
goodbye shame

There is one thing that is sure to keep all of us right where we are today and to keep us from any forward motion in our lives. It's shame. 

Inspirational image via @brilamberson 

Inspirational image via @brilamberson 

There is nothing productive about shame. It keeps you hidden, stuck, embarrassed, and far from opportunity and growth. So many people we know: our neighbors, family members and friends can easily get caught in house-shame. Here are some lies that shame would have us to believe: Your home isn't as beautifully decorated as it should be, your kids rooms are too messy to invite friends over, you could never host a dinner or party in your space, people would not respect you if they saw inside your house, there is no hope for people like you... I'm sure we could each rattle off many more lies that shame tries to keep us trapped in. Shame tries to put all the weight on our weaknesses. 

Spoiler alert - it's all lies. Shame is just a big lie. No matter how chaotic your calendar, closet, garage, purse, or your work desk is... it can change. (Insert hope!) Remember, we own our things, they do not have power to own us. It's time to make a power play and return power to the rightful owner- you! You have the capacity and ability to make things different. Little by little, progress is possible. Getting started is usually the most difficult part- it takes some serious courage and here are two other things that will be key to moving out of shame and into action. 

Inspirational image via @lisaclowstudio

Inspirational image via @lisaclowstudio

Inspirational image via @azford 

Inspirational image via @azford 

A humble perspective will go a long way when you decide to tackle an overwhelming task. Your "whole house" is a daunting and unrealistic goal for today. Small steps and little actions can snow ball into a great wave of order and organization in your life. Just pace yourself! Forgive yourself when certain areas or projects take longer than you intended. Make small goals and celebrate the completion of each one, they really do each matter. 

Inspirational image via @thenester

Inspirational image via @thenester

A kind friend is one of the greatest tools to bring with you on your journey from being stuck to making progress. Someone who will speak truthfully and also be sensitive to your emotions in a process like purging is so helpful. Look for these valuable qualities in a friend: someone who is able to laugh at unexpected finds, willing to grieve with you over painful memories, not afraid to remind you how many pairs of toe socks you already have. There is something magical about walking through a challenge with a dear friend - it eases the load and makes it a little more bearable. Accountability for keeping up with your journey to freedom from disorganization is another reason to bring a friend along. You aren't alone with your shameful thoughts, you have an ally to work through your thoughts with. 

It is one of the greatest joys we experience with our HYD clients when we see the weight of shame lifted as they start to see hope in their situation. We get to bring practicality, a plan and fresh perspective to places that are sources of stress and frustration for our clients. We carry hope and creative organizational ideas into closets, rooms, homes and workspaces that disorganization previously claimed. 

Challenge yourself today to identify an area of your home that brings up shame and create one small goal to accomplish this week. You can do it. Shame is a liar and you are capable. And if you want professional help, we would be humbled to walk alongside you on your journey to organization. 


books, books & more books


Photo via

Photo via

Consider these questions when sorting through which books you'll keep and which you are willing to part with: 

  • When was the last time I read this book?

  • Will I read it again?

  • If it's a cookbook, do I use it? Hint: the presence of food stains indicates a keeper.

  • Is the book a classic?

  • Does the book have specific value — is it a signed copy, first or collectible edition?

  • Is the book out-of-print or hard to replace?

  • Do you have mulitple copies? (Just keep one)

  • Do you have an electronic version of this book? (Let the paper version go)

  • Is this a book I've borrowed and need to return?


  • Donate to: Friends of the Knox County Library, KARM, The Salvation Army, local churches

  • Specifically gift relevant books to: family members, neighbors, co-workers, or friends.

  • Recycle: if a book is beyond repair & has seen better days

  • Consign: your books at McKay's Books




Photo via

Photo via

Photo via

Photo via

Here's a fun video showing a few different ways to style your own bookshelf. And a cute infographic drawing of the different styles! 

summer survival tips

School's out for summer...The kids across Knox County are cheering for full days of play and fun, while parents have a new duty of planning summer activities and being prepared for whatever the fun days might hold! Here are a few ideas to help you be extra prepared: 

Image via Yummy Mummy Club blog.

Image via Yummy Mummy Club blog.

  • In the car...

You never know what you (or your various passengers) might need. This pop up organizer has a place for everything. Consider keeping the following items on hand: paper towels, bandaids, umbrella, trash bag, activity books, bungee cords, sunscreen, nonperishable snack, and a beach towel. 

  • In the garage...

Coming home from trips, pool days or picnics - the garage sometimes becomes the landing place for these items. Having a trash can and recycle bin will help with efficiently clearing out the trash before taking bags into the house. Keeping Clorox wipes near by to wipe out coolers after being used, will keep them from getting nasty over time. Make it a priority to always wash the wet bathing suits & towels from a trip immediately. Rinsing off any items with sand or dirt on them will save you from future mess! 

Image via Market Square Farmer's Market instagram.

Image via Market Square Farmer's Market instagram.

  • In the kitchen...

It seems like everyone is snacking more than ever in the summer. After a successful trip to the Farmer's Market, fill up a bowl with your fruit for anyone to grab on the go. Granola bars, PB&J, hummus, nuts are great snacks to grab on the run. If you have kids, designate areas for their snacks and drinks, separate from what you are using to cook meals to avoid confusion or clutter. Having paper products for an impromptu picnic will allow you to spontaneously decide to take your meal outdoors, and provides a quick and easy clean up. 


living well in shared spaces

While many of us have Pinterest boards full of our "dream homes" that we will one day decorate with all the beautiful things and zero clutter... your living situation today may be a rental home or apartment with roommates. Whether you live with family, friends or roommates - there is an art to living well in a shared space. 

In your own space. 


Your bedroom may be the only space you can call your very own. That's why it should be your haven and retreat. This is the place you wake up and begin each day, the place you go for rest and sleep. While having systems of order are important, your personal design taste is equally as important. Displaying things that inspire joy (from art to family pieces to colors and textures) in your bedroom, is just as important as the particular way you store your clothes and accessories. If coziness is important to you, pick pillows and sheets and blankets that create the bed of your dreams. If art is important to you, create a gallery wall today. If your book collection is special, refresh the way they are displayed by color or subject. Images below from Apartment Therapy.


Are there storage containers and bins in your room that are taking up prime space, without adding a lot of functionality or visual appeal. There could be better ways to "store" your stuff, that adds personality and your taste to your room. Instead of cramming blankets into a bin or drawer of your dresser, find a wooden ladder and repurpose it to vertically display your favorite throw blankets and purge the extra ones.  For the keepsakes that pile up, check out local yard sales or antique stores for a vintage trunk that would hold them while also offering a little seating or surface for your favorite lamp. We believe that storage pieces should be working double time - offering storage and additional functionality in your space.


Before jumping in, or giving up altogether it is important to think about creating a system that works for you instead of against you. What are the things you wear daily or even weekly, those should be given the prime location in your closet or dresser. How do you decide what to wear each day? Do you think in terms of color - organize by colors. Do you think in terms of style/type - organize by category (professional, casual, dressy, activewear, etc). Let your closet work for you, not against you! 


Choosing which photos and memories to display might not be easy for you. Instead of a wall full of concert posters, pick your favorite one or two and consider switching them out seasonally for a refreshed look. A gallery wall is a great place to hold your family photos, postcards, historic maps and more. Find frames you love, to create an orderly and contained display of these special pieces. It's tempting to want every memory to have a place on your wall or bookshelf, but if you completely fill your space with things from the past there won't be room for the new adventures to be displayed. Pick your favorites and remember switching a photo from a frame is very doable. 


There is something life-giving about a little live (or artificial) green in your living space. It reminds us that we need nourishment and we're growing daily. The Farmer's Market is a great place to grab some beautiful fresh blooms or succulents. If you aren't sure a little plant would survive, there are faux flowers and plants that add the same feeling in your room. Look at Target or Home Goods for one or two that you love! 

In the shared spaces. 


It's important to remember to consider the people you're living with before going decor crazy in places like the living room or kitchen. It might take some communication on the front end, but talking through how each person plans to use and enjoy the room will help everyone feel at home in the shared spaces. Try a few furniture arrangements and see what works best for your group of roommates or family. Challenge yourself to see a room through someone else's perspective, you may end up loving it! Remember a blended space is just that, a blend of different needs and personalities - it can be eclectic and beautiful at the same time. 


It's all about communication. We live full and sometimes chaotic lives. If you and the ones you share a home, apartment, condo or RV with can create systems up front that reduce extra stress, your home will be a place you can relax and be refreshed. Maybe even seasonally, you each commit to purge the excess in your closets as well as the shared household things you don't need anymore. Individually and collectively you have the ability to create and maintain a home that works well for you instead of against you. 


No one wants to search through a full pantry on their way out the door for the day. Baskets, bins, containers, trays... containing items that are similar is key. If there are shelves, grab some colorful tape and outline specific areas that are for each person. In order to do this fairly among different shelf sizes and heights, draw the dividing lines vertically. This is another place that labels will serve a great purpose, because you are more likely to maintain order while unloading from the grocery store if there are labels telling you what goes where. Same thought goes for the refrigerator. If pantry space is limited, pick a kitchen cabinet that could serve as extra storage. 


Whether it's a basket, a shelf or a side table there needs to be a designated place for daily mail to land. If it begins to pile up, it might be helpful to sort through and discard ads and junk mail. This is a great place for labels in order to cut down on confusion and missing mail. 

One last thought that will go along way in shared spaces: be quick to extend grace. We're talking about grace for your (sometimes messy) roommates and for your (sometimes messy) self too. As much as we wish we were tidy super organized individuals all the time, we just aren't. Stuff piles up, so when it happens remember: you got this! 

The Dreaded Paper Piles

If you have paper piles everywhere, feel overwhelmed with starting a filing system, or feel like your current filing system isn't working, we have a few ideas for you...

1. Create an active set of files that are easily accessible (not in your file cabinet). Use this to keep track of the paper that come in regularly. Think school, sports, events, and other family/kid related paperwork.

2. Each year, go through your file cabinet top to bottom and shred the things that are no longer relevant or needed. If you're not sure, check this list to see what's safe to toss and what you need to keep.

3. Move things online- many services offer the option of going paperless. Take the time to switch your regular service bills to online billing methods to save paper and save space in your file cabinet.

4. Start with an efficient and organized set of tabs. Half of the battle of paper organization is figuring out how specific to be when creating labels and tabs to keep things in order.

5. Figure out what system works best for your stage in life, time, and personality. Maybe simple is best for you- try this 4 file system. There isn't an end-all-be-all best way to file, so finding a system that works for you is really important and will make all the difference in being able to stay organized.

Lastly, If you can't imagine facing the paper on your own, give us a call and we will work through it with you!

"I'm not a professional organizer..."

 OK, well maybe my profession is organizing, but I've never been too comfortable with the title "professional organizer." It continues to be more about the person than the organizing. I think of myself as a "personal organizer." 

Photo by Texture Photo

Photo by Texture Photo

As Caroline and I talked about this earlier in the week, we both agreed that we love bringing the order and peace to someone's home or work space. It truly gives us such satisfaction to create living and working spaces for clients to move from that "stuck" place into a place where they can live more fully.

Image courtesy of Christina Rosalie

Image courtesy of Christina Rosalie

At the same time, letting our clients off the hook a little, showing grace as they share their story, and celebrating the victories as we finish spaces is by far the highlight of what we do.


Getting to hear the story that brought clients to where they are, whether they need HYD a little or a lot, and then getting to see hope rise as the clutter begins to clear is why we show up.


That's all we ask of our clients too. Just show up. It might be that the idea of letting go of sentimental or valuable items seems daunting, your budget is limited, or you just don't know where to start. HYD gets all that. To be practical, that's why our initial consultation is free. We want to hear what's going on, give you tools to help, and show up to work alongside you in the way you need us too.

And finally, I can't finish this quick post without thanking those folks that have allowed us into their homes and offices thus far. We have so loved this journey and wait eagerly to be part of yours.


Celebrate your Independence from Clutter!

That's right. We want you to get free from the clutter. HYD is celebrating our great nation's independence by offering 1 hour of free organizing or staging.  No matter how big or small the project, we want to give you some of our time to get you closer to freedom from your extra stuff & bring some peace & order to the spaces that need it most.  Details below...

How do you get this free hour?
Call or email us by July 18 to schedule your free consultation.

All you need to do is:
Email us at or call us at 865.245.9080 to set up your free consultation today!

HYD can help you with all kinds of organizing & staging needs.
We can help with:

- Organizing Home or Workspace, including every room in your house as well as your place of business
- Organizing your Home or Workspace before a move & assist with organized packing
- Staging your home to sell using items in your home to make it look it's best
- Create space for a new inhabitant:  baby, parent, roommate, etc
- Refresh your existing space using items in your home &/or workspace

Organize with Style - Our Recent Finds

This week we're sharing some of our finds in the organizing world
to help clear up a little clutter while looking fabulous too.
Hope they inspire you as much as they did us!

These baskets by West Elm have endless uses while brightening up any space. Use them for towels, a hamper, toys, or as an entryway catchall.

We love this 8-pocket bag that can be used for any small items like cosmetics, cell phone, keys, or any small personal items you need a home for.

Find a home for all the little notes scattered around with this magnet board from Bliss Home.

The cutest metal picnic basket for a delightful outdoor summer meal! Such a delightful way to pack up your picnic.

Drop your spare change, your keys or any other little treasures into the Heritage Catchall.

Using reclaimed barn wood, After The Leaves Fall, creates beautiful storage for your earrings, bracelets, & necklaces with this lovely jewelry organizer.

Capsule Wardrobe: A Help You Dwell Challenge

I'm taking the plunge and I'm inviting you to join me.

If you aren't familiar with the concept of a capsule wardrobe, essentially, it is a simplified wardrobe of versatile pieces that you love wearing. In other words, for each season, you pick a certain number of items and wear only those. For the Summer season, I will be picking 37 items (including tops, bottoms, dresses, outerwear, and shoes) and donating, or packing away the rest.

I have a closet and a dresser full of clothes that don't often get worn. I gravitate towards a handful of clothes that are my favorites. I love clothes but I hate my tendency to try on 85 different outfits only to go back to those favorite pieces that make me feel awesome. In an effort to practice what I preach when it comes to an organized and decluttered life style, I am committing to a capsule wardrobe plan for my summer.

One of my 2 closets currently

One of my 2 closets currently

Why am I doing this?

1. I want to buy less but buy better quality.

2. I want my mornings to be more simplified

3. I'm interested to see whether I get bored wearing the same items in various combinations or whether it's freeing to have less to choose from.

4.My closet space is limited and not designed well. I want to be able to see clearly what I have and currently I have too many clothes for my space.

So, over the course of the next week I"ll be narrowing down my wardrobe and will report back in 2 weeks to let you know what items I chose for my Summer Capsule and how it's all going.

For more information about what a capsule wardrobe is, check out this description. Want to know how to build one? Here is a guide.

Be Yourself.

Our homes are the places where the majority of us spend the most time, the place where we laugh, cry, rest, dance, yell, sing, dream, make our messes, stash our treasures and share life with others.  We get that.  We love that.

Photo compliment of Stylish Eve

Photo compliment of Stylish Eve

We also love our clients.  Just about every week, Help You Dwell gets the pleasure of meeting a new face and hearing a new story.  It has been such a joy for us.  Often, when we walk into a new clients' home, the first thing we hear is "sorry."  Clients are sorry for the mess, sorry they've let it go this far, sorry they can't do better on their own.  We understand.  We never judge.  We have a story too.

"You may not control all the events that happen to you, but you can decide not to be reduced by them."  Maya Angelou

- Excerpted from Letter to My Daughter, a book of essays (2009)

As we walk through our plans to help folks find order and peace in their living space, we want to hear the story that brought them to this place.  It's so important in the process of organization of one's home.  HYD never wants a client to think that we're coming into a home to get rid of all the clutter just so it looks better.  Our goal is to always help the client live life with the freedom from the extras that pile up all around.  Working alongside the client, embracing their story, and being part of the process that helps to write a few lines in the next chapter is an honor for us.

Be yourself.  Just with less stuff and more you.  You are worth the effort. 


Let us help you dwell.

Organized Room = Project Finished


Time to let you in on a little secret...

I'm not always organized. 


My house has rooms that I'm not always proud of, usually multiple ones.  This is one big reason why I want to walk alongside you amazing people to overcome those spaces that keep you from entertaining, creating or just enjoying your home or workspace.

Thankfully, I have an incredible business partner who serves me as wonderfully as she serves our clients.  (She would also tell you her home has those rooms too :) Caroline generously offered to help me dwell a bit in one of my favorite spaces in my house.

It's that room I want to spend more time in.  It's away from the busyness of our household of five plus a puppy, my favorite books are in there, all my crafting materials, stationery, journals, photos to edit, and the light is wonderful, hence the name, sunroom.  It's my office & creativity room.  My daughter plays violin in it as well.

Unfortunately, it too often looked like this...


Quickly, it had become the dump room, the "I don't know where this goes (or am too lazy to put it away now) so put it in the sunroom" room.  The thing is, all these items have homes and many of them in the trash or donation box.

After just a couple of short hours, a few moves of furniture, and a rearranging of decorative items from all over the house, (Caroline is soooo good at this!)  I got this room back...

I love being in here now.  I'm so thankful for setting aside the time, having a dear & talented friend to help, and purging so many unneeded items.

The story doesn't end there though.  So, what happens in a room that's ordered, organized & inspiring??  Well, your daughter comes in to practice violin, notices the sewing machine neatly stored under the table and asks, "Mama, can we sew?"  To which I can finally say, "yes."  Below is the finished product, Saige is very happy in her new nightgown, and Kate is even happier that she got to make it, with a little help from mama.  Find the pattern here.