Welcome to London! I wish so badly I could invite you in for a real life tour & give you a hug, but sadly that is not the case currently. So I’ll do my best to virtually welcome you into our “home” in this beautiful city. I’d offer you a cup of coffee (or tea) if you were visiting- so make yourself a “cuppa” and settle in.
3 Ways to Refresh Your Entry Way for Spring
Entry way by Meegan Buschor of Mia Interiors
When March rolls in, we move out… outside! It’s that time of year to transition our lives from cozy and cuddled to playing and planting. Spring is just around the corner and we want to come alongside you to help transition your home and life for the changing days ahead. Each week this month we will bring you helpful insights, inspirations, and steps for you to get a kickstart on spring organizing.
Let’s begin with the places in our homes we use every single day! Do you think much about your entry ways? We’re talking about any space that welcomes you and your people into your home. This could be your front hallway, garage entry way or mud room. Whatever you call your “drop your things and kick off your shoes” space… we’ve got some tips for you to get you ready for a new season.
Inspiration from @industrieelchique
Begin with a fresh start! As you look at your entry way, consider what clothing, jackets, or shoes may be piling up that you may not need anymore. Perhaps kids have outgrown shoes. Start by pulling everything out and organize them in piles with like objects. Sort through each pile determining what to keep and what could be dropped it off at your local KARM store.
Tessa Hop’s natural tones brings simplicity to this clean entry way.
Put away your winter coats (when its finally warm enough!) and your heavy boots in their off season home. Pull out that rain jacket and gardening shoes to replace your winter gear! As you enjoy the simplicity that comes as bulky clothes leave, leave only what you need in this area as it can become cluttered easily. Start with assigning a hook, cabinet, or cubby to each person in your home.
Consider decorative bins or a shoe rack or tray for your remaining shoes to stay tidy. Tyne Martinez of Atlanta, in an article on The Scout Guide recommends “choosing a material that adds interest without detracting from the house’s aesthetic, and opting for a style that reflects the formality of the abode.”
Here are a few links for items much like you see in Tessa’s simple and stylish entry.
Juniper Home’s recent mud room reveal has us drooling!
As always, we want to walk into a beautiful home as well as a functional one… but keep it simple! A small antique table for your keys can add some charm to a small entry way. A welcoming bench brings a warm space for taking off muddy spring boots. Save a hook to show off your favorite hat or basket full of spring flowers! Transition a favorite piece of art or collectible to display in this area to bring some life and warmth.
Unsure where to start when considering donating unused items from your home? Read these past HYD blog posts on donations:
5 Easy Ways to Spruce Up Your Living Room
I have found that sometimes it's the little things that transform a room. Because many of us have a budget that doesn't allow for frequent redecorating, knowing a few tricks of the trade can be a great way to change up a room without breaking the bank. If you find yourself feeling like your living space is a bit drab maybe these tips will help.
1. One of the best pieces of decorating advice I've ever received is to "shop your own house". Take a walk in and out of every room. Notice what your favorite things in each room are and mentally note whether or not your would be willing to rearrange. Because a living room is a common area, a place where many entertain, and usually the most trafficked room in a house, I encourage people to display their favorite things in this room.
2. Often we have a hard time really seeing our own home because we live in it. Invite a friend over and ask them to take a look at your space. Sometimes friends can help you see if a room feels too cluttered, too minimal, too matchy-matchy, or is clashing. This can leave you feeling a bit vulnerable but I've had great results when I've had an extra set of eyes viewing my space and offering suggestions.
3. One way to add dimension to your living room is to layer neutrals or colors in varying tones. Using creams and grays and browns with a little minimal pattern thrown in can make a room feel so much more interesting. Often times stores sell sets of matching items like throw pillows, blankets etc. Try mixing a few different patterns and shades of colors to your existing pillows or throws for a more eye catching effect.
4. If you have collections of things, try displaying them all together rather than placing them in multiple rooms throughout your home. If you love vintage camera's try staging them all on a shelf or two. If you love glass bottles, group them together etc. Collections offer a focal point and will spark conversation.
5. If you have a mantel in your living room think about painting it. Rather than repainting the entire room, painting your mantel can change the ambiance of the room without having to embark on a major paint job. You may want to add a pop of color if your living room is mostly neutrals or maybe you want to bring depth into your room and paint it black. If painting is out of the question, try a new mantel arrangement. A collage of different sized framed photos will soften a formal mantel. You could add an arrangement of potted plants or framed art in varying sizes. Change things around and sit with it for a few days. If you don't like it then keep playing until you find something that works for you.
We would love to see before and afters of your own spaces!