
Best way to Organize your Fridge

Are you tired of random leftovers and holiday meals taking over your kitchen and refrigerator? It’s the perfect time to give our fridge & freezers some attention.

A fresh year, a fresh start.

Whether you are hoping to save some time or money, putting some energy into your fridge will reap benefits to your everyday. Are you tired of wasting food or accidentally spending too much on groceries? Take these practical tips into account and you will be on your way.


Before you even open the doors, let’s handle the exterior. Take everything off - including magnets, lists, kids artwork, invitations, photos, coupons, and more. Give it a good wipe down once it’s clear.
All the items you removed should fall into one of 3 categories:

  • Discard what is no longer necessary (things like expired promotions and past event invitations)

  • Save and store items that are sentimental (things like photos and children’s artwork)

  • Place the pieces that either bring functionality (current sports schedule) or joy (recent family photo or art) back onto your fridge or freezer doors.

Now onto the inside - you’ve got this!


It may feel overwhelming to do a one time fridge/freezer overhaul… so what if we implement a couple recurring habits to keep our appliances in neat order.

One way to save space and money is to do a quick inventory check of your fridge, freezer, (and pantry or cupboards) before doing a grocery run. While you’re in there, check dates and freshness of perishable items. For dressings and condiments, group the oldest ones together and pull them to the front so they are more likely to be used soon. Make a list of items that are running low or need to be replaced asap.

Secondly, schedule a reminder or task for yourself to do a quick leftover assessment the day before your trash is collected. We recommend dating your leftovers (this can be as simple as a sticky note, masking tape, or writing with whiteboard marker on Tupperware) so that there is no confusion about what food is fresh. Toss any food that is no longer good.

These two small actions will help ensure your fridge and freezer are not overlooked or overflowing with extra or outdated items, which will make meal prep and cooking much smoother. You’ll thank yourself later!


Based on the needs of your home, create areas for the items you always have on hand (ie. school lunch items, baby food, fresh fruit, grab & go yogurts, etc.). We recommend using clear containers to corral similar items. This allows you to remove and discard the cardboard or plastic wrapping on food items so you can easily see how many you have left. Bonus points for using containers and bins that are dishwasher safe in case of a mess. This will also save you time & trouble in the event of a spill. The open top file box item below is actually a perfect fit for many freezer drawers (hack from The Home Edit gals).


As far as food safety goes, there is a way to best utilize the different shelves in your fridge. Food that does not require cooking should be on the higher shelves, while items that do need to be cooked are placed in the lowest areas to avoid cross contamination.

Placing a small open box of baking soda really does add freshness and reduce odors.

Example: cream cheese, fruit, and leftovers up top while raw meats should be placed in the lowest drawer.

Need a hand in organizing your fridge?


We would love to help. Our team of organizers bring a fresh perspective and resourceful ideas to create order in your unique space. Take this first step and you’ll be on your way to enjoying cooking, eating healthier meals, and saving money on groceries.

Renew the Heart of Your Home with a Cookware Revamp

As the cooler weather approaches, it beckons warm, home-cooked meals! Let's talk about some fresh perspectives on those kitchen staples, pots and pans, and how we can create organizational longevity this season.

Display Those Babies:

Maybe you've always admired kitchens where pots and pans are openly displayed, creating a sense of accessibility and charm. The good news is that this won't break the bank! Simply designate a space for open display, grab a rod, and some S-hooks, and make it happen. Here are a few options on our Amazon Storefront to DIY your perfect display! Hanging your pots and pans not only adds an artistic vibe to your kitchen but also transforms your gear into instruments of creativity and novelty. With this open displayed system, you'll stay organized, as you can easily wash and immediately put your cookware on display again. No more rummaging through low-lying cabinets—this is a win-win! 

Make Your Space Work for You:

If you love the idea of hanging pots and pans but lack cabinet space for this organizational method, fear not! You can still enjoy the ease of accessibility with a pull-out hanging potholder. We love how the lids effortlessly slide onto the handles of the pans—talk about staying organized in style! This guide from Family Handyman takes you through step-by-step to create this for yourself.

Stack 'Em Up:

Take a moment to assess your kitchen. How many pots and pans do you have? How many do you actually use on a weekly basis? It might be time to declutter and make your space more functional. Consider whether all your cookware still has value or if some pieces are worn out and need replacing.

Are they neatly organized, or do they seem to spill out of cabinets and drawers? Organization can greatly impact your cooking experience. Take a critical look at the assortment of pots and pans you've accumulated over the years. Are there duplicates or similar pieces that could be consolidated? Streamlining your collection can not only free up precious storage space but also simplify decision-making when it comes to meal preparation.

Consider the functionality of your cookware. Are there specialized items you bought for a specific purpose but rarely use? Perhaps that oversized stockpot or novelty-shaped pan seemed like a great idea at the time, but they've since become dust collectors. Re-evaluate whether these items serve a practical purpose in your kitchen or if it's time to pass them on to someone who might make better use of them.

While assessing your pots and pans, don't forget to check their condition! Over time, cookware can show signs of wear and tear. Handles may become loose, non-stick coatings may peel, or stainless steel might lose its shine. Such wear and tear not only affect the quality of your cooking but can also pose safety hazards. If you find any damaged or deteriorating pieces, consider replacing them to maintain a safe and enjoyable cooking environment.

If you’re in the market for a beautiful new addition to your collection, Le Creuset has some great deals as a part of the Amazon Prime Big Deal Days event happening October 10-11th.

Check out the official Help You Dwell Amazon Storefront for all of our top picks!

So, which method do you want to bring to life in your space this autumn? Whether you choose to display your pots and pans openly, opt for a pull-out hanging potholder, or embark on a decluttering journey, these kitchen organizational tips will not only make your life easier but also add a touch of creativity to your home. Embrace the change of the season and create a kitchen that's not only warm but wonderfully organized!

If the thought of decluttering and organizing your kitchen seems overwhelming, remember that you don’t have to to it alone! At Help You Dwell, we specialize in professional organization services that transform your home’s most loved spaces. Contact us to schedule a consultation and take the first steps towards a clutter-free, functional home for you and your family! 



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Kitchen Renovation Survival Tips

When I think of a “kitchen renovation” my mind immediately goes to the fun finishing details like cabinet hardware, decor, and the blissful feeling of a “new” kitchen. We’ve saved funds for it, so let’s do it! Admittedly… embarking upon a full-scale kitchen renovation brought about a lot more to decisions and considerations than I was prepared for. If you’re about to begin a project at home, here are a few things I’d encourage you to think through before beginning.

  • How can you prepare yourself (and whoever you share your home with) to live “well” during the transformation?

Kitchen- Ask your contractor up front and direct questions regarding how long you’ll be without cooking appliances or functionality. Get creative and consider alternative cooking methods - gas or charcoal grill, camping stove, a neighbors airbnb (we have the most generous neighbors in all the land), microwave set up in a different room, your basement, etc. You don’t have to eat out every meal to survive this, although a few takeout meals are entirely allowed.

Bathroom- Can you and your family members agree to share 1 bathroom for a period of time? Create a rhythm or rough schedule of shower times and who will need the space for what time each day. Create a makeshift “get ready” spot in another room of the house with a mirror, outlets, and natural light. Remember- this is not forever!

  • What are the MOST important features of your project that you aren’t willing to budge on?

There are so many ideals when we consider a home project - gaining more space, adding storage, increasing functionality, improve hosting capabilities, etc. My husband and I narrowed down to 2 main priorities for our kitchen which provided good guardrails when making small and large decisions. We wanted to increase functionality and create a kitchen we could host in. Everything else was second-tier. This prevents everything from feeling like the most important thing when prioritizing budget and choices. If we were stuck on a specific detail or question- we could ask ourselves “Does it add functionality or improve our ability to host?” and if the answer wasn’t an obvious yes, we decided that was a low priority and cost decision to make which helped bring a little simplicity.

  • Who can you trust to help you make decisions?

I personally found it tempting to want to google or create a poll for the whole world to chime in on some decisions, however, I’m so glad I didn’t. Do we really need the ideas and opinions of strangers guiding the decisions we make about our very own sacred home? No thanks. What I am glad I did, was invite a few close friends to speak into the project. I first shared my vision, the pain points, and our plans then asked if they see any gaps or have any suggestions. Select a very few trusted folks to do this with… too many voices can cause mental clutter and indecision. If you have a favorite designer or brand that you follow, stick with that for inspiration - not every influencer, trendsetter, or mom blog will be your vibe and that’s ok. Think of actual real places you’ve been and what you loved about those homes and consider what concepts you can take from them. Ask a friend in a season of life ahead of you what they wish they would’ve done differently in their own home.

  • How will you adapt as timelines, budgets, or plans change?

Inevitably things change… due to supply chain issues, weather, product availability, etc. When things change there is often a cost (involving literally money and also time). Be prepared for this. Your contractors and designers cannot anticipate EVERYTHING. Especially if your home is older, there may be unexpected plumbing or electrical issues that need to be resolved. One thing you could consider is to aim to schedule the demo portion of your home project while your family (or even just children) will be out of town. Do you have friends or family you could “house sit” for while they are away? Get creative (if your budget allows) with where you spend your days and nights during renovations.

  • What do you hope to feel/experience in your new space?

Start with the end in mind. What memories do you hope to make in your new space? How will the space be used day in and day out? Build from that vision. If warmth, coziness, and comfort is important to you- carry that through your color choices. If simplicity, clean lines, and minimalism is your style- let that guide your decisions around new items that will fill your space. If character and story are vital, then take your time to collect and hunt for the right pieces to fit your new space. Take your time and remember that things that are worthwhile, can take time.

  • What are some ways you can save your sanity amidst the chaos?

The biggest secret I’ll let you in on is this - HIRE THE EXPERTS. Seriously, most anyone “can” pack up their kitchen and unpack after completion… but what if there’s a better way? I’m talking about getting fresh eyes, extra hands, and thoughtful organizational experts to make suggestions on how to best utilize your newly improved space. On my own, I would likely just put everything back as close to the way I had it previously. However, when the HYD gals stepped in I was given fresh perspective and new ideas about how to best set up my space in a way that improves functionality and eliminates wasted space. We talked through how our space is used, what items I grab most, and the flow of our kitchen throughout the day. With minimal expense of new “organizing supplies” - we were able to give everything a spot, create zones, and implement systems that I can utilize every day.

A few other ways to save sanity- adjusting your regular routine from nightly baths for your kiddos to every other night - everyone will survive. Pick up pizza or Chick-fil-a more than normal, that’s ok too. Remember this is a season and it will end. Making some adjustments to our normal day-to-day can save a little time, sanity, and effort. I can personally say I don’t recommend (your husband) trying out a new diet (Whole30) while trying to expand your infant’s exposure to new foods in the middle of a kitchen renovation- but, we survived. Shamelessly, we used a lot of paper plates (apologies to the environment, we promise to be better as soon as we have a working sink).

We are nearing the completion of our kitchen renovation and we are already LOVING our new space (literally we gained square footage). So even though everything isn’t quite “finished”- we have functional appliances and beautiful cabinets and floors… aka we are finally cooking! Seeing the vision that lived in your head, come to life is a pretty rewarding experience. I’m so glad we lived in our home for a year prior to making any major changes like this. And it feels pretty darn good to know that we are utilizing our space well, thanks to the help of the experts. Everything in the kitchen has a “home” and the best part is, everything is accessible and functional.

Spice It Up

Spice It Up

The “right” way to set up a kitchen is to make it functional for YOU and how you use it. When tackling the spices the two key factors are access & visibility so that you can get what you need when you need it. One of the best things we can recommend is investing in uniform containers. This isn’t always required, but will be a huge help if you want to take your spice storage to the next level.

Let's Talk Countertops

Let's Talk Countertops

Some people prefer to have a collection of daily use items, decor or appliances on their kitchen surfaces, while others enjoy a completely clear counter top. Which group of people do you find yourself in? There is no right or wrong way, but rather an approach that fits your specific season. We’ll share a few thoughts on both options…

pantry inspiration

When you're in a space that makes you feel happier, you tend to feel a little more inspired...and maybe even a little more motivated. Let's talk about a tidy pantry. I don't know about you, but when each kitchen utensil, appliance, and food item is in it's rightful place, it motivates me to not only eat healthier but to spend more time in the kitchen! 

Today we are sharing a few ordered pantry images to inspire a happier pantry.

Switching your stock pantry items into glass jars is a great way to display your food. The task may seem daunting, but once the chore is complete your pantry will instantly feel fresh and your food can easily be located in just a glance. 

Another great way to freshen up your pantry is to store items such as onions and potatoes in decorative baskets or accessible bins. Also, try putting your fruit in wire or mesh containers. 

Grab a trash bag, a few air tight containers and start creating a happier pantry! Who knows, you may be so inspired that you'll also organize your refrigerator!


Stay tuned, our Interior Designer is upgrading her pantry. More to come soon! 

Home Organization Projects | Before & After

Recent Home Organization Projects by Help You Dwell

January has been full of fun for HYD. We've had the privilege of organizing two home office areas, several closets, a couple of kitchen pantries, creating a playroom, overhauling a sunroom, and we're in the middle of helping organize, pack, and remove items from a mother-in-law's former condominium.

Every job has had it's own challenges and each homeowner had their own ideas and plans for the space we worked in. This is the part of our job that calls us to be good listeners and creative problem-solvers. We want to invite you to join us through our journey with some of January's clients thus far & let you see some of the photos and the reviews & quotes we received along the way. Because maybe you'll see yourself or a loved one who could truly benefit from a helping hand like the one HYD can give.


Our first stop is a home office redo of a working mom of three school age kids. She's got a great space to work with, a tight budget, and an eagerness to get a system. Our goal was to not only create the space, but put in place routines that will help keep it ordered and functional while not breaking the bank on all kinds of new gadgets, storage containers, etc.

Before - Home Office

Before - Home Office

In the before, you'll see lots of extras lying around that aren't related to the office. With a little clean-up, purging, and rearranging (plus finding a fantastic donated shelving unit) we were able put together a much more functional area for the whole family to utilize.

Home Office - After

Home Office - After

The only purchased items to finish off the space were the woven file box on the bottom shelf of the shelf unit and the wire tray on the desk for active bills, school papers, and to do items. All the other baskets, frames/photos, etc the homeowner already had. We look forward to checking back in with her to see how things are going.

I actually sat in here and worked this week!
Money well spent!! So great to have these ladies help organize my space and take control of my domain again!!


First of all, what a wonderful space to work in! This client was overjoyed to get to cash in her gift certificate she won in our December giveaway by asking for our help in creating a sunroom for reading, thinking, snuggling, and just enjoying. We were more than happy to help. Having just moved into her new home with her husband and two littles, she was very open to suggestions and ideas of how to make the space work best. She had lots of family furniture pieces to work with along with a wonderful selection of plants given to her by her late grandmother.

Sunroom - Before

Sunroom - Before

Again, such a fabulous room to work with but it can also be a challenge when you have so much room to want to fill it up with furniture, plants, and accessories just because you have the space. If we're going a peaceful getaway type room, cozy and comfortable are part of the goal but order and simplicity must be included as well. The plants also bring great color and life to the room but too many can cause the room to feel messy. We took great care to find the right plants for the right spaces throughout the house so that each one can be enjoyed and properly cared for.

Sunroom - After

Sunroom - After

Once we walked through the house and basement to see what furniture pieces we had to work with and where some of the extra plants could be enjoyed in the house, we then started the great rearrange! Creating a breakfast nook for quiet mornings, a desk near the windows for thoughtful contemplation, a couch and seating area for great conversation, and added a much needed bookshelf (located on the left wall) to house all the books for snuggling up and reading.

HYD was SUCH a gift to my house! They created space where there was only plants and stuff mashed together. They created atmosphere by giving important items a perfect place to fit in the sunroom. HYD also gave me “permission” (you know how you cling to things that should be let go of?) to get rid of. Now I can’t help but to walk into the room and just look around in awe, loving my new space, and enjoying sharing it with whoever drops by. Thank you SO very much HYD! I will be recommending you many times over (and asking you to come again for sure!)


The last leg of our journey today takes us to a home of a family with two little ones and twins on the way! Lots to prepare for here. As mom and dad plan ahead, they know systems will be one of their greatest allies in surviving four little ones. HYD took on the kitchen pantries. With limited cabinet space, these homeowners need to make their two pantries work well. Our job was to make sure everything had a home, it was easy to access, and the littles had kid-friendly items down low so they could get their own snacks, etc. Below are the before shots of each pantry.

Once we got a good look at all the items in each pantry, we realized that we needed to consolidate, purge, and regroup many of the items. We designated the pantry on the right as the snack and non-cooking pantry. It's full of the grab-n-go items like snack bars, juice boxes, dried fruit, crackers, nut spreads, etc. Easy for the babysitter to find what he or she needs to feed hungry preschoolers.

The pantry on the left is now the designated appliance and cooking pantry filled with appliances, canned goods, pasta, root vegetables, cookbooks, and other small appliance-type accessories like batteries and light bulbs now contained in clear storage bins for easy access.

Adding the storage containers to the grab-n-go pantry was key. It's much easier to access the items, see what you have, and if labeling is your thing, the blue area on the front of each container is a dry erase area for easy labeling. 

This is just a glimpse of what we've been up to this month. We hope you've gotten inspired to find that space in your home to tackle and bring new life to. Creating order where there was once none can be such a springboard for freedom in other areas of your life as well. Don't wait, make room in your schedule today to purge, reorder, and create the space you've always longed for. If you need help, we'd be glad to give it, whether it's a little or a lot. 

Spring Cleaning Challenge Week 3

Now that the weather is getting nicer we have been finding it hard to stay motivated to be inside all day. Often organizing can be time consuming but we have come up with a few more ways to declutter in quick spurts so you don't waste your day away. I often find that the kitchen is the easiest part of the house to purge. Offices are hard because of the surplus of paper, closets are hard due to the volume of items that get crammed in so they aren't seen, kitchens, however, are really easy to purge in a timely manner.



1. Take a quick scan through all of your kitchen cabinets and drawers and remove anything that you haven't used in the past year. We all have those random items that someone gave us, or we found in the car etc that somehow end up in our cabinets and never come out. We all have duplicates and half working items as well. Now is the time. You have our permission to give away the mismatched plastic cups, the chipped mugs, and the really unfortunate serving platter from your great aunt. When you have room in your kitchen cabinets to clearly see the things you love, you will be more likely to use them.

We have found this article to be helpful when we feel like we need permission to purge.



2. Purge your fridge.  Maybe it's just me but I always seem to accrue salad dressings and condiments and promptly forget about them. Take 5 minutes to check the expiration dates on items in your fridge that you typically don't think about. While your at it, a quick scan of your pantry can't hurt either. Pay attention to canned and bottled items that we tell ourselves "last forever". I promise they don't.