
Organizing Your Phone Photos + Videos

If you’re anything like me, you have a phone FULL of photos and videos. First off- this is a wonderful thing that we have such an easily accessible tool to capture real life moments with pretty high quality thanks to ever improving phone camera capabilities. While there are some priceless treasures in there, there are also admittedly lots of duplicates, accidental screenshots, and maybe ten thousand photos of a finger or carpet taken by my toddler. In order to fully enjoy your favorite photos, we’ve got to clear the clutter and create some order in our digital photos. This is also a really lovely way to reflect on a year, month, or week past as you go through images and videos to reminisce and streamline what you keep. Pro tip: attempt doing this in brief segments of time so you don’t get too sucked into your device. Set a timer for 10-15 min and see how much progress you make!

Remember that photos and videos you delete will still exist in your Recently Deleted album for 30 days so go for it!

Let’s clear the clutter…

Month by Month

Pace yourself by going one month at a time. Start with a quick overview of all the photos and videos from that month and delete the obvious uh-oh photos you didn’t mean to take, and then begin to cull the rest by making decisions regarding photos that look super similar. You don’t need them all, you are much more likely to use and enjoy just ONE that you saved out of a bunch. In this quick sweep, look for the ones your eye is most drawn to, the one your heart swells at, and the elusive photos with everyone’s eyes open.

Create Specific to You Albums

If you are someone who is always scrolling through your library to find something specific, consider creating a custom album in your phone to keep things you’re often referencing. This is great for things like: a specific recipe, something you snapped a photo of to trigger yourself to remember to follow up, or an exercise schedule. Creating an album puts selected items in a custom-to-you spot in your phone. One album we highly recommend creating and using is a “To Print” folder where you move your most favorite images that you’d like to incorporate into your home (more on that below).

Person Specific

If there are a few folks in your life whose faces appear continually in your Photos, you can now (in iPhone Photos or Google Photos) sort photos by a specific person. This can help eliminate unnecessary duplicates and allow you to choose the best out of a multitude. Be sure to “heart” or “favorite” your photos as you sort and delete.

Low Lying Fruit

The Utilities section of iPhone Photos is a great place to start- it auto populates folders of duplicates and screenshots. There are also folders of various types of files like videos, selfies, live photos, and portraits. These are groupings that allow you to approach sections of your library without having to go one by one through the whole library.

What Next?

Managing Storage

If your device is full - there are options! You could subscribe to additional iCloud storage or pay a small fee to other storage solutions like Google Photos - This is a great option to streamline your digital world if you have a gmail account. It allows all of your photos and videos to be stored in the cloud with unlimited storage (up to 16 mp an 1080p HD). When connected to wifi, all you have to do is open the app to begin syncing up all of your recent photos to the cloud. Then, you are able to delete all photos off of your device to free up internal storage, yet you still have access via the Google Photos app. Another great feature is the ability to categorize photos into albums that you can share with others. One fun feature is the ability to search for what photo you are looking for by keyword. Learn more about how to use Google Photos here


Inviting friends or family members to a shared album can be a great way to share special moments. Give grandparents and close friends access to the photo album you created from your children’s birthday gatherings so everyone can share what they captured on their phones. Folks can even give a thumbs up or leave a comment on a photo or video. Here are some helpful tips for navigating shared albums on Apple devices.

Using Your Photos

Websites like Shutterfly and mPix often offer discounts for printed photo products. Artifact Uprising features high quality clean line designs for your photos. Coffee table photo books, paperback monthly photo books, calendars, and magnets are just a few of the ways to incorporate your images into your home decor. Another way to enjoy your photos at home is by incorporating a Digital Photo Frame (the Skylight or Aura are great options) or a smart home digital display like the Amazon Echo or Google Hub. These devices can display your favorite moments (and are easily updated from your phone).

PS - Are your little ones interested in taking their own photos and videos? A gift we love for kiddos is a kid friendly digital camera. It’s so fun to see the little glimpses and moments they capture with their own camera. Be prepared - you may have to incorporate a habit of clearing the countless blurry or blank images.

Looking for more inspiration?

More than Memories

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Somewhere in the back of one of your closets or in the basement, there might be some boxes of cassette tapes, slides, and more just waiting to be taken out and remembered. The problem is, we have made so much forward progress with technology, that we might not have a way to actually listen to or watch those tapes!

Wil Davenport is the man with an answer to that exact problem while also helping you invest in yourself, friends and family with his company More than Memories (MTM). Wil works to do three things— Preserve, Create and Communicate.

Preserve- MTM will digitize and enhance old media such as home movies, slides, printed photos and documents, 8 and 16mm film reels, cassettes, records, and more.

Create- MTM also makes video slideshows for all kinds of occasions including Memorials, Anniversaries, Birthdays, Church events, Retirements, Christmas, and Easter.

Communicate- MTM also interviews people to help them communicate their values, faith, and stories to those they care for and love.

PC; Texture Photo

PC; Texture Photo

Wil is a one-man team, and works hard to “give folks back a better treasure than they started with.” Wil has several sample videos on his webpage and Facebook page that show just how much time he puts in each and every memory.

He finds his work the most rewarding when he can help people share what’s most important to them, and spark meaningful conversation from videos and memories. He says: “Without a doubt, my favorite part of the job is getting to know new people. I love it!”

“Without a doubt, my favorite part of the job is getting to know new people. I love it!”
— Wil Davenport

Help You Dwell absolutely loves sending our client’s Wil’s way. So often we find ourselves between a rock and a hard place when it comes to sorting through memorabilia. They are precious memories, but so often they remain in their box unwatched, under-appreciated and, frankly taking up space we need for other things!

Wil can bring all those memories to light, while also helping us keep them organized in a way we can actually get them out and appreciate them. (And the digital copy takes up much less space!)

If you want to know what Wil Davenport strives to be known for, it can be summed up in three short phrases: integrity filled, a great encourager, and kind. The husband of Celeste Davenport and the father of Kaleb, Elise, and Nika, Wil seeks to serve and exceed the expectations of his customers. He is also an avid Duke basketball fan.” —More than Memories Webpage

What Wil does is more than memories, it’s about human connection and celebrating life every day! He loves helping you be the family hero who took the time to get those precious memories preserved and enhanced.

If More than Memories sounds like it might be just the thing you need, or a perfect gift for a loved one, Wil would love to hear from you! You can call More than Memories at (865) 414-3954 or reach him by email at

Tips for Organizing iPhone Photos

Tips for Organizing iPhone Photos

Do you take lots and lots of photos and videos on your phone? You’re not alone. It is such a benefit to have high quality cameras on hand all the time. But, what do you do with those photos that accumulate to an overflowing gallery? Avoid them no longer - here are 3 ways to regain control over your photos & video gallery on your iPhone. Those moments and snapshots we capture can carry a lot of meaning, but only if we sort through the clutter that can get in the way.

How to Better Use Your Photos

How to Better Use Your Photos

We live in the age of smart phones, which puts an incredibly powerful camera in our hands at any moment. This allows us to snap a photo or video at any time. This is wonderful because we are capturing memories with such ease. You may be the type to forget to take photos or you may have a zillion photos and videos hogging the storage on your phone. Wherever you are on the photo taking spectrum, we’ve got some ideas on how to use better enjoy those photos…

Digital Photo Organizing Idea

Today when I checked my photo software on my computer, I had 29,083 photos. The first problem here is that I need to get many of them off my computer & onto a hard drive so my computer doesn't go kaput on me, but that's a post for another day. The second deal here is,

"How in the world will I ever organize that many photos?!?"

Well, I'll be honest here, I don't plan to go back & organize all 29,083. Thankfully my software does organize them by date so that helps. Over the years, the digital photo world has made gift ideas, especially for grandparents, much easier. I can always go back, by date, & find just the photos I need for a calendar, a mug, a mouse pad, a photo book or a framed photo. Just to be able to do that has been great. But so many times I was just making gifts for other households & not my own. How was I to get these photos into books in my own house?

Many years ago, I took a scrapbooking class from a friend who talked about the importance of our handwriting in a photo book. Now the online books are great, don't get me wrong. They're quicker than making a scrapbook, colorful, & fairly easy to make. However, you don't get to write in them like you do scrapbook that you place photos in by hand.

About 8 years ago, when my oldest turned 5, I had an idea. (Of course, this is before Pinterest when I still had my own ideas.) I had my son make his own scrapbook of the his favorite photos from his first 5 years. I had him write captions in it, add stickers he liked at that age & just let go of any expectations I had for how it would look. It turned out great! At that point, I decided that I would encourage each of my kids to create their own book every 5 years. So far, we've gotten 4 books done & my middle child turns 10 in a couple weeks & we're already gathering photos on a file with her name on it to get printed to make the 5th book.

So, no there are not thousands of photos printed in dozens of books or frames. In fact, we've missed a bunch, but there are these treasures that will be with them forever. And my kids each have books that remind them who they are. They see their own handwriting at 5, 10 & eventually 15. They have looked at those books more than any other book in our house. They show them to their friends, laugh out loud, tell stories about the photos & enjoy them thoroughly. It wouldn't be the same if I had made them or had them done online.

This would also work for us big people too. Take the pressure off yourself of trying to organize all of them. The next time you're inspired, pick a year or three or five or maybe one event & start a file labeled "photos for book," start pulling in your favorites, get them printed & have at it. It doesn't have to be fancy with all the stickers & such, just your photos, your handwriting, your story. Trust me, that's the best one to tell.

Donations for Habitat for Humanity

It's been a couple of weeks since HYD's first ever pop-up market & we are still a little high from the experience.  Caroline & I were overwhelmed by the positive response from our shoppers as well as our vendors.  The community support from our Knoxville family was tremendous.

We are excited to say that with our 10% of profits from the sale, HYD & the vendors donated over $200 to Habitat for Humanity of Knoxville

HYD would also like to thank KBrew for providing their delicious coffee to our guests throughout the day.

Lastly, we wanted to show off some of the shots of the day that our dear friend, Katie Norrell took.  HYD was overjoyed to watch all the hugs, compliments & conversations throughout the day of the market.  We are looking forward to the next one, whenever it "pops-up!"

If you didn't make it out and are interested in purchasing any of these fine goods, let us know and we will get you in touch with the maker.

We had over 200 people come through our market and our vendors sold over $2,000 worth of goods. We had a blast seeing old friends and making new ones. If you took pictures at the market we would love to see them.

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