all age groups, budgets, and interests. We've even managed to think of ways to support local businesses without having to purchase tangible items. Whether you're shopping for "the person that already has everything", someone who is working toward a minimal lifestyle, or for someone that you wish would get rid of some clutter, we've got you covered. 


  • A Weekend away. Knoxville is conveniently located in driving distance from Nashville, Atlanta, Louisville, Chattanooga, and the Smokey Mountains. Try out an air bnb property rather than a hotel for a more personalized experience.
  • Dinner out. A few of our local favorites are A dopo, Knox Mason, Emelia, and J.C. Holdway
  • Manicure, pedicure, massage, spa treatment etc. Support a local salon like Wild Lavender or Pure Lux

Give the gift of classes or offer to teach someone a skill that you have:

  • Teach a loved one to knit, crochet, embroider, or sew. Loopville offers lots of classes for all levels of learning
  • Teach someone how to bake your "signature" treat or cook your favorite meal or give the gift of cooking classes at The Cutting Edge Classroom
  • Music/instrument lessons. Bill Jones Music offers many options.
  • Art or pottery classes. Check out Mighty Mud or ask a local artist if they offer private lessons.
  • Yoga membership or class package. The Glowing Body is one of our favorite locally owned studios.
  • Photography classes. Light Finds offers classes and private lessons as well!


The Mill & Mine: Image Source

The Mill & Mine: Image Source

Gift ideas for Kids:

The Basement community art studio. Image Source

The Basement community art studio. Image Source


CSA share. Image source

CSA share. Image source

Think outside of the box this year and give those you love something that they will remember forever!