
Environmental Wellbeing: Summer Wellness Series

At Help You Dwell, we strongly believe that wellness begins with the spaces we inhabit.

Last week, we had the pleasure of joining Sanctuary Day Spa & Boutique for their Summer Wellness Series, where we explored the intersection of environmental wellness and personal well-being.

Nestled in the heart of West Knoxville, Sanctuary Day Spa & Boutique offers a haven of relaxation and rejuvenation. With luxurious spa treatments and a curated retail boutique, Sanctuary Day Spa & Boutique provides a refreshing and holistic approach to wellness. 

During our session at the Summer Wellness Series, Taryn shared insights on creating clutter-free and stress-free environments that nurture both the mind and body. She emphasized practical strategies for decluttering living and work spaces, transforming them into serene and productive sanctuaries.

Our goal is always to empower you with the tools to maintain a clutter-free lifestyle, enhancing your overall well-being.


The event was a delightful blend of education and relaxation, allowing attendees to learn firsthand the transformative power of an organized space!

Guests of the series were able to engage in one-on-one discussions with our experts, gaining personalized advice tailored to their unique needs.

"We were honored to participate in the Summer Wellness Series at Sanctuary Day Spa & Boutique, it was inspiring to see how our insights resonated with guests who are eager to enhance their lives through creating intentional and nurturing environments in their homes."

- Taryn

During the event, we also had the privilege of hearing valuable insights from Kati, the spa owner. Kati emphasized the importance of being conscious about what we bring into our homes, highlighting how our environment can significantly influence both our bodies and minds as well. Making healthy switches in our living environments can have a transformative effect on our daily lives. From choosing non-toxic cleaning products to opting for a high-quality reusable water bottle over disposable plastic ones, these conscious decisions contribute to a healthier and more sustainable home for everyone.

Small changes can lead to significant improvements in overall well-being.

We extend our heartfelt thanks to Kati and her dedicated team at Sanctuary Day Spa & Boutique for inviting us to be part of their Summer Wellness Series! Whether you're seeking a peaceful retreat or planning a group event, Sanctuary Day Spa & Boutique offers a sanctuary where wellness meets luxury. Check out the full list of their services here

A Decade of Help You Dwell


10 years ago, Caroline and I sat on these two stools in the newly opened KBrew and talked about what we wanted to do next. Little did we know that 63 HYD staff members, 4 different office locations, 16 consignment sales, 500+ volunteer hours of work, and more than 3200 clients in 5 different states later, we would be celebrating a decade of working alongside incredible clients to help them reclaim their homes.

Our shared love of homes and serving the folks who live in them is even greater today than it was in 2014 when we started this journey. We have learned so much from each other and from our clients about how to create order and peace in homes - and there’s still so much more to come! 

We are thrilled to begin this next decade with a dedicated,  experienced and growing team full of ideas and energy to bring into your homes as we help you love where you live.

And just for fun, enjoy these pics from the incredible journey we’ve had so far!

Sweet Summertime and These 5 Things

Summertime is near and we are so excited about the change of pace that comes with it. There is so much to see and do in and around Knoxville and we wanted to share these 5 things with you!

Photo Credit: Paris Woodull

  1. Paris Woodhull: Even if you don’t know her name, you have probably seen her art around town. Paris Woodhull has made a career out of creating illustrations that celebrate Knoxville, mental health, and all things colorful. She has a brick-and-mortar shop in Market Square and does custom artwork as well. Learn more about her art and products here!

  2. Riverview Family Farm: This farm (and fellow Scout Guide member) has been a working farm since 1801. The 7th generation of the family now runs the farm and solely produces Black Angus beef. Their market also sells locally made honey, cheeses, and more! They have a 6,000 sq. ft barn you can rent for weddings and events. In the summer they also have delicious ice cream at the market to enjoy. If you've never been to an event or sale there, go visit and enjoy the beauty and peace farm life can bring.

  3. Rhinestone Fest: Dolly Parton is an icon. Knoxville will celebrate her June 2-4 during this festival in the Old City. This celebration (formerly known as Dolly Fest) is a family-friendly event that will celebrate all things Dolly, and it’s FREE to attend. Put on those cowboy boots and dress up in your Dolly-best for a weekend of art, music, history, food and fun celebrating Dolly!

  4. Dixie Lee Fireworks: Light up the sky this summer with fireworks from this family-owned fireworks stand. This year they celebrate 75 YEARS of business when they open NEXT WEEK, which makes them pretty legendary, too.

  5. Take a Selfie! Did you know Knoxville has over 40 murals? Take a walking tour downtown and see some of the amazing creations done by local artists. The Top 5 are listed here and they are a good place to start. Don’t forget to tag #knoxrocks if you post them on Instagram!

Start 'em young

Taryn with Kate, Will, and Eli Ruth // 2008

Taryn with Kate, Will, and Eli Ruth // 2008

I became a mom with very few plans in place for how I’d spend time with my child or children, how I envisioned my home being set up for little ones, or how many kids I wanted to have. I’d always hoped to be a mom. I just didn’t really have specific ideas of exactly how that might go down. Almost 17 years into motherhood, and 3 amazing kids later, I am both thankful for that somewhat clueless beginning and at the same time, a bit regretful that I wasn’t more intentional.

Image: Texture Photo // 2018

Image: Texture Photo // 2018

I’ve found that not having concrete expectations of how motherhood would go was a gift in that it allowed for a whole lotta grace. Not so much pressure on them or on me to be someone I had dreamed up in my head. I think I have been able to pay closer attention to each one of my kids and their unique personalities, ways of relating, and specific needs better since I didn’t have rigid expectations of what I wanted parenting and my kids to look like.

Being somewhat clueless also paved the way for new relationships and a sweet reliance on family. I am fortunate to have started motherhood off with some incredible new mamas who I’ve shared this crazy adventure with and who are still some of my dearest friends. We learned so much from one another. I am also a very blessed gal to have a mom and mother-in-law who have shown me what great love and sacrifice for your kids looks like. All good gifts in the midst of my cluelessness.

However, there is one area that I do wish I had been more thoughtful about at an earlier stage — how to create spaces in my home, and spaces in our days, for my kids. I had to make a lot of mistakes in this area before realizing there’s a better way. Of course hindsight is 20/20, but if I had taken a bit more time to think through what items &/or areas in my home that would encourage my kids to learn, explore, and love well, I would’ve saved myself lots of hours of singing (and doing) the “clean-up, clean-up, everybody everywhere” song and dance, procrastination, guilt, and frustration.

On May 2 at The Back Porch Mercantile, this is the exact topic we will be teaching on.

  • How do we get a baby’s room ready with all the needs but not the excess?

  • What’s the best way to create a play area for toddler’s that allows them to explore but doesn’t turn my house into a plastic toy jungle?

  • Do I keep all my preschooler’s handprint art and the other 724 pieces of art they’ve created?

  • Toys through the years and how to store them in a way that your kids can actually clean them up.

  • How do we do birthdays and holidays well without filling up on too many gifts?

  • What to do with all my elementary-age child’s school work?

  • How do teach my kids to organize?

I have learned lots raising this boy and my two girls. I’m still learning. And whether you’re a new mom or a few years in, my hope for you is that through some intentional, thoughtful planning, you can create the best space for your kids and for you to be the best mom you can be.

Image: Paige Severance (and her cutie twins!)

Image: Paige Severance (and her cutie twins!)

2 Week Countdown to Pineapple Consignment!

Knoxville, get ready for a fun event coming up… Pineapple Consignment is one of our favorite local events to attend. Shop gently used and up-cycled home decor and furniture at a great price.

What is Pineapple Consignment?

Pineapple Consignment 2018.

Pineapple Consignment 2018.

A shopping experience catered to you. You can shop Pineapple Consignment for free. What you’ll find is high-quality new and gently used furniture and home decor—priced up to 90% off retail value! We’re fairly picky and only accept items in good condition!

Can I sell some of my own stuff?

Consigning is fun, you can earn up to 75% commission, and consignors get to shop early. You set your own prices, and Pineapple’s online system makes tagging and managing your inventory super easy.  At the end of each sale day, you can check earnings, and we’ll pay you via PayPal within 10 days. Deadline to sign up to consign is April 7.


How did this get started?

Insert the lovely, Megan Church…
This Pineapple dream started in early 2018. I was selling an ottoman on Facebook, and six or seven people said they wanted it. “Awesome!” I thought. I scheduled a time to meet the lady who had responded first. Later, I packed up all three kids and drove to the rendezvous point. The lady stood me up. In fact, I got stood up FOUR TIMES IN A ROW, and I vowed, “NEVER AGAIN.” So here we are!

I happen to be one of those crazy people who loves consignment sales, and over the years I’ve saved a ton of money by up-cycling my clothes, as well as my kids’. Ever since I had my first baby and quit my day job, I have been needing a creative outlet. Hospitality is really important to me, and I’m passionate about bringing women together.

Stay in the loop & shop the event!

Join us @ Consign to Design tonight!

We’re so excited to gather at Knoxville’s very own Consign to Design this Thursday night at 6:30 pm. We will be presenting “The Ordered Home”. Kristi and her team have graciously invited us to come some organizing know-how in their beautiful shop of high end consignment furniture & decor pieces. We love their shop and their mission to give quality furniture & decor new life in new spaces. Whether you are already organized or overwhelmed by the thought of organizing, this is for you. We’ve come up with some practical and inspiring tips and tricks to share with you. You’ll leave refreshed and empowered, we promise. We are excited to meet you & share our evening with you. We will be taking questions & discussing all things related to home and dwelling. Invite your friends!

There may even be a giveaway….

See you tonight!

6:30 pm @ Consign to Design
9329 Kingston Pike
Knoxville, TN 37922

Pineapple Consignment

Fall is here! The weather is finally getting cooler and the leaves are starting to turn and now is the perfect time to do a house purge. While that may sound intimidating, it doesn’t have to be. Turn on some music, grab a hot tea and take a walk around your house. Walk through each room and take the time to notice what’s around you. Look at the items hanging on the walls, the lamps, the items sitting on surfaces, the furniture, and the rugs. Take the time to open cabinets and drawers and just take a peak at what you’ve got. Often life is so hectic that we stop noticing what’s around us and don’t even remember what we have. We have two tips to help you make decisions about what to keep and what to let go of.

  1. Ask yourself, “Do I love this item?” If not, is it at least serving a practical purpose? If you don’t love it and you don’t “need” it, let it go.

  2. The most helpful question for me is “If you saw this in a store today, would you purchase it?” Often times, it’s hard for me to decide whether or not I love an item but much easier for me to know whether or not I’d pay money for it. Sometimes, we hold onto things because we’ve had them forever and don’t even see them anymore or because someone gave them to us and we feel guilty getting rid of them. These are not valid reasons to give an item valuable real estate in your home.

Here’s the best part, once you’ve done your house purge (don’t forget to check closets and attic/basement and garage spaces— these typical storage spots are house purge jackpots) sign up for Pineapple Consignment and make some money on all those items that you are letting go of.


What is Pineapple Consignment?

Pineapple is a weekend long (October 26th-28th) consignment shop where you can earn up to 75% commission, and consignors get to shop early. The pictures above are just a few of the items that will be for sale! Want an even better deal? Shop the half off portion of the sale on Sunday the 28th from 8-12.

You set your own prices, and Pineapple’s online system makes tagging and managing your inventory super easy. At the end of each sale day, you can check earnings, and they’ll pay you via PayPal within 10 days. For more information on signing up as a consignor or to see what items they accept, check out the participation page. Sign up now because registration (and the ability to enter inventory into the system) ends on October 21st!

Here is your opportunity to make some easy money on your home decor items without putting the time and energy into a garage sale or making a million online postings.

Megan & Austin Church.

Megan & Austin Church.

Who started Pineapple Consignment?

The lovely Megan Church! Want to know more about her and where the idea for Pineapple came from?

Here’s what she has to say…

Nice to meet you (virtually at least)! I grew up in Virginia and Indiana, but Knoxville has become my forever home. I’m wife to one, mom to three, and stylist to many. Life is full to bursting right now, so the only logical thing to do is start a business, right?!?!

This Pineapple dream started earlier this year. I was selling an ottoman on Facebook, and six or seven people said they wanted it. “Awesome!” I thought. I scheduled a time to meet the lady who had responded first. Later, I packed up all three kids and drove to the rendezvous point. The lady stood me up. In fact, I got stood up FOUR TIMES IN A ROW, and I vowed, “NEVER AGAIN.” So here we are!

I happen to be one of those crazy people who loves consignment sales, and over the years I’ve saved a ton of money by up-cycling my clothes, as well as my kids’. Ever since I had my first baby and quit my day job, I have been needing a creative outlet. Hospitality is really important to me, and I’m passionate about bringing women together.

So, now you see how this whole thing got started, the Pineapple seeds. Pineapple Consignment combines many of my favorite things: styling events and creativity, secondhand shopping and bypassing Facebook/Craigslist weirdness, and of course hospitality and making my family’s home beautiful and comfortable. 

I certainly hope you love being a part of Pineapple Consignment! If you have any questions abut consigning, volunteering, or shopping, drop me a line at”

If you don’t have items to sell, you can still shop!

Want a shot at first dibs on an item? You are in luck, the sip n see is Wednesday (Oct 24th) evening from 6-9pm. For just $5, you will be entered into the raffle to reserve an item and get to join in on a fun evening with friends. Come for a drink and be one of the first to see the items for sale. Along with shopping some pretty amazing previously owned home decor and furniture items, Pineapple will have several local artists and makers selling their creations at the sale.

Announced Vendors Include:

Alex Jaynes: custom furniture

Rob Scott: art

Matthew Peters: furniture maker

Sarah Moore: art

Spencer Ratliff: furniture maker

Kristen Wasik: art

Erica Beck: art

Knox Wood creations: frames featuring prints from Native Maps & Paris Woodhull

Ashley Addair: art

Highline Coffee

For more information and to stay up to date on the details and announcements, follow @pineappleconsignment on Instagram, RSVP to the event, and like Pineapple on facebook.

Fall Flea

9.25 fall flea insta post.png

We are so excited to announce and invite you to the Fall Flea @ The Hive. Come and shop with us! 

Our team has been curating a shop full of vintage treasures, gorgeous accents, and eclectic one-of-a-kind pieces of furniture and home decor. 

Friday // November 3
Saturday // November 4
8 am - 2 pm

Follow us on Facebook + Instagram for more sneak peeks of items for sale in the Fall Flea. 

so you've purged, now what?

One of the biggest questions we get from our clients is what to do with the items they are ready to part with. We separate items into two main categories: donate & sell. Here's some helpful information regarding where & how to sell different items. In two weeks, we'll share resources for where & how to donate your items. We're currently gearing up for our Spring Flea at the Hive next weekend, April 21-22 and wanted to invite you to come shop vintage home decor and furniture! 


Consigning Household Items- 
Consign to Design: Furniture and home decor in excellent condition
Backroads Market: Old, new, used and transformed farmhouse style furniture and home decor
Mid-Mod Collective: Mid Century Modern, Danish Modern, Industrial, Vintage Clothing, and Quality Books and Vinyl
The Flea: Pop up consignment held twice a year, selling home decor and furniture

Consigning Clothes & Accessories-
Clothes Mentor: gently used women's clothes size 0-26, petite and maternity
Repeat Boutique: women's designer clothes, shoes and handbags
Statemint Consignment: twice a year pop up clothing consignment for adults 

Selling Books & Music-
McKay's: gently used albums, books, instruments, movies, video games, gaming systems, board games, comics and more



Household Items-
Craigslist: convenient to sell without the hassle of shipping
Local Facebook groups: easy to post and expedite communication with buyers
Letgo app: quick and streamline process for selling unwanted items in your area

Clothing & accessories-
Poshmark: online clothing sales made easy
 eBay: world wide marketplace, can sell almost anything here

5 reasons you should hire an Interior Designer

Hello friends, it's Cassandra, Help You Dwells Interior Designer.  Do you ever read 'Interior Designer' and instantly think you can't afford one?  Maybe you're not quite sure what an Interior Designer can do for you. I'm here to lay it all out for you + give you the opportunity to know more about my services first hand! 

5 Reasons you should hire an Interior Designer: 

1. Professional Assessment: “A designer can give you a professional assessment of your situation, that will then lead to a solid plan of action. The order of things in a design plan is key in determining what can be re-purposed or should be edited. This will not only effect the budget but help you to spend it more efficiently.” - FreshHome

2. Save you Money: Yes, save you money. A designer may have an upfront fee for their services but their experience & knowledge can save you money along the way. Have you ever purchased a sofa from a warehouse, only to bring it home to find out it doesn't fit? Maybe you've painted your whole house only to realize that you don't love it. A designer will have already done the up front work of making your space just right. They can help you avoid costly mistakes & help you add true value to your home.

3. Budget + Planning: As stated above, Designers already do the up front work, including selecting items in your budget and planning for the right pieces. This is can also save you time, which saves you money! Designers know all the sources that fit any budget and do all the research so you don't have to. 

4. Liaison: If you are working with a contractor and/or an architect, having a designer readily available is key to a successful project. Designers know how to read architectural plans that you may struggle with. They are also great at finding ways to add value to your space that you may have not thought of otherwise.

5. WOW Factor: When you walk into a space that is well done, you can usually find a designer that was behind it. Designers are creative, they think outside the box; it's what they do all day long. They are knowledgeable and have an eye to really make a space special.

"Interior design is a multi-faceted profession in which creative and technical solutions are applied within a structure to achieve a built interior environment. These solutions are functional, enhance the quality of life and culture of the occupants and are aesthetically attractive. Designs are created in response to and coordinated with the building shell and acknowledge the physical location and social context of the project. Designs must adhere to code and regulatory requirements, and encourage the principles of environmental sustainability. The interior design process follows a systematic and coordinated methodology, including research, analysis and integration of knowledge into the creative process, whereby the needs and resources of the client are satisfied to produce an interior space that fulfills the project goals." -NCIDQ

Still not convinced that a trained Interior Designer is worth the money? Now is your time to find out! Help You Dwell is hosting a workshop at The Hive, Saturday April 29th.

REGISTER today for an opportunity to
create a space in need of design services.

Workshop: Presentation to get to know the designer, plus tricks & trips on how to create beautiful + functional space. This is also the perfect time for any questions you may have for the design services HYD provides & your to-do list.

To-Do: Upon registering you will be given a questionnaire to help the designer with your wants + needs for the space. You will also need to provide photos of your space. (these can be sent via email.)

Take-away: Once the workshop is done, you will provide your questionnaire sheets and photos to the designer. She will then get busy creating a layout + comments and recommendations to help you achieve your goals for the space provided.

*Please note only one space in your home per customer (this can include anything from a closet to a living room that needs special attention) Also, the workshop is limited to 12 persons due to the amount of work the designer will give each individual. Your follow-up may take up to 2 months. 

join us: customized ideas for your space

-- You are invited to our first Help You Dwell workshop of 2017 --

Intro to the Art of Organizing:
Customized Ideas for your Space

Saturday, February 11
10am to 12pm @ The Hive

We've designed a hands-on workshop with you in mind. This event is a great way to get practical and realistic advice and direction for the hard-to love area in your home. We will be discussing organizational ideas and design direction all geared towards you and your spaces. 

Attendee's leave with a refreshed vision for their space, tools to make it happen and a beautiful HYD Canvas Tote

Light refreshments will be provided! 

We can't wait to meet you and share our thoughts and ideas for your home. Space is limited.

fall flea @ the hive

We're so excited to invite you to come shop the Fall Flea @ The Hive. We've curated an amazing collection of eclectic and unique pieces that we've gathered. 

Grab your neighbors, co-workers or friends and come shop! 

Invite your friends on Facebook


Friday, November 4 & Saturday, November 5

8 AM - 2 PM both days 


The Hive

854 N Central Street
Knoxville, TN 37917


Cash or card payment accepted.

Watch our Facebook & Instagram for photos of some available items!



consignment opportunity.

Fall is approaching; this means brisk mornings, pumpkin flavored everything, UT football games, and the holiday seasons approaching faster than we realize. As the weather transitions seasonally, so does our wardrobe. 

Is your closet full to the brim? Do you have clothes you rarely wear that are in mint condition? Would you love to make room for some new pieces? Want to make a little money on the clothes you can part with? What if we told you this was possible while also partnering to make a meaningful impact in 125 lives in our community

We are so excited to invite you to StateMint | An Upscale Consignment Event. This event was founded by Sarah McAffry, a Knoxville native who realized that Knoxville is full of fashion conscious women and men who need an event like this to buy and sell current fashions.  

Mark your calendars...

  • Thursday, September 29 | 10 am - 8 pm 

  • Friday, September 30 | 10 am - 8 pm

  • Saturday, October 1 | 9 am - 3 pm

Ready to get started...


See you there...

6700 Jubilee Center Way
Knoxville, TN,
37912 United States

Have more questions? Ask away
Share the event with your friends and follow StateMintStyle on Instagram. 


Huge Sale this Saturday!

We're breaking from our regular blog topics this week to let you now about an awesome sale we are hosting this weekend! If you missed the flea a few weeks ago, this is your chance. If you made it to the flea, this sale will feature a similar caliber of items. If you are looking for unique antique or vintage pieces, this sale will not disappoint. 

From art deco glam to retro vintage, we will have it all. The sale is a glamified garage sale and we are so excited to be a part of it. 

Here are a few pictures of a fraction of the items you will find at the sale. Grab a friend and head on over to 5720 Paula Rd. this Saturday from 8-2pm. We will be there rain or shine and can't wait to see you all! 

See the craigslist ad here for more details and pictures. We hope to see you there! 


Doing Wonders with a Covered Wagon : Home Tour with Buddy & Kathie Odom

We had the privilege to sit down with Buddy and Kathie Odom last week to see their beautiful Fountain City home and to get a glimpse into their philosophy of life at home and creating in and around it.

We've always begun our home interviews with the question, "What does home mean to you?" We weren't expecting the answer that followed but if you've spent any time with the Odoms, you know that an unexpected answer is what to expect.

"This isn't our home. We live in a covered wagon," says Buddy. What he means is; the house, the objects in it; they have meaning, they contain beauty, but that's not the make up of "home" to the Odoms. In a sense, the Odoms treat their house as a vessel, a place that fosters creativity, but they strongly believe that home truly is not made of material things. And Buddy says that Kathie "can do wonders with a covered wagon."

Kathie is an accomplished and well-known plein air artist but prior to diving into art as a career, she explained that in the past, her house had become a canvas because she wasn't yet practicing the art that she was created to do. "Plein air has given me the ability to create on canvas so it's lessened the intensity of the desire to rearrange and redecorate my home."

Kathie's Art Studio

Kathie's Art Studio

Speaking of Kathie's art, one extension of their house is the studio out back that Buddy built for Kathie. The walls, lovingly and cleverly made of horizontal cedar boards, are covered with her creations. Once a piece is ready for the wall, the nail goes right in and up goes her next creation. Just walking in you are taken to all sorts places: Seaside, the Smoky Mountains, farmers' markets, old barns in New England, quiet streams, and so much more. It's so obvious her gift with the brush gives her such great pleasure.  She gets giddy explaining her painting experiences as passers-by ask her about her work, pray for her, or ask to buy the work right off the easel. Tucked away behind a shelf were her countless awards, but it's clear the experience itself is her greatest reward. There wasn't a corner of the studio that we didn't love. Each item has a purpose and a home.

Back in the main house, Buddy and Kathie have a story for every item inside from countless pieces of furniture that belonged to various relatives, to a mason jar of dirt gathered from the garden of a previous home they lived in. Buddy and Kathie spent a good amount of time learning to dwell together in that garden in a season of life where they were empty nesters, a season where things in life were slowing down. Buddy added that each part of the garden reminded him to pray for a different person. They had weddings, rehearsal dinners, and birthday celebrations in the garden. The jar of dirt holds a lot of meaning, a lot of life. Buddy and Kathie have found in recent years that their current home has given them the opportunity to be creative together. They have learned to let themselves dream.

More than anything, the Odoms create a sense of comfort in their home. Kathie's desire is for her home to feel livable and not so perfect that you feel like you can't touch anything. Kathie talks about her relationship to their home and their belongings as "good ole friends", each item bringing back a flood of memories. They agree that it's best to only be 90% organized. Kathie recalled a time when she felt much more pressure to present her home in a certain way. She has found over time that she and her guests seem to enjoy her home more when it doesn't appear perfect.

As HYD spent time reflecting on this visit, we came away encouraged, educated, and grateful for our time spent on Gibbs Drive. The Odoms invite one in to a peaceful, ordered space that immediately takes the pressure off. It's obvious that homemaking is a team effort in their house and their gifts compliment one another beautifully. Buddy's attention to order and Kathie's love of color and texture allow for guests to make themselves at home no matter where their wagon lands.

HYD is excited to announce that Kathie will be hosting her "Cabin Fever Oil Painting Workshop" at The Hive in February 2016. This would make a fabulous Christmas gift for the painter on your list. For more information, just click here.

Fall To-Do List

Do you ever get to the end of a season and realize that there were so many things you planned to do but never got to? Us too.
There are so many fall festivals, holidays, and events going on and we've made a to do list of sorts to help get the ball rolling for your harvest plans. We love the idea of having seasonal bucket lists as well; things that aren't necessarily all planned out but a list of ideas for the occasional Saturday when you find yourself with no plans.

We suggest carving out an hour with your calendar ASAP to get things on your schedule.

Festivals: Click on the links for more info


Photo by Sarah Musgrave

Photo by Sarah Musgrave

  • Host a bonfire

  • Take a hike in the Smokies (not sure when trail to choose? Check out the Top 10) If you are looking for a family friendly hike with young kids, "Andrew's Bald" is perfect.

  • Plan and purchase or make Halloween costumes for your kids (Need some ideas? Here are a few)

  • Seasonal decorating (Southern Living's Fall Decorating Ideas)

  • Tailgate with friends before a football game

  • Finalize Thanksgiving plans

What kinds of things are on your to do list for this Fall?

Our New Home : The Hive

The past couple weeks have been quite a whirlwind for our little Knoxville business. For the past year and a half, we have been so grateful for the incredible clients we've met, the beautiful homes we've had the chance to work in, and the opportunities and relationships that have come our way. We've enjoyed all our meetings and markets in our 'mobile offices' all over town including KBrew, Three Rivers Market, The Smith home on Coker Ave, Remedy Coffee, The McLean home on Maplewood Dr, Old City Java, Olibea, MidMod Collective, and Nostalgia.

This week, however, we are over the moon to announce that Help You Dwell has a place to call home! It's called The Hive.

HYD now has a place to spend time preparing, planning, learning, and growing as a company. The Hive is a place for us to better serve you, our client. It's a place for us to be inspired, connected, and to collaborate with creative and innovative minds of other small business owners.

Photo by Emilee Stanley

The space is in the former KnoxTenn Rental building at 854 N Central St 37917 located right next door to Magpies Bakery. (We're also pretty pumped about having them as neighbors : ) Rebecca Ridner, a local stylist of all things lovely, is the visionary of the building and has created a beautiful space for women entrepreneurs. HYD shares a studio with one of Knoxville's most talented wedding photographers, Carrie Jo Pinckard of Texture Photography. Other women currently working at The Hive are Katie Roach, florist of The Katelier, Ali Daugherty, blogger and graphic designer of Freedom Crown, and Rebecca Ridner, prop, wedding and interior stylist.

One of the aspects of this space we love the most is the common area that we all share for hosting pop-ups, workshops, or photography sessions. The light is fantastic, the atmosphere is peaceful and inviting, and the location is in one of our favorite areas of the city. We look forward to hosting our first event, which we mentioned last week, HYD's first Boutique Clothing Pop-up on August 23 from 2-5pm. We'd love to show you around a bit as you peruse Colette's Closet of top of the line clothing at consignment prices.

Keep an eye out for announcements about workshops
and other events this fall at The Hive.

And come by to see us anytime you're in the neighborhood!


A Community Shopping Event

Help You Dwell cordially invites you to join us for a boutique clothing pop up shop from 2-5pm on Sunday August 23rd at 854 North Central Street! For all of the details check out the facebook event page. We are partnering with Angie Hamstead, curator of Colettes Closet for a unique (one day only) shopping experience. Bring your friends and come out for an afternoon of light refreshments and top of the line brands of clothing at consignment prices.

You can expect to find the following brands: Parker, Joie, Elizabeth & James, Anthropologie, Rebecca Taylor, BCBGMaxazaria and more. The images below are a few of the items available to purchase at the pop up.

Angie has an eye for clothing and for styling outfits. We are so excited to offer an exclusive shopping experience. Colette's Closet includes a wide range of styles including "not your typical" orange clothing for the stylish vol fan, stylish work attire, fun casual pieces, funky jewelry, and unique dresses.

A note from Angie...

Colette and Angie

"Colette's Closet began two years ago as a way to honor my mom. I am blessed to be the daughter of Mary Colette Thompson Scott. She is a beautiful person with a nurturing, caring soul and loving spirit. As her only daughter, we have logged many hours of shopping together over the years. Over the past decade we have grown a special love for consignment shopping. We have so much fun "treasure shopping" for great finds at awesome prices. We have always had champagne taste on a beer budget! In February, 2013 my mom had an unexpected heart attack that resulted in a six bypass surgery. We are so blessed that she came through the surgery and recovery with flying colors. The inspiration for Colette's Closet came to me while sitting in the ICU waiting room the day after her surgery. Colette's Closet has proved to be a great avenue for spreading the love for consignment shopping and the thrill of finding designer clothing at affordable prices. Last year I had the privilege of hearing the Dalai Lama speak in Birmingham, Alabama. He told the audience that "when one has, one shares." In that spirit and in honor of my mom, I donate 10% of all proceeds to an organization that benefits women or children. Smile Train was my charity of focus last year. I am proud to support Thistle Farms this year."


If you aren't familiar with Thistle Farms, it is "A community of women who have survived prostitution, trafficking and addiction. They believe that in the end, love is the strongest force in the world for change."

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Salvage & Homewares Sale THIS SUNDAY

We're now three days away from our Spring Pop-up with the lovely folks at Mid Mod Collective. It's going to be a gorgeous day to be out and about so we hope you can come. Details here.

HYD is so pleased to introduce to you our artists and craftsmen joining us on Sunday. Some are linked to their web pages, some don't have pages. You'll want to meet them all.

Kickin' Collaboration

The event page is live.
The vendor list is packed.
The garage bays are full.

And YOU are invited!


For Help You Dwell's second Pop-up Market we are so pleased to be collaborating with one of Knoxville's coolest new shops, Mid Mod Collective. We are fortunate to co-host this spring's market at their fantastic venue on N. Central St. just north of Happy Holler in Old North Knoxville on Sunday, May 3 from 11-6.


HYD loves Mid Mod's eye for style and their unique finds from all over the US. The 10 vendors that make up the collective have created a showroom that inspires no matter what your taste in furniture or decor.  Not only have they, along with Dewhirst Properties, brought a wonderful old building back to life, they have given local mid-century modern fans a place to find all their design needs whether you're looking for that rare high end piece or need to design on a budget.

We hope you can join us for this fantastic event. Along with all the great home wares Mid Mod Collective and Help You Dwell will be offering, The Sweet and Savory Food Truck, Old City Java, Wild Love Bakehouse, The Vagabond Roaming Boutique, and Cruze Farm will also be there for the event. So mark your calendars, grab a buddy & come make a day of it!