HYD Favorites

A User's Guide to the HYD Canvas Tote

In keeping with our tips and ideas for bringing more peace & order to your home &/or workspace, we wanted to make sure our fabulous readers were fully informed as to the best uses of our new Help You Dwell canvas totes as well. Just a note too, they are sturdy, practical, and so so lovely!

What fits and what doesn't...

A Pink Marlin won't fit.

A Pink Marlin won't fit.

But your next picnic will!

But your next picnic will!

This beach ball won't fit.

This beach ball won't fit.

But your beach necessities will!

But your beach necessities will!

Katie won't fit.

Katie won't fit.

But her laptop and accessories will!

But her laptop and accessories will!

A tire won't fit.

A tire won't fit.

But your Knox County Public Library books will!

But your Knox County Public Library books will!

And to celebrate all the great uses of the HYD Canvas Tote... Lots of bottles of wine from your local Knoxville grocery stores will fit!

And to celebrate all the great uses of the HYD Canvas Tote... Lots of bottles of wine from your local Knoxville grocery stores will fit!


On sale now at a special price of $22.

Special price ends July 14. 


Helpful Resources

This week we wanted to give you a closer look at some of the most helpful local resources for all of your purging, organizing and styling needs. We have amped up our "Resources" portion of the website and wanted to share with you. Consider the links below as "tools" in your tool belt of organization. This page is actively updated as we learn about new services available in our area...so stay tuned! These are just a few highlights from our full resources page.


  • Goodwill : There are plenty of locations all around Knoxville. An organization that helps fund job training programs for East TN is something we can gladly get behind.

  • YWCA : They serve a wide variety of individuals from middle school girls and boys to women of all ages. A current "wish list" can be found on their website.

  • Angelic Ministries : Located in north Knoxville, they accept any furniture, clothing, or household items in good condition. Ongoing needs include twin mattresses, box springs and bed linens.

  • Ladies of Charity : This is another north Knox donation spot that accepts items ranging from clothing to household items to furniture. If you're unable to physically move your furniture, they'll arrange to come and get it from your home.


  • Knoxville Box and Container, Inc : We can't speak highly enough of this local company that is committed to delivering quality products with unmatched customer service. Give them a call with your box and container needs.

  • Moretz Moving : Are you or someone you love moving soon? These are the folks to call; trusted and dependable. They also offer a free estimate!


  • Neighborhood Nerds : General computer help for your families technology issues. They help with phones, desktops and laptops. Their team is passionate about teaching you to use your technology well.

  • HappyMac : Local company you can count on with all of your Apple products. HappyMac team members really know the ins and outs of your favorite and most used products- after all they have been servicing Knoxville since 1994.


  • Fleetwood Photo & Digital : Need your old family photos or home videos archived? They can do it. They turned old forgotten pages of recipes into a beautifully bound cookbook for one of our clients. 


Knoxville is fortunate to have local organizations that make great use of our outdated or excess treasures. And we are huge fans of the local companies that provide the service and supplies we need to carry out our organizing jobs for our clients. 

We hope that some of these resources will give you the direction you need to get going on your next project! 

A Gem for Your Bookshelf

We certainly hope that as the summer sets in, you can find time to indulge in some leisurely reading. Pick a sunny spot at the pool or your favorite comfy chair at home and create some mental space to unravel. Introducing one of our favorite reads...

The Nesting Place by Myquillyn Smith

Why we love it?

  • It's not full of crazy unattainable design ideas that will break the bank.

  • It is full of concepts to create more functional and organized living space.

  • She's real; which is refreshing in a social media atmosphere saturated with seemingly "perfect" people and homes.

  • It's not only relevant to homeowners; she speaks to renters as well.

  • We say a big AMEN to the "Have a Seat" chapter, all about rearranging and redecorating using the pieces you already have in your home

  • She's got great design taste!

Who loves The Nesting Place? 

  • Ann Voskamp: "Brilliant... this is one wise, real, winsome book you can't put down."

  • Shauna Niequist: "This book made me look at every room in my house differently."

  • Emily Freeman: "If you have ever felt like you're waiting for your next place to be the home you've always dreamed of, I beg you to read this encouraging, personal, hilarious book and let the Nester change your mind."

  • Help You Dwell: "The perfect mix of inspiration, beauty and practical ideas for any living space. And it looks good on your coffee table!"


Some of The Nester's recent treasures.

Some of The Nester's recent treasures.

Another fun idea from The Nester's blog... beauty hunting. What is "beauty hunting"? The Nester defines it like this: "Beauty Hunting is thrilling, it’s like an act of rescue, I feel like I’m part of a SWAT team to find lovely things in the midst of a bunch of weird stuff." Check out other people who are #onthebeautyhunt - Now, that is something we can get on board with! Some places to begin your beauty hunting in Knoxville: KARM, AMVETS Thrift Store, Community Chest of Knoxville, and Nostalgia on McCalla. What are some of your favorite places to find pieces for your home? 

So a few ideas for you this summer...

  1. Pick up your copy of The Nesting Place.

  2. Stop chasing perfection, it just ain't real. #idhtbptbb

  3. Start your own beauty hunt. Happy hunting!

Mother's Day Gift Guide

Mother's Day is Sunday, May 8 this year. For those of us lucky enough to get to celebrate our moms, HYD wanted to make your search for just the right thing a little bit easier. As a mom myself, I've learned a lot about what it takes to do it well and how easy it is to do it terribly. It's an around-the-clock job that I wouldn't trade for the world. Lord knows I do it terribly plenty of the time, but those times I get it a little bit right are some of the most satisfying moments of my life. 

I also get to be one of the lucky ones who has a mama close by, who's full of life, and more than willing to offer a helping hand anytime she's able. If you have that kind of mom, you know there is no gift we can give that will ever say "Thank you" the way our moms deserve it. But the older my kids get, the more I cherish the unsolicited hug, the homemade card, and when they're able, a thoughtful gift that they know will make my days a little easier or a little more fun. 

With gifts in mind, HYD spent a bit of time finding just the right way to show her how much you appreciate her, think of her, and want your mama to feel remembered. Some moms just need the phone call or a card in the mail. But if you're wanting to do a step further this year, take a peak at our list below and please add any more unique ideas you may have in the comment section below....

Ok, so we had to start with this one because it reeeeeally is a great gift for any mama! Think of the joy she would experience if she knew that every month for a year, she'd have at least 2 hours of organizing help anywhere in her house, office, garage, or attic?? Details here.

2. Take Mom on a Date

Carving out time, having her served a meal, and listening to what's going on in her world may be the greatest gift she could receive. If you're in Knoxville, some restaurant/bakery ideas are OliBea, The Plaid Apron, Nama, Babalu Tacos & Tapas, Wild Love Bakehouse,  The French Market Creperie, Savelli's Italian, or The Holy Land.

Locally made here in Knoxville, these individually crafted, hand-finished in silver or gold prints of a mother's children's prints are such a treasure for her to have a lifetime. I have them for each of my children and LOVE them! Check out Precious Metal Prints for more details.

Mom's are always on call and often times, her phone is the place where the calendar is, the notes about the PTA mtg are, and her grocery list that needs to be added to when she thinks of that odd thing she always forgets. This cute little number gives her a place to rest her phone at night under the shade of her favorite flower.

Let her fill these pages with your family's favorites to be passed down, added to, and treasured for years to come. This great little book has room for up to 80 recipes, photo galleries, tips for beginner cooks, and conversion tables.

6. Plant a Shrub or Tree in Mom's Honor

Think of her favorite color or season and decide what would bring her joy each time the plant of your choice blooms. For the Knoxville dwellers, HYD recommends Stanley's Greenhouse for a fantastic selection and knowledgable staff to help you choose just the right one.

7. A Bouquet from The Katelier

So lovely, so unique, and just the thing to let her know you remembered. And she's local!
Contact: Katie Roach--thekatelier@gmail.com or call 901.870.2531


Spring Cleaning Tips

Image via Terrain

Image via Terrain

For a few days there it felt like Summer and then I had to pull the ice scraper back out for my windshield in the mornings. Thankfully, I think we've had our last frost now and we couldn't be more ready for some sunshine and warm weather. I find myself more motivated when Spring comes to put a little extra effort into things. We've found a few links from around the web to inspire you for the season.

1. Three looks for Spring

2. Spring Cleaning Decluttering Inspiration

3. The prettiest cleaning tools you've ever seen

4. Prepping your garden for spring

5. Dogwood Arts event calendar: If you are looking for things to do around Knoxville. Dogwood Arts hosts a wide variety of events celebrating spring and gardens all over Knoxville.

Thoughts on Labels

Image from LiaGriffith.com

Image from LiaGriffith.com

We've experimented with a number of different labeling techniques when organizing for folks and have found that it really boils down to personal preference and category of items.

Obviously, pretty labels make a space look nice but we've found that different kinds of spaces, for different ages of people work best.

For pantrys, home offices, and general areas that are either out in the open or used mostly by adults, we love finding nice looking labels that help create uniformity and cohesiveness rather than adding distraction and chaos to your belongings.

Image from A Cultivated Nest

Image from A Cultivated Nest

For labeling files or purely functional items (think office supply rooms for commercial properties or basic garages) label makers are the way to go. Everything is uniform in type and size and the labels are very readable. We recommend "Brother" brand label makers for this type of thing.

Image from pinterest- original source unknown

Image from pinterest- original source unknown

We've found that for young kids, it's often helpful to label toy bins, craft storage, or kid closets with pictures along with words. We like having both because it encourages word association, reading, and spelling while it makes it easy for pre-reading age kids to take charge of the clean up & put away process.

Here are a few websites where you can find free printable labels to use in your own home.

General Labels

Bath and Body Labels

 Pantry Labels

Clothing Closet Labels

What kind of labels do you use in your home?

Garden Shed Organizing

Image from archilovers.com

Image from archilovers.com

Spring is right around the corner and we've gathered some tips from around the web to help you purge, organize, and restock your garden shed. Sometimes it's hard to find the motivation to get a jump start on your yard and garden plots but having an inspiring potting shed definitely makes it easier. If you don't have a shed, think about possibly creating a gardening/lawn maintenance corner in your garage.



1. There is nothing worse than rusted, dull gardening tools. To keep tools sharp and shiny, try storing them in a sand filled bucket or clay pot and mix in a little bit of oil. Your tools will be well kept and easy to grab on the go.



Image from bhg.com

Image from bhg.com



2. Be resourceful. Think outside of the box and repurpose items you already have. Use a chick feed as a shelf, use an old shutter as a shelf, mount old rusted tools to the wall to hang things from. Once you start thinking creatively you'll find you have all kinds of things you could probably put to good use.



Image from bhg.com

Image from bhg.com




3. To help keep track of when to plant what, try displaying your seeds by month. We love this idea of using ribbons and clothes pins. Seed packets are so pretty it's like displaying informal art.



Image and tutorial from Turtles and Tails

Image and tutorial from Turtles and Tails




4. If you have limited space and you're sharing real estate in a garage, use this handy pull down table to create space for potting plants when you need it.

Image and tutorial by Instructables

Image and tutorial by Instructables


5. Need seating and storage as well? This step-by-step tutorial walks you through how to create these tasteful and useful benches when storage is limited.



HYD hopes these ideas give you reason to get outside, get a little dirt under your nails, and enjoy the spring that's on it's way!

Holiday Gift Guide for the Home

Tis' the season for loving our family and friends through the spirit of giving! This year HYD suggests a gift for the home. We've found gifts for everyone on the list from homeowners, renters, folks with roommates, and little ones too. And as always, we love to hear from you, so please add your suggestions as well!

1. The Nesting Place by Myquillyn Smith

A book for the "perfectionist, renter, single girl, newly married, empty nester, mom with littles or for anyone waiting on the next house who secretly hopes that it doesn't have to be perfect to be beautiful." -The Nester (Myquillyn Smith) We love how Mrs. Smith gives great tips for any dweller, whatever their season of life or living. She gives such practical, realistic, and yet beautiful ideas for the home.

A great way to keep warm in your home this winter. Gather your roomie, your kids, or just enjoy the quiet as you hunt for the right piece. This small company out of Nashville creates beautiful puzzles that are works of art as well. Such a fun gift for all ages! Available locally and online at Rala.

Anyone can use a fresh set of napkins or a new tea towel this holiday. Mighty Nest offers several colors and creative graphics made from organically grown cotton and printed with non-toxic water-based inks that make wonderful gifts. And for all you parents, grandparents, aunts or uncles, this is a gift that keeps on giving as Mighty Nest donates up to 15% of purchases towards the school of your choice!

So a candle might not be the most creative gift, but this is no ordinary candle. This is a handmade soy candle made by the women of Thistle Farms. Not only does it smell wonderful, it represents the light of hope for so many women trapped in addiction, prostitution, and trafficking. "This product bears witness that love is the most powerful force for change in the world." --Thistle Farms, a community of women survivors of addiction, prostitution, and trafficking in Nashville, Tennessee.

Not sure what to pick for that special someone? Choose a great gift for your loved one that lets them pick for themselves! Bliss Home, with two locations in Knoxville and one in Nashville, has all sorts of locally made, creative, and unique home decor items that inspires as you shop.

6. The perfect plant from Stanley's Greenhouse

For the local folks, this Knoxville tradition since 1955, continues to offer some of the most well-grown, beautiful, and unique plants in our region. The staff is incredibly helpful and knowledgable as well. Find that special Poinsettia, indoor plant, or accessory for anyone on your list and bring a little life and color to their Christmas!

This handmade wall clock instantly brings a pop of color and eye-catching beauty to any home. So many fabulous styles to choose from that we had trouble choosing which one to post as the photo! We love how unique this gift is for young and old alike.

Get the kids in your life excited about hanging up their coats with these super cute cast iron moose wall hooks. These would be perfect for any kids' room, mudroom, or playroom. These aren't your color? Check out the Etsy page to find lots of other options too!


Give a gift that's one of kind and beautifully handmade by the very talented Leslie Eaton of Peppered Paper. Once again, so many wonderful prints to choose from that we just had to pick one to show off. With guitars, insects, furry animals, and lovely flowers, there is sure to be just the print you're looking for!

And of course, the gift that keeps on giving, a HYD gift card. Let us serve your loved one by organizing, purging, staging, packing for a move or home decor work. The consultation is free so your money goes directly towards the work we will do for them.

Happy Thanksgiving!

It's been a big year for Help You Dwell and we are thankful for so much.

We are thankful for the beautiful building we get to work in and the amazing people we share it with.

Image by Rebecca Ridner

Image by Rebecca Ridner

Image by Rebecca Ridner

Image by Rebecca Ridner

We are thankful for the wonderful events we've been able to be a part of in our new space.

Grand Opening of The Hive: Image by Rebecca Ridner

Grand Opening of The Hive: Image by Rebecca Ridner

Summer Pop Up Market: Image by Texture Photo

Summer Pop Up Market: Image by Texture Photo

Tuesdays Together: Image by Texture Photo

Tuesdays Together: Image by Texture Photo

We are thankful for all of the wonderful people and companies who have hired or collaborated with HYD this year and for the hard work you have put in to making your home a place of peace for you and your loved ones.

KARM Thrift Tour

KARM Thrift Tour

Image by Texture Photo

Image by Texture Photo

These 5 Things : November 2015

Image by Sarah Musgrave

 1. Check out this excellent guide to styling your shelves. If you don't follow Emily Henderson's blog, it's a good one!

2. 6 Ways to Speed Clean to a Clean Enough House. A few time- saving storage pieces and ideas for getting the whole family involved in cleaning habits.

3. This list of 15 Holiday Hosting Shortcuts is chock full of good ideas to keep stress low and let the good times roll.

4. Instead of decorating for the seasons, try layering to build warmth in your home.

5. It can be a major challenge to incorporate a TV into your decor. Check out this blog entry for a few ideas. 

October Organizing Look Book


We spent some time hunting down a few of our favorite Fall/Winter organizing tools to help you enjoy this season. Whether you're taking on the garage or just need some order at the front door, this list has what you need to get started.

Order at the Door

Fall weather means tracking in more of the outdoors. Drop your shoes or boots onto one of these snazzy trays to cut back on the cleaning.

Cooler weather means more layers. Need a quick place to stash extra jackets this season? Add a seasonal coat rack near your entrance for easy access & quicker tidying up. So many looks out there, we had to give you a few choices for the tall & pint-sized folk as well.


Getting the Garage in Gear

The pleasant temperatures make it a great time to tidy up the garage, garden shed, or attic space. Here a some storage ideas that can make those spaces work for you. We love these overhead storage shelves that give you more floor space plus the option of hanging bicycles is fantastic.

This next storage option is genius. Yard tools can often be a bugger to store well. Unused filing cabinets can be a pain to get rid of. Solve both problems by losing the filing cabinet drawers, lying it on it's side, add a splash of cute paint, & viola! you've got yourself some sturdy storage! Click the link below to find out details on this very doable DIY project.

Organize your flower pots, smaller garden tools, & watering can onto a potting bench. Just a little investment can go a long way to bring order to your gardening space. The link will take you to lots of styles available on Ebay.com.

As always, we LOVE to hear from you! Have any tips or ideas to share? Let us know in the comment box.

Need some help organizing your extra spaces? Call us at 865.245.9080 & we'd love to help!

Organize with Style - Our Recent Finds

This week we're sharing some of our finds in the organizing world
to help clear up a little clutter while looking fabulous too.
Hope they inspire you as much as they did us!

These baskets by West Elm have endless uses while brightening up any space. Use them for towels, a hamper, toys, or as an entryway catchall.

We love this 8-pocket bag that can be used for any small items like cosmetics, cell phone, keys, or any small personal items you need a home for.

Find a home for all the little notes scattered around with this magnet board from Bliss Home.

The cutest metal picnic basket for a delightful outdoor summer meal! Such a delightful way to pack up your picnic.

Drop your spare change, your keys or any other little treasures into the Heritage Catchall.

Using reclaimed barn wood, After The Leaves Fall, creates beautiful storage for your earrings, bracelets, & necklaces with this lovely jewelry organizer.

Father's Day Gift Guide

On June 21, we celebrate the dads in our lives. HYD's gift guide gives you a head start on your hunt for the perfect thing. Some finds are local, some regional, others just straight from the heart. Let us know if you've got any to add to our list!

A dad is someone who wants to catch you before you fall but instead picks you up, brushes you off, and lets you try again

1. The Traveler Mug by Go Forth Goods is one of our favorite handmade gifts for dad this year. Great for a mason jar full of coffee or sweet tea on the go!

2. A vintage-inspired, super soft T-shirt from Nothing Too Fancy located near Knoxville's Market Square on Union Ave. They have an amazing selection of T-shirts with all kind of Tennessee goodness.

3. Give dad a basket full of his favorite treats while you let him eat it guilt-free! HYD recommends checking out Mast General Store on Gay St. for a selection that never ends.

4. My husband's favorite accessory, his Patagonia Tech Web Belt. This guy is multi-purpose keeping dad looking handsome, his pants up and opening a bottle if the need arises. Find it in Knoxville at River Sports Outfitters or Uncle Lem's Outfitters.

5. Wildsam Field Guides not only navigate you through a city but tell the story of the place as well. Part documentary, part map, part oral history, these guides give the dad in your life just the adventure he's been looking for.

6. A gift card to one of these fine coffee establishments is great way to thank dad & to get his engine revving in the morning. Find them at Old City Java, KBrew, or Remedy Coffee.

7. If none of those strike your fancy, give dad a gift he will always cherish. A photo of the people that gave him his title. (Choosing a pic that includes the time he caught that really big fish is just a suggestion.)

Mothers Day Gift Guide

Mothers Day is this Sunday and we wanted to offer a few last minute suggestions if you are looking for gift ideas. We picked items that are usable and won't take up long term residence on a counter or a shelf. Keeping in mind that we are trying not to add clutter, we have come up with 5 items that any mom would love to receive.

k.Hall candle

1. K. Hall Peony Candle : This candle looks and smells like Spring and has a 130 hour burn time. Extra bonus: the tin is definitely worth repurposing once the candle is used up. We would use it to store tea. 


2. Seed Packet Notecard Set: These vintage seed packet note cards are to die for. 20 come in each set.


3. Blue Chair Tomato Jam & 7 Citrus Marmalade: Summer in a jar. Enough said.


4. A potted plant. Perfect pick me up inside or could be replanted in the yard!


5. Yoga classes: Or any other kind of class or event. We love giving gifts that include an experience.

'The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up' Quick Guide



If you receive our weekly emails, you may remember us mentioning that we recently read "the life-changing magic of tidying up: the Japanese art of decluttering and organizing" by marie kondo. We highly recommend the book if you need to psych yourself up to get organized. Marie offers so many great tips that we couldn't possibly cover them all in one blog post but we wanted to give you the "Help You Dwell Quick Guide" to the book if you don't have time to read it yourself.

1. Many organizing books and experts suggest tidying or decluttering a little bit a day over the span of one's life. The fact of the matter is, a little at a time is usually not a dramatic enough change to motivate you to purge the way most of us need to.  "A dramatic reorganization of the [entire] home causes correspondingly dramatic changes in lifestyle and perspective."

2. Always begin with thoroughly eliminating clutter. "If you can see the dramatic results, you will be empowered to keep your space in order ever after."

3. "Storage methods do not solve the problem of clutter." Hence the reason that tip #2 is so very important. You can have a house busting at the seams of very organized things but organization alone doesn't make your home a peaceful, welcoming place.

4. Think in concrete terms so that you can vividly picture what it would be like to live in a clutter-free space. Next, identify why you want to live life that. Why do you want to tidy? Finally, examine what you own.

5. When going through your items ask yourself, "does this item give me joy?" If it doesn't.... away it goes! Think of the process as deciding what to keep rather than deciding what to give/throw away. Imagine your home with only things that you love.

6. When you start the decluttering process, start with things that do not tend to hold sentimental value like clothing, books/media, papers etc.

7. If you are having a hard time making a decision about an item try to cut out the rational circular thinking ex: "I might need this later, or it's a waste to get rid of this". Try instead, to ask yourself why you have the item- when did you get it and what meaning did it have for you when you got it. "To truly cherish the things that are important to you, you must first discard those that have outlived their purpose."

8. "Letting go is even more important than adding." "When we really delve into the reasons for why we can't let something go, there are only two: an attachment to the past or a fear for the future." "The best way to find out what we really need is to get rid of what we don't."

9. There are three approaches we can take toward our possessions: face them now, face them sometime, or avoid them until the day we die.

10. "Tidying ought to be the act of restoring balance among people, their possessions, and the house they live in."

These 5 Things : November 2014

Image from A Daily Gathering

Image from A Daily Gathering

1. How to live in 86 square feet. I bet you didn't think it was possible.

2. Check out this Ted talk about living with less.

3. Need creative ideas for your home? This book is on our wishlist.

4. We are gearing up for Thanksgiving and this article from the Washington Post is a great place to start if you are looking for ideas for getting your home ready.

5.  We are a little bit in love with this tiny new york apartment. Check out these 13 tips for decorating small spaces.

Our Favorite Containers

Clients often ask where we like to purchase or suggest that they purchase organizing pieces. There are a variety of places we frequent but we wanted to highlight a few of our favorite containers and where you can get them. We also love scouring thrift shops and vintique stores for unique baskets, bins, and boxes. For the sake of giving you immediate options, here are a few things that you can easily purchase in store or online.

In terms of food storage we are loving these wire baskets from The Container Store for a farmers market feel. We love well organized, open faced pantries.

wire food storage.jpg

For counter top storage we tend to gravitate more towards baskets and bowls. We noticed this awesome fruit bowl at Target from the Nate Berkus Collection.

If you prefer to keep your counters clear, this hanging basket is a great fruit/veggie storage solution for your kitchen.

For storing fire wood, blankets, DVD's or other home good's we love this collection from West Elm.

For blankets we also love these Jute Baskets from World Market. They come in a few different colors.

We love the idea of using a caddy to contain your cleaning supplies so that you can easily move your supplies from room to room as you clean. This caddy from World Market is our current favorite.

Where do you typically purchase storage pieces?