mid mod collective — blog — Help You Dwell

mid mod collective

Chair Rehab

I've noticed something interesting lately....

A lot of people have a chair problem. What I mean by chair problem is that a lot of people can't pass up a good deal on chairs, have too many chairs, dream about chairs etc. Confession... I'm a chair addict. There have been seasons of life where my chair problem is in check but I realized a few days ago that I've bought 8 chairs in the last month. Hear me out, it was two sets of 4 and I have a place for all of them :)

We recently remodeled our porch ceiling and I'm so excited to finally make our porch an extension of our living space (I know, I know, I should have done this in the spring but it just didn't happen).

Before -this was hiding under a layer of vinyl siding

Before -this was hiding under a layer of vinyl siding



Our porch runs across the front of our house and around one side and I have a plan for the space. The front will be living and hanging out space and the side will host a table for 4. I'm working on a fairly tight budget so I'm trying to get creative and I've got a furniture rehab project up my sleeve.

Last year I bought an amazing table at Mid Mod Collective's Salvage Sale for a steal. I've been using it inside but happened upon an amazing little vintage 4 seater for $30 at a garage sale last week that I'm going to put in its place. The round table is making it's way to the porch but I needed chairs.

 The Salvage Shop posted this lovely set on facebook last week and I ran over to buy them before they got snagged.

Image by The Salvage Shop (Chairs purchased from them as well)

Image by The Salvage Shop (Chairs purchased from them as well)

Now I know what you are thinking, "Won't bamboo get destroyed outside?" and as a friend put it "they kinda remind me of old ladies playing bridge" (haha) but a little DIY makeover will fix all of that. I'm going to treat the wood with an outdoor sealant to protect it and I'm going to recover the seats and chair backs with oil cloth.

Here is where YOU come in... I would love to get everyone's opinion. There are so many great options. I know I want something kind of vintage inspired and I'm thinking I want something pretty colorful. Which one would you pick?

Option 1

Option 1

Option 2

Option 2

Option 3

Option 3

Option 4

Option 4

Option 5

Option 5

Option 6

Option 6


P.S.  We highly recommend both The Salvage Shop & Mid Mod Collective for one of a kind, vintage, and eclectic treasures.


Salvage & Homewares Sale THIS SUNDAY

We're now three days away from our Spring Pop-up with the lovely folks at Mid Mod Collective. It's going to be a gorgeous day to be out and about so we hope you can come. Details here.

HYD is so pleased to introduce to you our artists and craftsmen joining us on Sunday. Some are linked to their web pages, some don't have pages. You'll want to meet them all.

Kickin' Collaboration

The event page is live.
The vendor list is packed.
The garage bays are full.

And YOU are invited!


For Help You Dwell's second Pop-up Market we are so pleased to be collaborating with one of Knoxville's coolest new shops, Mid Mod Collective. We are fortunate to co-host this spring's market at their fantastic venue on N. Central St. just north of Happy Holler in Old North Knoxville on Sunday, May 3 from 11-6.


HYD loves Mid Mod's eye for style and their unique finds from all over the US. The 10 vendors that make up the collective have created a showroom that inspires no matter what your taste in furniture or decor.  Not only have they, along with Dewhirst Properties, brought a wonderful old building back to life, they have given local mid-century modern fans a place to find all their design needs whether you're looking for that rare high end piece or need to design on a budget.

We hope you can join us for this fantastic event. Along with all the great home wares Mid Mod Collective and Help You Dwell will be offering, The Sweet and Savory Food Truck, Old City Java, Wild Love Bakehouse, The Vagabond Roaming Boutique, and Cruze Farm will also be there for the event. So mark your calendars, grab a buddy & come make a day of it!