There is really no wrong way to incorporate a rug into your space. It is truly up to the you & what fits your lifestyle and look. But, if you need a little help getting started, one of HYD's former team members put together this quick guide and some helpful tips. So don't worry, we've got you and your floor... covered.
COVID Clean-out Guide
We’ve all spent more time at home these past few months than we may have planned or intended to. While we don’t have many places to go or activities outside our homes to attend, it’s a great time to tackle the clutter in our homes. You can do it & we can help. Many of our clients, friends and followers have reached out with questions about where to donate or get rid of household items they are ready to purge.
Fall To-Do List
Do you ever get to the end of a season and realize that there were so many things you planned to do but never got to? Us too.
There are so many fall festivals, holidays, and events going on and we've made a to do list of sorts to help get the ball rolling for your harvest plans. We love the idea of having seasonal bucket lists as well; things that aren't necessarily all planned out but a list of ideas for the occasional Saturday when you find yourself with no plans.
We suggest carving out an hour with your calendar ASAP to get things on your schedule.
Festivals: Click on the links for more info
Happy Hollerpalooza (This Saturday- Sept 26)
Tennessee Fall Home Coming Folk Festival (Oct 9-11)
Open Streets (Oct 25)
Foothills Craft Guild (Nov 20-22)
Photo by Sarah Musgrave
Host a bonfire
Take a hike in the Smokies (not sure when trail to choose? Check out the Top 10) If you are looking for a family friendly hike with young kids, "Andrew's Bald" is perfect.
Plan and purchase or make Halloween costumes for your kids (Need some ideas? Here are a few)
Seasonal decorating (Southern Living's Fall Decorating Ideas)
Tailgate with friends before a football game
Finalize Thanksgiving plans
What kinds of things are on your to do list for this Fall?