We live in the age of smart phones, which puts an incredibly powerful camera in our hands at any moment. This allows us to snap a photo or video at any time. This is wonderful because we are capturing memories with such ease. You may be the type to forget to take photos or you may have a zillion photos and videos hogging the storage on your phone. Wherever you are on the photo taking spectrum, we’ve got some ideas on how to use better enjoy those photos…
Mother's Day Gift Guide
Mother's Day is Sunday, May 8 this year. For those of us lucky enough to get to celebrate our moms, HYD wanted to make your search for just the right thing a little bit easier. As a mom myself, I've learned a lot about what it takes to do it well and how easy it is to do it terribly. It's an around-the-clock job that I wouldn't trade for the world. Lord knows I do it terribly plenty of the time, but those times I get it a little bit right are some of the most satisfying moments of my life.
I also get to be one of the lucky ones who has a mama close by, who's full of life, and more than willing to offer a helping hand anytime she's able. If you have that kind of mom, you know there is no gift we can give that will ever say "Thank you" the way our moms deserve it. But the older my kids get, the more I cherish the unsolicited hug, the homemade card, and when they're able, a thoughtful gift that they know will make my days a little easier or a little more fun.
With gifts in mind, HYD spent a bit of time finding just the right way to show her how much you appreciate her, think of her, and want your mama to feel remembered. Some moms just need the phone call or a card in the mail. But if you're wanting to do a step further this year, take a peak at our list below and please add any more unique ideas you may have in the comment section below....
Ok, so we had to start with this one because it reeeeeally is a great gift for any mama! Think of the joy she would experience if she knew that every month for a year, she'd have at least 2 hours of organizing help anywhere in her house, office, garage, or attic?? Details here.
2. Take Mom on a Date
Carving out time, having her served a meal, and listening to what's going on in her world may be the greatest gift she could receive. If you're in Knoxville, some restaurant/bakery ideas are OliBea, The Plaid Apron, Nama, Babalu Tacos & Tapas, Wild Love Bakehouse, The French Market Creperie, Savelli's Italian, or The Holy Land.
Locally made here in Knoxville, these individually crafted, hand-finished in silver or gold prints of a mother's children's prints are such a treasure for her to have a lifetime. I have them for each of my children and LOVE them! Check out Precious Metal Prints for more details.
Mom's are always on call and often times, her phone is the place where the calendar is, the notes about the PTA mtg are, and her grocery list that needs to be added to when she thinks of that odd thing she always forgets. This cute little number gives her a place to rest her phone at night under the shade of her favorite flower.
Let her fill these pages with your family's favorites to be passed down, added to, and treasured for years to come. This great little book has room for up to 80 recipes, photo galleries, tips for beginner cooks, and conversion tables.
6. Plant a Shrub or Tree in Mom's Honor
Think of her favorite color or season and decide what would bring her joy each time the plant of your choice blooms. For the Knoxville dwellers, HYD recommends Stanley's Greenhouse for a fantastic selection and knowledgable staff to help you choose just the right one.
7. A Bouquet from The Katelier
So lovely, so unique, and just the thing to let her know you remembered. And she's local!
Contact: Katie Roach--thekatelier@gmail.com or call 901.870.2531
Come on in : Home Tour with Peter and Julie Wolf
Walking in the backdoor of this Cape Cod nestled in the heart of Fountain City, one is immediately at home. As a guest, you're greeted with enormous smiles, warm hugs, and a glass of your favorite beverage within minutes. There's no doubt that for the 30 years Peter and Julie have lived here, they've learned a bit about making a house, a home.
The Wolf home in 1986
The Wolfs bought this little home back in the mid-80s with two young boys and family heirlooms to fill the rooms. Prior to landing in Fountain City, they'd been in California, St. Thomas, Michigan, and a few other stops before finally setting down some roots here in East Tennessee. Peter grew up sailing and Julie grew up around the lakes of Michigan. The influence of the sea is evident in the color schemes and artwork throughout the house.
Peter and Julie's style is a wonderful mix of traditional, eclectic, primitive, country, and little Pottery Barn sprinkled in. Julie mentioned that very early on, she and Peter shared very similar tastes in home decor and they love to do "the work" together. Whether it's refinishing a piece, finding the right spot in the house for a new treasure, or working in their outdoor space, they've been a team since day one. Julie really is a girl after our own hearts in that she really likes a place "clean and tidy, I like it less cluttered," she says. In 2000, they were able to put a wonderful addition on the back of the house adding a great room for entertaining, a master suite, and two car garage with an upstairs. The heart of the remodel kept in mind the idea of having people over. Last year, they were even able to host their niece's wedding in the backyard and it was a huge success!
Addition in 2000
Julie wants every guest to feel right at home upon arrival. "I want folks to feel like they can get a glass of water if they'd like and that my home is their home. I truly want them to feel totally comfortable." She celebrates so many of their guests throughout the years by showcasing many of the generous gifts family and friends have given them over the years. This is where the eclectic part of their decor comes from. "If i find something I like or if someone gives me something I just find a place for it." Both she and Peter love the stories connected with the pieces in their home and they love to tell you how each one made it's way to Forest Lane.
Peter at work in his home office
The Gathering Table
When we asked what home means to them, Peter quickly answered, "The place I'd rather be than anywhere else." Peter has travelled with his work for over 30 years, spending countless nights in hotel rooms all over the US and Canada. He cherishes his time at home with his family, friends, and projects. Julie says she has multiple favorite spots in her house depending on what the activity but if she had to pick, the big round oak table would probably be top of the list. Gathering with family and friends over a meal and a glass of wine fills her heart like nothing else.
Julie working in her "nest"
We also loved Julie's thoughts on collections. She said, "Collections just happen to you." Over the years she may have purchased one or two pitchers and was given a few from her mother and before she knew it, a pitcher collection was born. She loves to think of the giver as she uses each pitcher or any gifted home item in her home. Sometimes the gifts aren't necessarily decor items, but just stuck in a drawer and Julie will find them at times, hold them, take a moment to reflect on that time, that person, and enjoy the memory.
Our last stop of the tour was in the stained-glass studio in the upstairs of their garage. For about a decade now, each Wednesday night, up to 9 women meet for a meal, a beverage, plenty of laughs, and some time in the studio creating all kinds of beautiful pieces. This extension of their home has allowed the Wolfs to bless others by giving them a space to create but also a space to connect with others.
Finally, this particular home tour holds a special place in one of the dwellers hearts as I've spent many hours over the last 30 years being loved so so well within the walls of the Wolf home. My family has shared Thanksgivings, baby and wedding showers, birthdays, a wedding, and so much more with the Wolfs. They have been great stewards of this warm and welcoming home they've been given and I am so fortunate to have been one of the recipients.
Thanksgiving 2014 - The whole Wolf gang
Home as an Offering : Home Tour with Lindsay Heath
We sat down this week to interview the lovely Lindsay Heath about her house, her decorating style, and her philosophy on home. If you've never met Lindsay, the best way I know to describe her is that her presence feels like a warm hug.
Honestly, to focus on Lindsay's decorating style and her home in it's purely physical sense would be a disservice. Lindsay has a natural eye for creating beauty but what struck me the most about our visit was the overwhelming sense that when you walk into her home, the pressure is off, you are invited, welcomed, and appreciated.
With a knack for quirky items and for the cast off's of both friends and strangers, Lindsay and her husband Jonny have created a patchwork home that incorporates the practical, lovely, and eclectic parts of life in every sense. One thing Lindsay said that I've been thinking about a lot is that "space is defined by the people who inhabit it and use it". With a desire to make the people around her feel more important than the things she surrounds herself with, she aims for making spaces feel touchable and approachable; like you can enjoy yourself without having to worry about your surroundings. She mentioned that over the years she has come to find that an object can evoke a memory but that she doesn't have to retain the object in order for the memory to continue. Lindsay loves the creative aspect of decorating with objects that can be repurposed or reimagined. She loves finding unwanted objects and looking at them in a new way... kind of like when you find a house that's about to be demolished so you pick it up and move it two blocks over to save it... yes... she actually did that!!! (more on that at a later date) She shared with us that many, if not most of the things, in her house have been given to her and she in turn passes things along when she no longer has the space or need for them.
Lindsay is the first renter we have interviewed and we were especially interested in what she had to say about decorating a rental. Upon moving into their home they were asked not to paint or hang large things on the wall. As a result, Lindsay has used her limitations to find creative ways to dwell and make the space feel like home. Large art pieces lean against the walls, thumb tacks or Velcro strips are used for lighter objects. Lindsay has found that sometimes limits help you see things in new ways, limits force you to think creatively.
We asked Lindsay what "home" means to her and she mentioned the end of a stanza in the daily reading in the book of common prayer. It reads, "May the peace of the Lord Christ go with you: wherever he may send you; may he guide you through the wilderness: protect you through the storm; may he bring you home rejoicing: at the wonders he has shown you; may he bring you home rejoicing: once again into our doors." The lines resonate with Lindsay in that to her, home is a place to welcome people in from the weariness, from the pace of the world.
"Home is a place for gathering and celebrating and for relaxing and eating: the really elemental practices. Home is the hub of human activity. The way that we relate in homes can be so formative- be it through decoration, presentation of food, accessibility to objects. Our relation to all those things that make us human make up a home; a place that can encapsulate all of the best parts of human life. "
Another unique thing about Lindsay and Jonny is that since they were married, they have always lived with other people- sometimes other married couples, sometimes single folks, but always someone. We asked her to tell us a little bit more about that decision. "On a practical level, when we got married, it made sense financially to share the expenses with others along with the fellowship, the space, the being known and knowing. The incidental disciplines and sacrifices of being not as able to hide the things that as humans we are tempted to hide and the discomfort of sharing space have been an unexpected and challenging reward. With the different people we’ve lived with, we always sit down and talk about all the reasons to live together, economic, practical, division of labor, fun -- but the primary reason we share a home with people is to become more like Christ. It’s been a very consistent practical way to be challenged and to challenge others in the comings and goings of every day life. Living with others creates a lot of opportunities to do that hard work. It has been a great way to keep in check the temptation to hold onto things tightly. Living with others is often inconvenient but there is an ethic of being uncomfortable that I’ve found to be a wonderful crucible-- that’s been a refinement of my walk towards Christ."
Thanksgiving Prep Time
Three Thursdays from today is Thanksgiving and HYD wants to help you get ready!
We know that spending time with all the people you share this meal with can bring great joy or may have it's own challenges. Either way, being prepared will make Thanksgiving more enjoyable for everyone! Today we're focusing on the main event of the day, the meal . Getting a game plan for the meal in place now; finding recipes, cleaning linens, inviting any extra guests, and then finally scheduling when to shop and cook are all things that can be done ahead of time and you can have control over.
As always, HYD likes to help make your planning pretty. We found this cute downloadable Thanksgiving checklist designed by Jessica Reed Designs for Kristen Duke at Capturing Joy. It's a great place to start your meal planning and starting now let's you be a bit more creative with your food choices. Grab a few magazines off the shelf this week or search around on Pinterest to see what's new for the Thanksgiving table this year that might be a new tradition for your family.
While cooking is not really HYD's specialty, we do know the great benefits of getting it done ahead of time. If cooking is your specialty, but preparing your home is not - that's where we really shine. Let us know if you need any help!
865.245.9080 -- info@helpyoudwell.com
Fall To-Do List
Do you ever get to the end of a season and realize that there were so many things you planned to do but never got to? Us too.
There are so many fall festivals, holidays, and events going on and we've made a to do list of sorts to help get the ball rolling for your harvest plans. We love the idea of having seasonal bucket lists as well; things that aren't necessarily all planned out but a list of ideas for the occasional Saturday when you find yourself with no plans.
We suggest carving out an hour with your calendar ASAP to get things on your schedule.
Festivals: Click on the links for more info
Happy Hollerpalooza (This Saturday- Sept 26)
Tennessee Fall Home Coming Folk Festival (Oct 9-11)
Open Streets (Oct 25)
Foothills Craft Guild (Nov 20-22)
Photo by Sarah Musgrave
Host a bonfire
Take a hike in the Smokies (not sure when trail to choose? Check out the Top 10) If you are looking for a family friendly hike with young kids, "Andrew's Bald" is perfect.
Plan and purchase or make Halloween costumes for your kids (Need some ideas? Here are a few)
Seasonal decorating (Southern Living's Fall Decorating Ideas)
Tailgate with friends before a football game
Finalize Thanksgiving plans
What kinds of things are on your to do list for this Fall?
"Mi Casa Es Su Casa" : Home Tour with Becky Hancock
This month Help You Dwell sat down with Becky Hancock to get her two cents about creating a home and the process of bringing old things back to life.
Steve and Becky bought their historic home in June of 2004 and have taken on several projects and renovations to make it their own.
One of their favorite projects to date is their kitchen. Using vintage 1950's metal cabinets rescued from a tear down of another building, a kitchen table that belonged to Becky's grandmother, and a light fixture that Becky found at The Salvage Shop, as the style reference, they were able to formulate a plan for a retro kitchen design. In a record breaking 7 weeks, (with front end loading) they totally redid their kitchen and ended up with an absolute gem.
Upon walking into the house you feel a mixed sense of walking back in time (or down memory lane) and feeling totally at home. No doubt, the items chosen in the Hancock home evoke a sense of nostalgia to everyone who comes by. Becky's decorating and home making philosophy stems from the fact that she is drawn to things that represent a happy memory; things that remind her of people, old times, or things that tell stories. Because of this, she is naturally drawn to vintage items. Every item I asked about during the tour had a story behind it and naturally served as a conversation starter. Along with nostalgic items, it's clear that both Steve and Becky are musicians and long time music lovers by the instruments and music paraphernalia that also adorn the home.
Dining Room built-in
Master bathroom extension
Dining room
Old family photos throughout the house create a kind of "walking photo album" cataloging multiple generations.
When asked about living in a downtown neighborhood, Becky explained that her time living in New York created in her an appreciation for living near people of all different nationalities and walks of life. The downtown neighborhoods in Knoxville provide a diversity that much of the city doesn't offer. Becky talked fondly about getting to know many of her neighbors and the value in building community with all kinds of people. Aside from being able to walk downtown and being close to work, Becky loves old homes and loves being able to be a part of restoring the home she and Steve own.
Becky and Steve Hancock
Becky and Steve are hospitality driven and have opened their home multiple times to friends and family who need a place to call home for various seasons of life. In the spirit of hospitality, Becky says her philosophy of home is "Mi casa es su casa. I want people to feel at home when they are here, that our house is always open; a safe, welcoming, authentic space when you need it."
Thanks Becky and Steve for showing us around your beautiful home!
Why not just leave all that stuff in the attic?
People often take action on spaces or rooms that guests or family see and utilize but what about the spaces that most people don't see; the ones that internally weigh you down? Most of us have a stash hidden in our closets, attics, or basements. Why not leave it there?
Image from Sundaytimes.co.uk
The problem with accumulating things and then hiding them away is that one day they have to be dealt with by you or by the family you leave behind. Often times we carry around subconcious guilt or anxiety about those spaces. We form attachments to our stuff or maybe attachments to the idea of having access to stuff. There is a process that one must go through to mentally prepare to let go of things. Part of the decluttering process begins with a good look at how you think about your things. For many of us, holding on to things is a way to feel safe about a future need that may or may not ever occur. We encourage you to think about what it would be like to only keep items that truly give you joy? Sometimes it's simply a matter of stopping to think about the purpose you originally had behind a purchase. You may find that it's served it's purpose and can be passed along. We've found that decluttering doesn't come naturally to many people. Organizing and decluttering your home can be really overwhelming, even scary at times. On top of those things, letting go is HARD! It usually takes an outsider to help you not get stuck in your head when trying to make decisions on what to keep. It's only natural to begin thinking of all the reasons to not get rid of things when the real question (and way less time consuming question) is whether keeping it will bring you joy. Being ready to declutter doesn't happen over night, it's a personal journey that doesn't work if you've reluctantly agreed after being coerced by a friend of family member. The decluttering and ultimately the organizing process only works when you truly want to be free of your stuff.
Image by Texture Photo
Our goal is never to convince anyone to do anything they don't want to do but rather for you to be so convinced that you need freedom from your things that you make the move to call us. We want you to be the hero of your clutter problem and we are here, ready to guide you along the way.
The Quick List for Back-to-School Organization
Here in Knoxville, the start of school is just over a week away for most of us. It's time to plan, shop, and prepare for another year of learning and growing. To start off the school year right, HYD wanted to share a few tips that can help make the transition more simple and efficient.
1. School Supplies
Obtain your child's class supply list from his/her school as soon as possible.
Take advantage of Tennessee's tax-free weekend August 7-9
Wait for discounts on items like clothing, electronics, and shoes that typically drop in price around mid-August
For eco-friendly options, check out MightyNest and earn money for your school while you shop.
2. Ease into School Routine
These last weekdays before school begins, begin waking late sleepers up a bit earlier and re-introduce school year bedtime.
Keep snacks readily available for kids throughout afternoon as meal times during school may differ from summer eating routines. Real Simple has a great list of snack options.
Remind your kids what you expect from them in their morning routine and after-school routine so they know what they're responsible for. Here is a checklist HYD likes.
3. Calendar Prep
Find your school's or your school system's calendar for the year and place all important dates including holidays, in-services, half-days, and report card days on your personal calendar now.
Create a central calendar the whole family can see with school and after school activities using a paper or whiteboard so it's easy to read and adjust like this one.
4. Prepare for Paper Piles
Make an effort from day one of school to fill out each form as you get them, place them back in your child's folder, and back to school before it gets lost in a pile.
Create a system for keeping art or school work that allows you to discard all other items the day they enter your home. In other words, go through folders each afternoon/evening, look at each piece of work, if it is an original that you would've liked to have seen as you looked back to that age and you have no other like it, keep it. Otherwise, recycle it.
5. Teacher(s) Support
Try not to miss any opportunity to meet your child's teacher or teachers. If you're not able to meet in person, reach out with an email to introduce yourself and offer help to make the school year successful. This is invaluable to both your child and his/her teacher. Teachers need our support, encouragement, and helpful knowledge that only we can give them about our child.
Help You Dwell wishes you and your family a safe and successful 2015-2016 school year!
A Home That Serves: Home Tour with Travetta Johnson
We sat down this week to chat with our friend Travetta Johnson about the concept of making a home and her ideology on decorating. Travetta and her husband own a beautiful Victorian home in a downtown Knoxville neighborhood.
When you walk into the Johnson's home you immediately feel like you can breathe a little easier. I've always loved Travetta's ability to create beautiful spaces that somehow feel like home to everyone that comes through the door. Walking through their house is almost like reading a book. Travetta loves art, objects and pieces of furniture that tell a story.
I asked Travetta to tell me about how she decorated and chose the pieces in her home.
I love mixing old and new styles. I'm drawn to items that have history. There is something really sweet about your grandchildren being able to use the highchair that you used as a child or reading the same books over the span of generations. Pairing the older more antique items with more modern, clean lined pieces creates a really nice contrast. One concept that I have found really helpful when decorating an eclectic home is to mix things from different time periods keeping in mind that pieces that were made at least 50 years apart tend to be more cohesive. In general I focus on simple beauty by using things that invite people in, like flowers from the garden, a bowl of fruit, a photograph. To keep things interesting, I consider contrasting texture, color and shape when I curate a space. Establishing a natural flow between our home and the outdoors helps create a comfortable feel throughout the house. There is something nostalgic about porches, open windows and the hum of house fans.
Tell me about what roles your home has taken on in various stages of your life.
I read a book when I was in my 20's that changed the way I thought about my home. The book focused on the difference between entertaining versus hospitality. I want my home to be less about making impressions and more about making people feel welcome. Home is a place for people.
I've found that the role of my home has changed in different seasons of life. In early marriage our home was based around that concept of hospitality. We often hosted potlucks, game nights, and bible studies. When we had young children, home evolved into more of a place of retreat and nurturing. As our kids got older the hospitality theme resurfaced and now with grown children, grandchildren, and aging parents our house has served as more of a care-taking and provisional refuge again.
How do you find the balance of creating beautiful spaces without becoming obsessed with the appearance of your home?
The phrase "Man was not created for the Sabbath but the Sabbath was created for man." comes to mind. In this same way, we are not created to serve our homes but rather our homes are created to serve us. Homes feel ordered when they revolve around people and not vice versa. I've found that my taste and style has developed over time. I no longer feel the pressure to constantly redecorate in order to stay on top of the trends. There is a really sweet balance of creating beauty and comfort in your home and yet being content with it once it is settled.
5 Ways to Simplify Your Life During the Holiday Season
A 1950's Christmas
1. Take some time to reflect on your desires for the season. What things are most important to you? What can you let go of? What parts of this season really stress you out and what parts really bring life to you?
2. Clear your calendar. If you are like us, you are probably committing to way too much over the month of December. Along with all of the parties, events, and celebrations, we often feel the pressure to have our house decorated by a certain time, food cooked, guests rooms ready for out of town guests, Christmas shopping done, and presents wrapped. It can be exhausting just thinking about it.
3. Delegate. If you have a willing husband and kiddos, put them to work. Let the kids help with things like hanging stockings on their hooks, wrapping presents (who cares if the wrapping isn't pristine?), and using cookie cutters to cut out Christmas cookies. If you have family coming in town, ask them to help with the cooking--It's always more fun to have a friend in the kitchen with you and usually people want to be of help. If you don't have family in town, host a "Decorating Party" and invite friends over for Egg Nog and to help you decorate your house and string lights.
4. Do good. Make a point to turn your focus on others during the Holidays. Volunteer as a family, purchase angel tree gifts (and let your kids help you pick out the gifts), make a meal for an elderly neighbor who doesn't have family in town, or donate lightly used coats to a homeless shelter. Taking the time to remember those around us who are lonely or struggling helps us remember the point of Christmas.
5. Cut back on social media. Be purposeful in spending time with loved ones rather than browsing Pinterest, Facebook, and Instagram for hours. Skype a friend or family member that lives far away, write a letter to a grandparent (include pictures!), grab coffee with a friend, schedule a play date, or split a babysitter and double date with another couple. Spend your time wisely and push through that to-do list so that you can get to the fun stuff!
The Thankful List
What better way to celebrate Thanksgiving than to make a list of the many things we are thankful for. Here are each of our top 5.
Caroline's list:
Photo by Knox Heritage
1. My Knoxville Community. I'm thankful for my neighborhood, the kids down the street that stop by to say hello, the older gentleman that always waves when I walk by, and the neighbors that we have shared meals and stories with. I'm thankful for a downtown that is creative and encourages new businesses, the farmers market, and local festivals. I'm thankful for my church which is made up of a mess of humans that hurt each other but strive to confess and repent and live life together. I'm thankful for a city that feels like home to me.
2. This sermon. Daryl Arnold from OBC in East Knoxville preached at our church on November 17th and I basically cried through the whole thing. Thank God (literally) that I don't have to work my way into a relationship with Him.
Photo by Katie Norrell
3. A home and a family. After working in the social work field for several years I often think of the many neighbors we have in our city who spend their nights on park benches and in tents. Many of these people are estranged from their families and holidays just become another day of the year to them. I'm thankful for a husband and family that love me in spite of myself.
4. Good Health. I have a few friends and family members that have chronic health problems and illnesses and it has made me much more mindful of how thankful I am to be in good health. I've watched as people I love have struggled with the most humbling grace and rawness and have watched in amazement at the beauty that seems to accompany brokenness.
5. The ability to make money doing something I love. It is uncommon in our world to have the opportunity to do what you love for a living. I still kind of can't believe that Taryn and I get to work together to organize, stage, decorate and meet amazing people along the way. What a privilege!
Taryn's list:
1. My family's health. Matt, my kids, myself & both sets of our parents are alive & very healthy. I am so grateful my kids get to know their grandparents & that Matt & I get to be active & involved in our kids lives.
2. My people. The close circle of women, men & children that I get to love & be loved by brings me to tears weekly, if not daily. I am thankful that I am known & cared for by so many.
3. Hope. No matter the circumstances, this one word has carried me beyond what I could've imagined. I'm thankful for a husband who never gives up, friends who remind me of my purpose & a God who calls me His.
4. East Tennessee. This place I get to live just continues to fill me with wonder, awe & curiosity. The people, the artisans, the hills, the food, the rivers, the music, the art, the history - I am thankful to be a Volunteer.
5. Help You Dwell. I have been blown away by my experience with HYD. Any creativity that has been buried in me now has an outlet as part-owner of this little business & I just love it. We have so much room to grow & the ground is fertile. I am thankful.